The population is a collection of humans or species who live in a particular geographical area and are capable of interbreeding. It is worth noting that there are various types of the population which are, local population and metapopulation. I will delve into the local population, which is confined to a small area or can preoccupy a vast area, consisting of the whole species whereas metapopulation is when humankind spread between other various local populations. Physical factors contribute to the instability of the people, which acts as common elements against the massive growth of the people. Since the population is made up of male and female, an age-sex displayed graph of a states’ human population at a given specific period is known as a population pyramid. These unique pyramids are grouped into three types recognized as stable, expansive and constructive pyramids( Hawkins, 2010).
Lack of human rights to health and sexual reproductive services attributes to early pregnancies in adolescent girls, therefore, leading them to drop out of school depriving them their right to education. This consequences will cause effects on the rights to adequate standards of living. From my understanding, to achieve stability in the human population, the rights of all humanity has to be fully satisfied. The most effective way to scrap the harsh effects of a rapid population increase is by achieving globally known human rights. A good example of this can be practised through offering women and girls equal capabilities in the society and enabling them with the potential to make their judgment hence
reducing birth rates leading to the reduction in population(Hawkins, 2010).
In regards to treatment and assessment, sidelining and excluding particular population in the society from enjoying the services of good and accessible health care. The three-terminal and contagious diseases that affect people globally are HIV, malaria and tuberculosis. These infectious diseases are on increasing disproportionally in low-income countries. Access to affordable health care has become a problem to the disadvantaged populations; therefore marginalizing and making it harder for them to access treatment and other significant healthcare services. These health consequences have been caused due to lack of the concern of human rights.