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The emergency of formation and communication technologies (ICTs) in energy and environmental resource management has aroused interest among scientific researchers. Similarly, it has sparked a debate among policymakers who strive to promote green technologies to mitigate carbon emissions. (13) Some of the sectors that technology is influencing include energy, public infrastructure, water, agriculture, manufacturing, economics, and waste management. The world must create more energy-efficient societies that use resources responsibly and organize the industrial process to recycle waste. Therefore, technology is the pathway to sustainability. Energy and environmental sustainability heavily depend on technologies’ evolution to reduce fossil fuel use or use them in a less-polluting manner. For instance, sustainability depends on renewable energy innovations, public acceptance, and safety on nuclear power. (14) Green or clean technology describes new processes, practices, and applications that replace existing technologies to decrease environmental risks and ecological scarcities substantially. This segment discusses green technology’s different perspectives on the sectors mentioned earlier to phase out fossil fuel.

Different green technologies that replace fossil energy exist. One such energy revolution is the photovoltaic solar panels. They convert sunlight into electricity and are available in various sizes for domestic and industrial use. Another green technology is wing turbines. The wind is used to turn turbines that produce electricity. This technology is extremely clean and affordable. Geothermal power relies on the heat produced in the earth’s core to produce electricity for domestic and industrial use. Through phantom loss, electrical appliances consume electricity even when turned off, but Smart power bars or strips have a superpower and completely shuts them. Many appliances nowadays are energy-efficient and have programmable thermostats. (15) Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is a clean coal technology that hopes to decrease coal’s global warming effects.

Many things are happening in the agricultural sector to conserve and sustain the environment, and several technologies are available. They’re eco-friendly and incredibly efficient. In hydroponic farming, crops are grown in water. Water is enhanced with minerals, and the suspended roots absorb the required nutrients. For example, the technology is used in the growth of rice and other staple crops in Asian countries, and increases efficiency in water utilization. Secondly, urban greenhouses enable farmers to control temperature, light humidity, air circulation, and CO2, making it possible to grow crops out of season while using less water and resources. Lastly, farmers superheat plant wastes in a low oxygen environment and combine them with soil to make biochar. The process encourages microorganisms, makes it easier for plants to extract nutrients, and allows the ground to absorb more water. This eco-friendly or green technology in agriculture is critical in ensuring the future survival of humanity. (16)

According to Abhijeet Bhowmik and Rahul M. Dahekar, many other green technologies exist. (17) For instance, some processes make water more suitable for domestic, industrial, and medical use by removing pollutants. From the viewpoint of environmental sustainability, the approaches mitigate diverse water effects returning to the environment after use. Examples of such procedures include settling, filtration, disinfection, coagulation, aerated lagoons, activated sludge, or slow sand filter. The technologies that control air pollution include Adsorption, absorption, mechanical devices, fabric filters, wet Scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators. Natural and human-made pollution causes like chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), dust, asbestos, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, soot, and ash, among others, are controlled using these green technologies by reducing their impact on the environment. Another sustainable technology finds use in hydrogen and fuel cells. Unlike the batteries, fuel cells don’t stop working when the fuel and oxygen supply are depleted; they work until replenished.  They use oxidizing agents to convert the chemical energy in coal into electricity. Nasa space programs make use of this technology. They’re more efficient than ordinary batteries, and doesn’t emit to the environment, are quiet, and don’t vibrate. In the urban setup, sustainable buildings or green buildings are essential for sustainability. The objective is to reduce its health and environmental impact. The facilities are designed to be ecologically relevant by the efficient use of resources, internal recycling methods, renewable energy sources, biodegradable construction materials, and blending it with the local environment. For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (18) recommends the use of green buildings. Industries that strive to make policies that improve production processes and resource utilization are called green sectors. Green industrial investments reduce the impact on the environment. The transport system is one of the significant contributors to emissions to the atmosphere. Green transport use technologies that reduce their impact and making then environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. Green vehicles, like electric automobiles, reduce CO2 emissions. The European Union Council of Ministers of Transport gives three essentials for a green transport system. (19) Firstly, it meets individuals’ and societies’ needs without compromising the environment and equity among successive generations. Secondly, it’s affordable, efficient, and promotes a competitive economy and regional development. Lastly, it limits environmental pollution by using renewable energy sources, limiting non-renewable sources, and limiting land use and noise generation.


Abhijeet Bhowmik and Rahul Dahekar listed challenges in the implementation technology.  Find the below list.

  • Developing countries find it expensive to fund the costly research and development of green technologies. Basic needs become a priority as technology becomes a luxury need.
  • Stiff and stereotypical government policies and conservative culture of thinking also challenge the implementation of technology.
  • Lack of knowledge and appreciation of the benefits of green technology on the environment and wellbeing.
  • Incompatibility of infrastructure and lack of extra support in harnessing green technology is another challenge to innovation.
  • Non-productive environmental impact evaluation processes.

The benefits of green technology in the current and future generations is overwhelming. The challenges must be managed. Technology plays an essential role in energy and environmental sustainability.




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