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CIA Controversial Tactics after 9/11

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CIA Controversial Tactics after 9/11

9/11, which is sometimes referred to as September 11, 2001; the day Al-Qaeda, an Islamic terrorist group, organized a four correlated terrorism attack against the United States of America. Tuesday morning of the named day, four commercial airlines from northeastern Unites states were hijacked by unknown Al-Qaeda terrorist groups, and the attack resulted in massive destructions of infrastructure, 2977 deaths, and more than 25000 injuries. The Al-Qaeda group used counterintelligence and intelligence to attack specific locations in the United States (Ilardi, 2009). The first plane hijacked was American commercial airline flight 11, which crushed in the northern towers of the World Trade Centre. The second plane, united commercial airlines flight 175 which crushed in the southern towers in the same complex. In less than an hour and forty-two minutes, the two towers and the surrounding structures collapsed, resulting in several damages. The third plane, American commercial airlines flight 77 targeted Pentagon, known to be the United States Department of Defense headquarters. The last hijacking happened on United Commercial airline flight 93, flying towards Washington D.C, which crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. After the attacks, the first suspicion felt on Al-Qaeda through their leader, Osama Bin Laden. As a way of encountering the terrorist’s attacks on 9/11, the federal government of the United States, through the Central intelligence agency (CIA), embarked on a strategy of combating terrorism actions. The goal of this paper is to provide a profound analysis of the controversial tactics adopted by the Central intelligence agency in the interrogation of the suspected 9/11 terrorists. For instance, extraordinary rendition, extrajudicial capture, enhanced interrogation techniques, torture, extrajudicial killings,  and black sites. In addition to that, the article will also expound on the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of each tactic adopted by the Central intelligence agency.

Extraordinary rendition, which is also referred to as irregular or forced rendition, is an unlawful act of arresting and fiercely transporting terror suspects from one area to another to undergo criminal prosecution. According to Murray’s definition, it is a policy where affiliates or members of terrorist groups are seized and secretly shifted to a third country rendition space for debriefing (2011). It is called extraordinary because it evades the official processes and legal construction of detaining suspects (Murray, 2011).  Extraordinary rendition is normally done in secret, extrajudicial, and carried out by local authorities. In the United States of America. The practice is carried out by personnel such as CIA, central intelligence agency, DSS; diplomatic security service or FBI; Federal bureau of the federation. The practice is normally prolonged and requires several steps and surveillance, especially if it involves moving suspects from particular jurisdiction to another. Extraordinary rendition defers with covert rendition it that, the suspects are not headed to the courtroom but are detained and interrogated without official charges.

The resent extraordinary rendition has been identified to be carried out by the government of the United States of America. Extraordinary rendition is one of the tactics used to respond to terrorism activities. The strategy helps in removing terrorists from society and hamper their capacity of planning and executing terrorism actions. Disparagers have argued that the strategy undermines the United States of America’s foreign goals, and it is not in line with international and U.S laws. They also add that the policy is directly linked with the Torture of detainees. Supporters of the strategy have confirmed that it helps in getting rid of arsonists from the streets making the world safer for human existence (Murray, 2011).

In its initial embodiment, extraordinary rendition was designed by central intelligence agency in the rear, 1995 under the administration of President Clinton mainly to protect Americans. The United States of America government, have been deploying extraordinary rendition system to capture, detain, interrogate and prosecute criminal defendants. Through the intelligence personnel, U. S have had several destinations of moving the terror suspects. For instance; Afghanistan, Poland, Romania, Syria, Egypt or Jordan. Some terrorists however are moved to black sites. In most cases, the suspected terrorists were relocated to countries they were needed for criminal offence.

Extraordinary rendition was implemented post September 11, 2001 by the Central intelligence agency.  The main aim of 9/11 extraordinary rendition was to enact detention and interrogation actions to the suspected terrorists. On September 17, 2001 exactly 6 days after U.S terrorists attack, President George Bush authorized CIA an opportunity to determine the suspects to detain, length and genuine basis of detention by signing The Memorandum of Notification (Bennett, 2017). 9/11 suspected terrorists were moved to U.S oversees prisons based in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Central intelligence agency coupled rendition program with harsh interrogation techniques to obtain information from the suspects.

