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The success of the change initiative will involve the execution of the various interventions described above. The first intervention to be acted upon will be to raise the issue of wage disparities during the monthly meeting of the employees of the company. I will expound on the issue exhaustively and seek the support of other employees to bring about the desired change. I will offer periodic updates to the group on the progress made towards the intended outcome. The second action I will take is to conduct personal interviews with the management and fellow workers to get their views on the wage issue. These interviews will provide vital information regarding the subject matter and will allow me to influence the employees to embrace the initiative.

Most employees will enter the awareness stage upon completion of the interviews. At this point, I will send emails to all staff within the organization to inform them of the vision of the initiative. The email will also convey the information that the initiative is on course and has the backing of most employees. I will then schedule a meeting at the town hall to get deeper insights from the workers about the issue. Various incentives will be put in place to attract a greater turnout by employees. The next intervention will involve sharing success stories of change initiatives in other firms to some of those that appear hesitant towards the initiative. This will win over more people to the initiative.

Once this is done, I will able to identify those in favor of the initiative. I will establish a coalition of support with those employees to develop a stronger support structure. I will then seek those opposed to initiative privately, explain to them the benefits to be gained from the success of the change drive, and request for their backing. The final intervention is to redesign the reward system used in the organization. This intervention aims to ensure that employees with similar qualifications receive equal wages. Additionally, benefits and incentives will be standardized across the organization.

Evaluation feedback

An evaluation provides feedback to stakeholders on the advancement and success of interventions put in place. This information helps to establish whether the change program is successful or farther modifications should be made. The various interventions made will be evaluated during and after implementation. Assessments will be done during the execution of the interventions to provide implementation feedback. Implementation feedback will help determine whether the interventions are being carried out as intended and the progress made. Implementation feedback provides vital information about the various interventions and guides the implementation process. This feedback will show the impact of the interventions on employee performance, job satisfaction, productivity, and so on during implementation.

Evaluation feedback will be conducted to determine the success of the implemented interventions. This feedback will help establish if the various interventions achieved the intended outcomes. Evaluation feedback will enable me to figure out if I should stick with the selected interventions or switch to other possible interventions. Interpretation of evaluation feedback will take time. The feedback will incorporate various outcome measures such as productivity, job satisfaction, performance, and so forth. Positive outcomes on these measures indicate that the interventions are successful and should be institutionalized (Cummings & Worley, 2009). Negative results mean that the initial diagnosis was inaccurate or inappropriate interventions were selected. Therefore, an additional diagnosis should be conducted to obtain effective interventions.

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