Tips to Getting Your Newborn Baby to Bed
Newborn babies have very different sleeping patterns from the rest of us. According to the National Sleep Foundation, a newborn should spend between 10-18 hours sleeping every day. At first, that sounds like a dream for any new parent. Unfortunately, they also have shorter cycles. It means that they can also sleep for about 50 minutes before waking. The result is sleep deprivation for the parents. To help you out, here are a few tips for getting your newborn baby to bed without waking them.
A swaddle helps the newborn transition to life outside the womb. During the early months, babies usually have startle quickly.
The startle reflex makes the baby feel like they are falling. A swaddle keeps the newborn’s arms and legs tucked close to their body. In addition to this, the warm and snuggly feeling of swaddle helps calm the baby. This makes the baby fall asleep faster and sleep for longer. However, not all babies respond positively to swaddling; it may take a few tries before they get used to it. Always remember to follow correct swaddling guidelines to keep the baby safe. Eventually, the swaddle won’t cut it anymore. When the time comes, try using a sleeping suit instead.
Dream feed the baby
Dream feeding refers to the practice of feeding the baby just before you go to bed. Babies can comfortably eat while in a semi-sleepy state. All the parent has to do is hold the baby in the feeding position and stimulate the rooting reflex by offering the baby a breast of feeding bottle. Doing this gives you more time to catch up much-needed sleep before the baby wakes up for another round of feeding.
Try Soothing Sounds
It is impossible to sleep with distracting noises in the house. Consider getting a white noise machine to help the baby sleep. The frequency of the white noise machine cancels out all the other noises in the room. The sounds can be anything from a lullaby to the sound of raindrops. Most white noise machines come with different nature sound settings. Choose the most relaxing sound you can find. Over time the baby associates these sounds with sleep. White noise reminds infants of the sounds they heard while the womb making them feel more relax. Just don’t leave it on too loud.
Avoid overstimulation
Babies are curious creatures. This is understandable; after all, it is their first time seeing everything. Before putting the baby to sleep, remove all the fun toys from their crib. Lighting is also another source of stimulation. During the day, remember to block out the sun while they nap. At night, use light dimmers to reduce the light in the room. Consider getting a low-watt bulb or a one that has a blue light filter. Television and other forms of the electronic screen also emit the blue light, making it harder for the baby to fall asleep.
Set a Routine and Stick to It
When the baby is born, their internal clock is usually all over the place. The concept of day and night is foreign to them. Sticking to a consistent routine brings some structure to all the chaos. Choose a routine that is easy to recreate, even when you are away from home. Your routine should consist of soothing activities such as swaddling, bathing, and storytelling. You can start implementing these techniques from as early as six weeks. Over time, the baby will associate with actives with sleep, making your work a little easier. As the baby grows, some things may not be as effective. Make the necessary changes
Change Diapers Strategically
Changing your kid’s diaper is probably not your favorite thing to do. However, your approach can affect the sleeping pattern of the baby. Experienced parents advise that you change the diaper before feeding. This gives the baby adequate time to calm down. The little one will most probably be sleepy again by the end of the feeding. The exception to this rule is for babies that poop right after feeding. You also don’t want to change the diaper more than necessary. There is no point disrupting the baby’s sleep if they don’t mind. The strategy is everything here.
Keep the Baby Cool
Babies are susceptible to temperature. Your newborn requires a comfortable temperature to fall asleep. The choices of clothing should be consistent with the season. It recommended that you dress up your baby in layers rather than one heavy clothing. When setting up the baby’s nursery, place the crib away from air vents. The sudden temperature changes can startle the baby. At the same time, avoid windows as they may expose the baby to drafts at night.
Learn the Sleeping Cues
Newborn sleep patterns are usually erratic. The excellent news it gets better over time. It is counterproductive to force the baby to sleep when they don’t want to. You can quickly tell when the baby wants to sleep from specific cues.
Yawning is a good example, but it could also mean the baby is hungry. Other cues to look out for include rubbing of the eyes, dozing off, and fussiness. Whenever you notice any sleeping cues, try to create a calm environment, and soothe the baby to sleep.
Limit Eye Contact and Conversation
Conversing with the baby may not work in your favor when you are trying to get them to sleep. The same goes for animated eye contact. The baby may not be able to speak yet, but the brain is usually attuned. When babies look at you, they are studying your face and your voice. Processing that information forces the baby to be fully alert. So when you wake in the middle of the night for feeding, try to be as dull as possible. The baby will lose interest and fall right back to sleep. It helps if the light is as dim as possible, so they can’t see much. Consider buying an LED night light so that you only use it when you need it.
Do what Works For your Baby
Ultimately, you know your baby more than any other person.
All babies are different; what works for one parent might not work for another. For instance, you don’t have to force the baby to burp. All you need to be doing is feeding, changing diapers, and putting them back to sleep. Don’t get too concerned with all the does and don’ts. Whether you want to sleep train, rock them to sleep, or use a pacifier, it’s all up to you. The only person you should be listening to is your pediatrician.
Remember to care of you
Amidst all the changes and the stress of taking care of a newborn, it is easy to forget about you. New mothers usually try to do it all. Spreading yourself too thin can lead to crankiness. The baby usually picks on your emotions. It may be impossible to help them fall asleep while in this state. Get help from family or friends. Let someone else take care of the baby while you take a nap and go for a walk. You are not doing your baby any favors by insisting on doing everything by yourself. Hire a nanny or someone to help you with other duties. The less stressed you feel, the better for everyone.