Over the past years, extraordinary rendition has been identified as one of the controversial activities in the world today. Even with the benefits such as reduction of terror activities, the question is, why the policy is considered controversial to some extent; reports by Murray confirms that the use of the policy by the United States of America has demonstrated a strong opposition to human rights. On the other hand, during its earlier application, counted number of people knew about it (2011). The policy was reported to expand after 9/11 where worse aggressive actions were taken against suspected terrorists. After the relocations, central intelligence agency employed extraordinary Torture in the detention facilities. There are also a lot of questions about the legality of the torture methods, for instance stress positions the suspects were subjected to.

There have been a division of opinions about the application of extraordinary rendition in encountering terrorism. Prospects of extraordinary rendition have been pinpointing the success of the policy; at least the notorious arsonists such as Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni, Encep Nuraman, Walid Bin Attach and Ibn Shaikh al-Libi were all arrested and rendered to the government of United States interrogation program. Similarly, extraordinary rendition has made it possible for the United States to understand the terrorist’s networks, leadership and destruct future possible attacks after thorough interrogation.

United States of America in particular, have learned a lot of lessons in the application of the policy over the past decades. The country have demonstrated major weaknesses in the successful execution of the policy. United States through the stated agencies have failed to cover extraordinary rendition program, leaving too much evidence (Murray, 2011). On the same note, some operations were non-professional compared to what United States if known for. Murray recorded that U.S ought to have assigned proven operators to carry out extraordinary rendition activities to avoid its failure and political risks (2011).  It may be imperative that the country learn these lessons, scrutinize and reconsider the best strategy of implementing the controversial policy to void critics and judgments from the whole world. It may be advisable that U.S should never dismiss the policy, extraordinary rendition since the incalculable failures does not conclusively sabotage its overall effectiveness. Murray confirms that extraordinary rendition can still be effective in countering terrorism in the world today with adequate adjustments even with the surrounding controversies. (2011).

There are several of ways of straitening the policy to ensure its future success; first, United States of America need to review her operational procedures and tactics to come up with successful practices for future extraordinary rendition operations. The operation results should be systematized as doctrines. As form the previous mistakes, the country’s officials should keep high degree of secrecy and amend the operational procedures of carrying out the extraordinary rendition activities. There are records that have pointed out the increasing use of rendition after 9/11 incident. In that matter, before carrying out and rendition actions, intelligence agencies should come up with interagency record of valuable targets using reliable method and sources and thereafter permit the head of state to deny or approve certain cases. On the same note, to ensure success of extraordinary rendition, the rendered detainees should be monitored and watched closely to prevent torture activities. United States should eliminate the use of the controversial Black sites. The use of Black sites should be seized and the suspects delivery to right counties to face legal prosecutions. This will help U.S.A in protecting political fallout, preservation of substantial resources and recovery of both international and domestic legal bases. Lastly, United States should offer legal protection to the detainees.

The second technique was deportation to the “Black sites”. Black sites are unacknowledged locations where interrogation actions are taken in consideration. It can also refers to provisions run the Central intelligence agency, utilized by the United States government to detain alleged terror criminals. The U.S secret prison also known as detentions centers are located in different countries for instance; in Romani, Poland amongst others. The attack on September 11, 2001 prompted the Central intelligence to explore outside facilities to interrogate and detain suspected Al-Qaeda terrorists. More than 117 defendants were moved to the locations.  These Black sites which bridge across eight countries were kept secret between the president and the CIA agents involved. CIA used confinement policy to harbor the suspects and never revealed the existence of the program. The detainees were then submitted to horror interrogation techniques that resulted to the abuse of human lives. According to CIA, the silent program helped in avoiding possible strikes against the United States.

According to Annas &Crosby, Black sites helped in performing a number of operations; first, it significantly allowed easy interrogation of the defendants. Secondly, it helped in clearing terror suspects for Torture. The Black sites also allowed the central intelligence agency to administer and monitor torture actions to avert injury and death. Lastly, it enable the CIA to expose the suspect to novel torture techniques with an aim of getting the defendants talk and elicit information (2015).

It may be wrong to ask if the use of Black sites was effective because everything that rolled down violated the humanitarian laws. The Black sites allowed horrific terror actions against the suspects even the innocent individuals. These actions violates numerous laws and therefore, Black sites should be eliminated just like President Barack Obama once said (Annas & Crosby). Fart from eliminating Black sites, the government should support medical practitioners in executing tasks and following legal standards according to the Geneva convections. The Geneva Convections backs up the medic’s refusal to Torture, which violates humanitarian laws. Any individual suspected of terrorism activities should be presented to the court of law for prosecution actions.

