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Content Marketing KPIs Your Brand Should Care about the Most

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Content Marketing KPIs Your Brand Should Care about the Most

Do you know how to measure the success of your content marketing strategies? The following crucial content marketing key performance indicators (KPIs) can help.

The problem most marketers have is that they don’t know exactly what they want to achieve with their content marketing strategies. They’ve seen content marketing work for other businesses, but they don’t how they can achieve the same for their business.

How can we boost our strategies for better results?

What kind of content would get more engagement? What platforms should we use?

But there is a solution.

You can become more effective at content marketing if you know what exactly you hope it helps you achieve. Do you want to engage visitors, improve conversions, increase revenue, improve retention, or boost search rankings?

Once you figure this out, you can tie your content goals with key performance indicators (KPIs) that can help you track performance. The KPIs can help you gauge if your efforts work or not. They also help you make informed decisions on how to run future content marketing campaigns.

So, what KPIs do you need to measure to gauge the success of your content marketing strategies?

This post seeks to explain some of the content marketing goals and KPIs you can use to track effectiveness. They include:

Goal #1: Create Brand Awareness

Does your content help you reach and engage your target audience?

When tracking this goal, seek to find out who is viewing your content, how they get it, and the time they spend with it.

Content KPIs to track for this include:

  • Number of page views
  • Number of unique page views
  • Average time on page
  • Number of new subscribers and followers on social media

Goal #2: Improve Retention

Retention KPIs tell you how well your content resonates with your audience. They help you know if you have repeat visitors, how often they visit, and how much time they spend once they visit.

Content KPIs to track for this include:

  • Bounce rate
  • Unsubscribes to the email list or blog content
  • New vs. returning visitors

Goal #3: Generate Leads

Have a content strategy that offers you high-quality leads. For this, you shouldcreate great content that resonates with your audience, offers value, and solves their pain points. With excellent content, you can get your target audience’s attention and transform it into revenue.

Content KPIs to track for this include:

  • Gated content downloads
  • Number of email and newsletter subscribers
  • Number of completed forms
  • Click-through rates

Goal #4: Boost Engagement

Engagement KPIs tell you if your audience interacts with your content.

Content KPIs to track for this include:

  • Scroll depth
  • Session duration
  • Blog comments
  • Referral traffic
  • Social media comments, likes, and shares
  • Follower growth on social media in a specified period
  • Email forwards

To learn more about content marketing KPIs, check out the infographic below first published on


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