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In March 1960, the Central Intelligence Agency through the order of President Dwight D. Eisenhower orchestrated a plan to overthrow the Fidel Castro regime. This move came into play as a result of the grave concerns posed to the United States government by the new regime. Upon Fidel Castro seizing the presidential seat in Cuba, he severed the existing strong ties between the two countries through the expropriation of the United States’ economic assets and shifting the diplomatic and economic relations to the Soviet Union. Owing to the geographical proximity of the United States with Cuba, this proved to be a matter of serious concern.

Through the commandership of the Central Intelligence Unit, a group of exiled counter-revolutionary Cubans in the United States soil was funded and trained to execute the plan. It was in November 1960 when President John F. Kennedy was elected in and later learned about the plan. After consultations with the advisors, the president concluded that Cuba was indeed a Soviet client and posed a threat to Latin America. Launching the attack from Guatemala, the militants of the Brigade 2506 arrived at the Bay of Pigs on April 17, 1961. However, due to the small number and the inadequate preparations put in place, they were Defeated within two days by Castro’s forces.

After the failed coup after the invasion at the bay of pigs, Cuba openly declared its position in favor of the Soviet Union. This move boiled up the cold war and in turn, resulted in the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. While the United States under the leadership of Fidel Castro planned the operation Mongoose, Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev from the Soviet nations agreed on a plan to set up a plan to construct a missile plant within the Cuban soil. Upon discovery of the plan to set up the missile plant by the US intelligence, President John F Kennedy publicly issued a warning against the establishment of the offensive weapons within Cuba.

After a series of push and pull, the United States announced the readiness of its naval force while at the same time enforcing quarantine in preparedness for an attack on Cuba. However, after a series of consultations, both parties reached an agreement which included the United States pulling its Jupiter missiles from Turkey and the Soviet Union destroying the missiles in Cuba.

After the successful handling of the Cuban Missile crisis cold war, the event turned out to boost Jeff Kennedy’s image after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. Though the crisis was marred by communicational inconsistencies, the situation could have been better handled if a proper communications channel was put in place. Regarding the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Fidel Castro regime had been under-estimated and in turn, resulted in the easy defeat. Additionally, the United States also ended their support to the Brigade 2506, which resulted in the imminent defeat to the militants.

Before the Civil rights movements that took shape between the 1950s and 1960s, the civil war had paved the way for an end to slavery. However, there remained some very critical issues including racial discrimination and segregation that affected the Africans. As a result of the prejudice and violence they had faced, the blacks, the whites, and other races stood up to fight for equality. During the period to which the civil rights movements took place, some protests were able to yield fruits while others were not much successful. Despite the various challenges faced during the period, the civil rights movements can be termed as successful considering the various amendments that were put in place

The Birmingham campaign stands out to be one of the most significant events during the Civil Rights Movements that we’re able to bear fruits. This campaign occurred in the year 1963 and its main objective was to fight against discriminatory economic policies especially for the African Americans in Alabama city. The strategies employed during the campaign mainly involved boycotting business that segregated the Africans and also marches intending to be arrested to overcrowd the prisons. During the event, non-violent tactics were mainly employed in airing the concerns. Eventually, the campaign was able to some success since segregation in public places and business was drastically reduced.

Spearheaded by Martin Luther King Jnr., the Chicago Freedom Movement that took place in the year 1965 is yet another key event during the Civil right movement. This campaign mainly pushed for fighting against educational deficiencies, segregated housing, health disparities among others. The campaign mainly involved boycotts, marches, and rallies to address the various issues, which was met with attacks that resulted in several injuries. Through the various efforts put in place, the movement gave way to the constructions of public housing in Whites dominated neighborhoods. This movement has also been credited to the Fair Housing Act that was passed in the year 1969.

After Martin Luther King Jr.’s death, the poor people’s campaign rose in the year 1968. Though King was planning for a massive demonstration, it was still organized and spearheaded by the members of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). The objective of this movement was to air the plight of the poor while at the same time pushing for the lawmakers to pass laws that bolster the economic conditions of the impoverished citizens. Despite the enormous efforts put in place citizens pouring at the resurrection city for demonstrations, their plight did not receive the expected outcome. Their moves were even further halted upon the closure of the resurrection city, which led to the unprecedented end of their demonstrations.

Sparked by the cold war that was boiling between the United States and the United States, the Vietnam war stands to be among the worst effects of the cold war that costed many lives. It was a costly conflict that divided southern Vietnam backed by the United States and Northern communist Vietnam. The United States states the main objective in joining the war was to control the spread of communism, to which it eventually failed. During the war, several events took place which proved to be the turning point for the war.

The Tet offensive turns out to be one of the major turning points of the war. The attack involved a co-ordinated attack by the North Vietnamese on more than 100 cities in South Vietnam. As a result of the immense pressure received by the South Koreans and the United States despite being able to wade off the attacks, immense criticisms arose in the United States. Though the forces from North Vietnam suffered heavy casualties, they were able to achieve victory. As a result of this offensive, it marked a beginning in the slow exist by the United States forces from Vietnam.

On March 16, 1968, the United States troops launched an offensive on a village called Mai Lai, killing 500 women and children. This was the most horrible and despicable attack that caught the eye of the public. Besides the killings that occurred during the massacre, several women were raped and tortured before being killed. Though the top military official tried to cover up the issue, it was eventually discovered and caused a divided opinion regarding the United States’ involvement in the war, and prompting the gradual exit from Vietnam. The aftermath of the massacre was the gradual withdrawal of the United States troops by President Nixon’s administration

On 4th May 1970, a group of National guards opened fire on a crowd that was protesting against the United States’ involvement in the Vietnamese war. As a result of the military action in the home country, the citizens considered the country’s involvement in the war as a bad decision. As a result of the sharp criticism that arose, it negatively influenced president Nixon’s rule and at the same time promoting the removal of the military from Vietnam.

During the period between the 1960s and 1980s, a major shift in the republican party took place which saw the party gaining better acceptance and domination within the United States. This involved emphasizing more on individual liberties, Free-markets economy, constitutionalism, and traditional values. The new shift in conservatism came with the economics of Milton Friedman and the politics of Barry Goldwater. The new conservatism was mainly against democratic appeals such as the Equal rights Amendment, abortion, and most form of taxes.

In the year 1964, an agenda on a “Great Society” was laid down by the then-president Lyndon B. Johnson. His main objectives include the eradication of poverty, Medicare, education, and rural development. Because he was under a liberal party, most of his views were not agreed upon by the new conservatism movement. According to conservatists organizations such as   Young Americans for Freedom, they were not impressed by the aspects of morality that were on a rise during this period. Some of the major aspects of concerns included civil rights unrest, rising crime rates, and race riots. According to the new rights conservatists, these problems were brought about by the liberal government.

During the 1980s, Reaganomics is one of the new conservatism theories that was put into light by President Ronald Reagan. He mainly insisted on Free-markets economy, where growing government spending, reduction of government regulation, and the reduction of the federal income tax. Additionally, the reduction of taxes for the rich was also one of the major measures in place to promote investments. This however was seen by the liberals as a means of promoting individualism by the poor. Despite the various criticisms labeled against the new conservatism theory on ergonomics, it is still acknowledged that the rate of unemployment within the United States reduced during the period.

For the new conservatism, religion was also another crucial component. Because they tended to ensure that the cultural and religious norms were taken into considerations, Christian norms were put to the paramount. Generally, constitutionality, free-markets, and traditional values are some of the major aspects set forth by the new conservatism.




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