Another technique deployed by the Central intelligence agency was enhanced interrogation technique which involved systematic Torture of detainees. United States for instance, have been using the strategy together with torture techniques to extract significant information from terror suspects.  After the 9/11 terrorism attack, the United States government responded immediately, capturing the suspects and relocating them to different interrogation sites. The main suspects were taken to Guantanamo bay Black sites for interrogation. Roosevelt describes the 9/11 deportees to Guantanamo as the most dangerous, tactical and savage killers on the earth surface (2018). With an aim of collecting information for 9/11 terrorism attack, Central intelligence agency deployed the use of enhanced interrogation techniques to deal with the terror suspects.

According to Roosevelt reposts, the interrogation was divided into three main categories. Category one mainly involved basic questioning of detainees. Intelligence agency involved incorporated multiple interrogation such the use of yelling especially in countries where the savage treatment of detainees are prohibited by law. The second category of enhanced interrogation technique needs a significant approval from the authorities. Use of torture techniques such as stressing positions, forced nakedness and shaving, isolation and deprivation of sensory are incorporated. The third category required approval from various commanders; for instance, general commander of Guantanamo. Category three techniques involved threats of killing family members, exposure to cold and harsh condition.

After 9/11 incidence, United States of America through the Central intelligent agency used majorly category two of interrogation techniques. These interrogation techniques amounted to abuse since defendants were subjected to maltreatments which included, water dousing, different stressing positions, insulting slaps, facial holdings and water boarding’s (Bennette, 2017). Central intelligence agency exposed some suspects to wailings, grasp attentions, subjection to cold temperatures, facial holdings, and cramped incarceration in small boxes, forced undress and even manipulation of dietary.

Just like extraordinary rendition, enhanced interrogation technique was not positively accepted by the public. The international reactions to interrogation and detention in Guantanamo after 9/11 raised a lot of concerns. Reliable sources indicate that using Torture may not be the most reliable strategy to elicit reliable information from defendants though it makes them to talk. On the same note, Roosevelt argues that application of Torture in interrogation of terrorism suspects, is one of the poor method and may lead to unreliable results. The authors argues that Torture is a wastage of collected efforts as most suspects are likely to resist the interrogation technique (2008).

The main effects of Torture are felt by the Torture can amount to both longer and short term effects. It can result to long term mental and physical health conditions. Lifelong physical effects of Torture includes abdominal pains respiratory and cardiovascular problems if not neurological damages. Bennette confirms that several torture survivors have reported to suffer muscle dislocations and alignments. Some also complain of chronic headache, loss of hearing, body scars and even musculoskeletal strains just to mention a few. It is important to note that torments results to horrific psychological damages compared to physiological or physical effects. Psychological effects may include humiliations and shaming, verbal abuses, surrender to humiliations against loved ones and can lead to “retrograde amnesia” as described by Bennette (2017). There are also some torture survivors who suffer from disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depressions which may affects individuals memory. All there long term effects of Torture are always irreversible. Torture activities are unlawful and cannot be justified in the society today and is considered a violation of international laws if not United Stated federals and state laws. Torture undertakings of Central intelligence agency after 9/11 has been reported as the leading cause of hostility towards Muslims in the United States of America.

There are divergent opinions on the effects of enhanced interrogation technique and Torture to a nation though the claims lack a factual foundation. The enhanced interrogation program failed the civilians and the uninformed military members due to the ineffectiveness of the mission and the raising threat against the natural security. On the other hand, Torture can amount to false confession by the detainees. False confession involves the concession of guilt to a crime although the confessor is not accountable. False confession may harm both the guilt and the innocent; for the innocent, it can lead to continual punishment and detention. However, for the guilty it may be harmful especially if the person compromised the lives of virtuous people. For instance, during the Combat status review tribunal, CSRT, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was confirmed to have implicated several innocent individuals held in Guantanamo custody due to the enhanced interrogation techniques he was exposed to. On the same note, torture activities has been identified as one of the issues affecting prosecution actions against suspects. Enhanced interrogation techniques has interfered with critical prosecution efforts against terror suspects in the United States of America. (Roosevelt, 2008). It is important also to note that, Torture has seriously affected counterterrorism campaign in the U.S. Roosevelt recorded that, after the horrible and shocking events of September 11, the country has since developed more hostility enmity with some countries. The harsh treatments of suspected individuals has betrayed the principles and values of America as a whole. Interrogation methods particularly; religious criticisms and sexual humiliations demonstrated hostility to values and Islamic morals (2008).

