This study analyzes the public policies that have been implemented in favor of the Solidarity Economy in Ecuador, for which, it starts from the conceptual proposal that the Spanish authors Chávez and Monzón, specialists in Social Economy, have developed based on studies by this reality in Europe, Latin America and Africa for approximately two decades. KEY WORDS: Solidarity Economy, Popular and Solidarity Economy, solidarity ventures, public policies. AUTHOR’S DATA: Research professor in the Law Area of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Doctor of Law from the University of Valencia (Spain). TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION.- I. PUBLIC POLICIES APPLICABLE TO THE SOLIDARITY ECONOMY.- 1.1. PUBLIC POLICIES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE SOLIDARITY ECONOMY.- II. SUPPLY POLICIES AND DEMAND POLICIES- 2.1. OFFERING POLICIES OR DIRECTED TO THE STRUCTURE OF THE SOLIDARITY ECONOMY ORGANIZATIONS.- 2.1.1. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK.- Public Recognition of the Sector and legal aspects.- Tax Aspects.- 2.1.2. FINANCIAL MEASURES.- 2.1.3. TECHNICAL SUPPORT MEASURES (REAL SERVICES) .- 2.2. DEMAND POLICIES OR DIRECTED TO THE ACTIVITY OF SOCIAL ECONOMY ORGANIZATIONS.- CONCLUSIONS.- BIBLIOGRAPHY. INTRODUCTION: The Ecuadorian Constitution establishes as one of the main objectives of the national development regime, the construction of a fair, democratic, productive, solidary and sustainable economic system, based on the equal distribution of the benefits of development, the means of production and in the generation of decent and stable work. To fulfill the stated objective, the Ecuadorian State has opted for the recognition and strengthening of the solidarity economy, and for this, it has formulated and is executing a significant number of public policies. PUBLIC POLICIES ON THE SOLIDARITY ECONOMY IN ECUADOR1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This study analyzes the public policies that have been implemented in favor of the Solidarity Economy in Ecuador, for which, it starts from the conceptual proposal that the Spanish authors Chávez and Monzón, specialists in Social Economy, they have developed based on studies of this reality in Europe, Latin America and Africa for approximately two decades. KEY WORDS: Solidarity Economy, Popular and Solidarity Economy, solidarity ventures, public policies. AUTHOR’S DATA: Research professor in the Law Area of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Doctor of Law from the University of Valencia (Spain). TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION.- I. PUBLIC POLICIES APPLICABLE TO THE SOLIDARITY ECONOMY.- 1.1. PUBLIC POLICIES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE SOLIDARITY ECONOMY.- II. SUPPLY POLICIES AND DEMAND POLICIES- 2.1. OFFERING POLICIES OR DIRECTED TO THE STRUCTURE OF THE SOLIDARITY ECONOMY ORGANIZATIONS.- 2.1.1. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK.- Public Recognition of the Sector and legal aspects.- Tax Aspects.- 2.1.2. FINANCIAL MEASURES.- 2.1.3. TECHNICAL SUPPORT MEASURES (REAL SERVICES) .- 2.2. DEMAND POLICIES OR DIRECTED TO THE ACTIVITY OF SOCIAL ECONOMY ORGANIZATIONS.- CONCLUSIONS.- BIBLIOGRAPHY. INTRODUCTION: The Ecuadorian Constitution establishes as one of the main objectives of the national development regime, the construction of a fair, democratic, productive, solidary and sustainable economic system, based on the equal distribution of the benefits of development, the means of production and in the generation of decent and stable work. To fulfill the stated objective, the Ecuadorian State has opted for the recognition and strengthening of the solidarity economy, and for this, it has formulated and is executing a significant number of public policies.