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Mike Anderson

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Mike Anderson

Mike Anderson, can in simple terms, be described as a 6 figure digital nomad, social media marketer, consultant, content creator, and investor. For twenty-one years, Anderson lived on the island of Cape Cod MA, where he “hyped” three sports athletes. His promising life took a wrong turn midway through high school when he got enrolled in an illegal group. Although he joined the community college later, he ended up dropping out.

He decided to explore available opportunities that landed him to moving from kitchen to kitchen on Cape Cod. But this didn’t turn up positively as he had anticipated. Irrespective of his past failure, Anderson remained adamant in pursuing his career, which landed him a music career. At this juncture, he discovered that he had a passion for properly distributing content and growing Instagram pages. Amazingly, the discovery of his performance rating compared to his employer with the possibility of replicating it to his clients led to his next move. His success triggered him to spend thousands of dollars investing in social media presence since he wanted to live his dreams.

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