Effects of Pollution on Fungi
Fungi can be exposed to an array of pollutants within the environment. Considering that fungi play a significant role in biogeochemical cycles; the impairment of fungal functions can stream consequences within the ecological system. Regrettably, though it is easier to speculate the possible effects of pollution on fungi, the demonstration process of such atrocities is far more complicated. Studies on pollution effects on fungi are tasking because of the inadequacy of information. Generally, gaseous pollution leads to disturbance in fungal distribution within tropics, suffocation leading to reduction of fungal numbers and imbalance in the biological cycle.
Disturbance in fungal distribution within tropics
Tsui (1998) alludes that several tropical environments are currently affected by human activity leading to gaseous pollution. The disturbances come through the addition of chemicals. It could be by discharging industrial waste, sprinkling of fertilizers and habitat destruction (Tsui, 1998. Pp. 20). Palms are a perfect example of plants infected with fungi. Human destruction of the air leads to death palm trees hence affecting the distribution of fungi in the environment. However, the author fails to show how the human population can adapt to the ecological system without any destruction taking place, hence making the research come out as fault-finding rather than solution yielding.
Větrovský (2019) indicates that fungi are essential microorganisms in the ecosystem, such that any form of pollution in the tropics is likely to reduce or affect their distribution patterns. Naturally, they are evenly distributed; however, through human intervention and disturbance of the natural environment, their cycle has been directly affected, leading to an imbalance. The activities of different soil compilations lead to the production of clean water, air and land hence suppressing any disease-causing organisms (Větrovský 2019. Pp. 2). As a result, biodiversity grows popularity as key to the provision of safe food and fungal distribution in the tropical environment. However, the author does not bring out how the human population can reduce pollution without affecting their interests.
Reduction of fungal numbers
Dasgupta (2017) denotes that nitrogen pollution affects functionality and existence of temperate forest’s fungi. Excess nitrogen slows the decomposition of plant matter through soil fungi. In return, it reduces the number of fungi, which act as nutrients to the available plants, thus affecting the growth of forests. Soil fungi are the natural recyclers in the ecosystem. They primarily decompose, leaves, plants and other vital materials. Earthworms, for example, survive on oxygen. Thus excessive intake of nitrogen might affect their lung functionality hence killing and reducing their numbers in the system. The author identifies best how fungi would be affected by excessive nitrogen in the order but do not offer solutions on how human activity can reduce the existence of nitrogen.
Yemelyanova (2016) research looks into the effect of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) on mushroom existence. PAH comes out through combustion of organic matter such as oil, petrol and timber. They suffocate the mushroom’s breathing organs leading to their untimely death. Before death, the mushrooms lose health first and decolourize as a sign of infestation. In the long run, they die because of a lack of clean air (Yemelyanova 2016. Pp. 2-6). Mushrooms depend on CO2 for existence, and when the air is impure, they tend to suffer a lot. The author points out how much mushrooms are affected by PAH polluted environments but does not cover how much humans can work towards reducing the content of PAH in the environment.
Imbalance in the biological cycle
Armitage et al. argue that high SO2 concentrations are a significant cause of biological cycle imbalance. As a result of industrial action and growth, several lichen species have become extinct in the world. Lichens are organisms which possess a single fungus species living symbiotically with other algal species. The imbalance between lichens and other fungus species has been attributed to high SO2 concentrations alongside the loss of habitat. A majority of lichens are leafy and shrubby. Courtesy of the industrialization, most of the leafy lichens such as Lobaria and Usnea have dramatically contracted their ranges. However, the author does not denote how best the lichens can evolve and balance their previous population.
Sett & Kundu (2016) notes that some lichens are currently widely distributed than before, while others have gone extinct because they were unable to adapt to the current changes. When the SO2 levels are higher, lichens such as Cladonia digitate and Evernia prunastri die quickly while others continue (Sett & Kundu 2016). Such a change leads to a direct ecological imbalance of lichens in the environment (Sett & Kundu 2016). The author fails to identify how best ecological balance can be assumed while the pollution still exists hence making it hard to locate the best solution for the current situation facing the globe.
Gaseous pollution remains very dangerous for human and organic existence. Fungi have been identified as key for decomposition processes of plants. Failure to balance fungi in the ecological system creates the possibility of an imbalanced environment. Authors have identified the collective effect of gaseous pollution to fungi to be the disturbance of fungal distribution in the tropical environment, reduction of fungal population and a general imbalance in the biological cycle. These effects come through with increased infestation of poisonous gases such as nitrogen, SO2, hydrogen, among others. The best solution to improving the existence and survival of fungi is through air cleansing. Being that humans are the ones responsible for the emission of gases, the responsibility to save fungi lies on them as well. Policies should be created with the sole purpose of reducing pollution. They should put up measures for companies to work on cleaning up the air with the sole intention of creating an attractive environment for fungal survival.
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