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What HVAC Contractors do

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What HVAC Contractors do

J & J Services is one of the leading HVAC contractors that have a long history of offering high-quality services. We specialize in handling three key types of services. They include:


Duties included in an HVAC unit installation might comprise surveying/ inspection of the existing unit and set up, measuring the area to make sure the new unit is the correct capacity and size for your home. Removing the old unit, being careful to reduce the disturbance of the comfort of your family, and connecting the new system.


Maintenance and inspection of HVAC entail things such as checking tubes, pipes, leakage, checking and refilling refrigerant levels, testing thermostats, testing electric circuits, inspecting motors & fans, cleaning air ducts and troubleshooting different components for efficient.


Repair services are required when a system fails to work. This part of the task involves installation, repair, and replacement of specific faulty parts on an HVAC unit.

Call us today at J & J Services to schedule an appointment for heating and cooling unit maintenance. We pride in our client-focused services.

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