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Exercise 8

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Exercise 8

Describe the research methods survey and semi-structured interview and mention the strengths and weaknesses of each of them.

Semi-Structured Interview

A semi-structured interview is the most used form of interviewing the individual. It is also a useful and common tool in the planned SSWM intervention exploring phase. Semi-structured interviews can be used for both give and receive information since interviews are carried out with a fairly open framework that permits for conversational, focused, two-way interaction.

For this type of data collection to be used, the interviewer first prepares a set of questions before the interview


  • The interviewer has the freedom to choose the question that he/she sees fit as well as changing the wording the way they are worded. Therefore, the interviewer appears competent since he/she gets time to prepare.
  • Semi-structured interviews can be used to generate comparable and reliable qualitative data.
  • Semi-structured interviews also permit informers the liberty to give their opinions terms.
  • The people involved in the interview get the chance to discuss sensitive issues.


  • The interviewer is supposed to keep confidentiality.
  • One needs to be skilled in conducting the interview.
  • There is a risk of construing too much if the skills required to analyze the data are inadequate.

Survey research

The survey research method is a qualitative method that involves the use of self-report standards on carefully chosen samples.


It is a flexible method of collecting data by applying research questions and, therefore, facilitates the collection of a wide variety of data.


The reliability of survey information depends on the honesty and accuracy of the respondent.

The respondent may give wrong answers due to poor memory or lack of awareness of the topic discussed.

Question 9

Since the meetings run daily and for a longer period, then this is enough reason for the team members to protest and say it does not work. It is because the choice of style and structure in running an effective meeting depends hugely on the various factors: for example, The meeting starts at 9.00. It then runs for long hours. It might impact the mood, circumstances, background, and atmosphere of the staff members and, therefore, affects how best to run the meetings. Further, the intention and the aim of the meeting might not be well defined, and this might make the members feel that the meeting does not work for them. The relationship between the members might be poor, and in that case, the meeting becomes ineffective. The statement confirms that the meeting runs for a long time. In this case, the meetings might be consuming member’s time that they require to accomplish their assignments. The organization might be holding many meetings without a positive outcome. This will make members feel that they don’t get the value of their time. Finally, the team leader may not be confident enough or lacks experience, or his/her aim may be incoherent, thereby making the member lose interest.


Meetings can be very productive and effective when done right. When staff members work together in harmony in a way that promotes collaboration and communication, then identifying and solving challenges that the organization faces becomes easier. In modern business, employees often feel isolated, and therefore, there is a need to bring them together. This can be achieved by setting aside a few minutes every day for the staff to meet. However, the organization has to hold such a meeting in the right way:

Keep the meetings at the same time and place every time

Whether the organization decides to meet daily or weekly, it should make sure that the meetings adhere to some consistent routine. The meetings should start at the same time without waiting for a member who might be late to arrive. Besides, the meeting place should be the same every time, and the room should be quiet enough for the members present to hear and see one another.

Keep the meetings brief.

Since most of the daily meeting takes place while members stand up, then the meetings should not take a long time to avoid members get uncomfortable standing up. The members should not necessarily sand up, but for the members to pay attention and still save time settling in, then it is recommendable for the organization to hold stand up meetings.

The clear aim of the standup meeting

The reason for keeping the aim of the meeting clear to every member is to make sure that every member is involved and focused on a common objective. That is,

  • Agreeing on the next step
  • Figuring out how to line up and prioritize resources
  • Sharing updates on tasks and projects that are related

Every staff member needs to be on the same page regarding the objectives and purpose of the meeting and their role within it.




















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