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Chapter 1 and News Story

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Chapter 1 and News Story

The Guardian reported on 14th October about the effect of ecological limits resulting from population growth. Demographers predicted that the world population would hike to ten million last century (The Guardian 2011). Similarly, the growth in pressure on food and water supplies will increase. The environment includes all living and non-living things around us. They include oceans, plants as well as animals. The news by the Guardian predicted that extremely hot weather would be a result of global warming, and the elderly will be the most vulnerable. According to Chapter 1, environmental science refers to how the earthworks, how the surrounding affects us, and how we impact it. Relating to the news by The Guardian, population growth will vastly affect the food and water sources in the world. Additionally, the news indicated that agronomists had lost confidence in managing food production as it will keep rising with a rise in population. Also, the weather-related calamities like floods destroy farm fields, which have contributed to a wider gap between global consumption and food production. Relatedly, from the notes, it is precise that we rely on ecosystem services. The population growth in earth amplifies environmental and social pressures, and thus, policies should be enacted to meet this immense growth.










The Guardian (2011). The impact of ecological limits on population growth. Retrieved from

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