Apart from the above discussed tactics, Central intelligences agency deployed targeted killings to 9/11 terrorists defendants. Records by Yoo reports the killing of Hitham Al-Yemeni, an Al- Qaeda leader by the CIA after he was found hiding in northwestern Pakistan. Similarly, the author reported the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, who was killed on May 2011(2012). The death of the powerful Al-Qaeda leader was one of the successes of the American President Barack Obama. Before the death of Osama Bin Laden, the central intelligence agency used tactics such as interrogation, satellite explorations, human agents and electronic intercepts to locate his specific location and identity. Yoo says that the ultimate goal of central intelligence agency with the help of former United States president, Barrack Obama targeted specific individual due to his control of Al-Qaeda group (2012).

Critics have argued that targeted killings violated laws of war and international humanitarian laws if not United States Law burning Assassinations. There are people who also argue that targeted killings, even though it’s technically legal, it is injudicious and may cause retaliations against Americans (Yoo, 2012). Moreover, some individuals proclaim that targeted killings are unwise since it risks retaliations against America. However, it is essential to note that targeted killings has helped in reducing terrorism activities and attacks in the world today; especially in the United States of America.

Lastly, Central intelligence agency also used drone strikes as a strategy of distracting and confronting terrorists. Several debates have risen on the U.S targeted killings, with the main focus on whether the country’s drones procedures conforms to the international humanitarian laws. Davie et al, outlines that some targets have fallen on individuals who have neither been identified as Al-Qaeda terrorists or combatants. The authors also reports that the drones can be used silently by armed nations without legal foundation (2016). While there are benefits of drone strikes, there is need for United States policy makers and those from other countries to outline an appropriate approach of targeted killing. The application of drones should be protecting the human lives especially the civilians. The adopted approach should also confine to international humanitarian laws.

In conclusion, the article has outline the techniques used by CIA to curb terrorism activities however, terrorism attacks has never stopped in the world today. Countries especially, the U. S. A have greatly invested in counterterrorism projects. The discussed tactics are some of the tactics used by the county to fight terrorism.  The tactics have both pitfalls and benefits associated with their use. To be sure, some strategies does not provide adequate framework and logistics of carrying out operations as a counterterrorism tool. Therefore, to ensure the success and efficient use of each counterterrorism tactic, governments should reevaluate the strategy and implementation of each policy. Similarly, counties should be able to distinguish between conventional wars and wars on terror majorly because terrorists are not ordinary standing enemy that can be defeated once and for all. The enemy can replicate several times if given chances. Therefore, the best way of curbing terrorism activities is to stop individuals from becoming terrorists. In the venture, countries may be required to cooperate and support each other especially the Islamic nations. Lastly, America should develop the strategic framework for answering all targeted violence and terrorism pursuits (McAleenan, 2019).

















Bennett, J., Chammas, I., Hegde, S., Li, H., Nooney, J., & Norchi, M. et al. (2017). Extraordinary Rendition and Torture What the Narratives of Victims Reveal and Require.

Murray, M. (2011). Extraordinary Rendition and U.S. Counterterrorism Policy. Journal of Strategic security.

McAleenan, K. (2019). Department of Homeland Security Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence. Retrieved from

Yoo, J. (2012). Assassination or Targeted Killings after 9/11. Retrieved from

Kermit Roosevelt, I. (2018). Detention and Interrogation in the Post-9/11 World. Penn Law: Legal Scholarship Repository. Retrieved from

Ilardi, G. J. (2009). The 9/11 attacks—a study of Al Qaeda’s use of intelligence and counterintelligence. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 32(3), 171-187.

Annas, G. J., & Crosby, S. S. (2015). Post-9/11 Torture at CIA “black sites”—physicians and lawyers working together. New England journal of medicine, 372(24), 2279-2281.

Davis, L., McNorney, M., & Greenberg, M. (2016). Clarifying the Rules for Using Drones in Targeted Killing. Retrieved from






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