A Criminal Defense Attorney When Arrested For Drug Charges
The manufacturing and distribution drug such as cocaine, cannabis, Marijuana, stimulants, and depressants is illegal according to the state of law. Drug charges are classified under criminal offense, depending on how it affects society. The criminal offenses related to drugs include drug manufacturing, trafficking, and possession, using and selling.
The charges associated with drug crimes involve imprisonment, losing property or child custody, or leading to probation. In case of involvement in any drug crimes, you require a legal presentation from an attorney with vast experience in drug cases and have strategies that will help represent the client whether found guilty or not.
The Duties of Criminal Defense Attorney on Drug Charges
Drug charges attract hefty penalties from the criminal justice system, such as life imprisonment. The defendant cannot handle the case alone; they must seek help from a legal team such as a lawyer or criminal defense attorney who is well conversant with both written and unwritten law related to drug charges. The criminal defense attorney work as a team with the defendant. The lawyer handles all the paperwork and presents the defendant throughout the court proceedings. The process involves
Investigating the case and collection of Evidence
The criminal defense attorney studies the case in-depth and carries out the necessary research to build a strong defense. The attorney also interview witnesses and collect substantial Evidence against the prosecution. The lawyer can involve a private investigator who will gather and scrutinize Evidence from the prosecution witnesses and use them to defend the client.
Handles the Plea bargaining procedure
The plea bargaining procedure occurs when the defendant agrees to plead guilty to reduce his/her charges or sentence. The negotiations take place in the presence of a criminal defense attorney and the prosecutor. A good plea has significance before attending the trial in case the charges are not dropped.
According to how the lawyer has studied the case, he/she can advise the client on the consequences involved in case the defendant agrees to plead guilty or not. The attorney can also take advantage of the overworked prosecutor attorney and convince him/her to withdraw the case and workout for a better deal. For instance, he can persuade the prosecutor to throw away the drugs used as Evidence in exchange for money.
Represent the Defendant at the Trials
The criminal defense attorney prepares Evidence when going to trials. The reasonable should prove to the judge beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of the drug charges. The defense lawyer cross-examines the prosecutor regarding the case. The witnesses from both sides are given a chance to testify. The lawyer will produce Evidence to prove that you are not guilty.
The defense lawyer can produce evidence acts as defenses on drug charges. The defenses include proving to the court that the police carried out of an illegal search without a warrant. The lawyer can also argue that the defendant had the drugs without his/her knowledge.
The attorney can also workout your case for a better deal if you are found guilty for instance, the lawyer can prove to the judge how the drug affects your state of mind. The judge might suggest one-year imprisonment where the defendant will spend six months in rehab and the other six months in prison. The lawyer also argues for an appeal in case the client is not satisfied by the sentence given and represents you at the appeal court.
Bottom line
The defendant has the right to hire a criminal defense attorney when involving in drug crimes. If the defendant decides to hire an attorney, he/she must consider someone with experience in drug cases. The defendant can also ask for referrals to find the best attorney. The criminal defense attorney coaches the defendant on the matter and also represents them in court.