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Business Communications

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Business Communications


Working in Team


Once you have watched the videos on Team Work, please write an essay in a Microsoft Word document.  Please make sure that your essay covers the following:

  • Describe two groups/teams you have been part of at school or work.
    • One team should be an example of a team that worked well together
    • One team should be an example of a team that DID NOT work well together
  • In your description of both, please detail the following:
    • The goal of the team
    • The members of the team and what role they played on the team
    • The reasons why the team succeeded or failed and how ( please give specific examples)



Submission Requirements: Submit a Microsoft Word document with the following specifications:

  • Font: Arial; font size: 12;
  • First line of each paragraph indented .5
  • Double-spaced
  • Length: 2–3 pages
  • Add a reference page (APA) if needed


Please email Word Doc as an attachment and use the subject line – BUS COMM – teams

  Remember! This is just a sample.

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