3 Questions – Week 10
Question 1
There have been instances related to consumer misbehavior; this has been due to the growing use of cellphones in cars. There have been some instances where drivers get lost and attempt to access the GPS on their phones. Most drivers always forget to first locate their unknown destinations before beginning their journey; this still causes inconveniences during their drive. Some drivers go to the extent of answering calls while driving. Too many distractions have claimed the lives of many bystanders. If possible, a better solution should be implemented to curb these irrational behaviors as proposed by Zhang et al., banning the use of mobile phones while driving(2019).
There have been several incidences of accidents as a result of texting while driving, such a scenario has been a huge distraction CONDharbouring fatal deaths to both the drivers and other parties who are involved(Zhang et al., 2019). There have been a lot of cases witnessed of drivers of different classes of experiences caused fatal accidents, reasons being, browsing on the internet while driving. These drivers put their lives, those of passengers and other parties at risk, it is not very careful while driving and searching on the internet. When it is so important, drivers should pull over in a parking lot and finish their important business on the phone and get back to the road on a serious note.
Question 2
Working as a contract closeout specialist at the department of interior has enabled me to be in a stress-free environment- I recommend it. At the organization, we are a team of nine employees where two are lead supervisors, four are backup lead officers, and the last three are specialists in closeout services. In our organization, with the structures we have, we always achieve our goals and do other assignments with ease. In our organization, those who are concerned with the issues of closing contracts- are the closeout specialists and back up lead officers; the two categories do assist each other in case one is absent. There are stages and steps followed when closing contracts where after all the steps, the lead supervisor reviews the file. After ensuring all the steps are precisely followed, the Lead supervisor signs the file and gives it back to the clearance specialist where the whole process is completed. For the last time, the Lead supervisor signs off on a different form then later gives the file to the closeout specialist to process the closeout system.
The flow of the files to be processed is very effective, and there is no interference between the employees. Errors are easily identified and eliminated. Lastly, the contract is accurately closed as there is sufficient supervision that ensures all steps and stages are followed.
The problems come in when, for instance,, when both the backup and the lead supervisor are absent. The file cannot be taken to the net step; other officers would have to wait for the lead supervisor. To handle this problem, I recommend that all other remaining officers should be trained to be able to handle the whole steps involved in the system.
Question 3
Automatic savings is one way of increasing retirement savings. As an employee, to grow m””nest e”, automated funding services will allow boosting my savings without even knowing it (10 ways to help you boost your retirement savings (whatever your age), 2020). This is a better option, and it is not negatively affected by the phrase”pay yourself fir.” With the existence of the many right companies within our nation that offers the”automatic investment pl,” boosting my retirement savings plan is possible.
Merrill Edge. 2020. 10 Ways To Help You Boost Your Retirement Savings (Whatever Your Age). [online] Available at: <https://www.merrilledge.com/article/10-tips-to-help-you-boost-your-retirement-savings-whatever-your-age-ose> [Accessed 25 August 2020].
Zhang, L., Cui, B., Yang, M., Guo, F., & Wang, J. (2019). Effect of using mobile phones odriver’s control behavior based on naturalistic driving data. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(8), 1464.