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Question One

One of the reasons is defined as being the reliance on contractors to conduct its warfare in regions such as the Middle East, Dudziak opines that the number of contractors currently outnumbers the number of the USA military policies. It implies that the USA is able to get into many wars without registering many casualties as it was the case in previous years.  The second reason relates to technological innovations by the USA military. Both the Bush and the Obama administration are explained as having had a high focus for high-tech warfare. The technological innovations mean that the shooter can be in another country or continent, which has been possible through the use of unmanned aircraft and better surveillance systems.  The third factor is defined as being the lack of a military constitution/ draft to support such military operations.

Question Two

Barbara Smith opines that the revolution did play a role in preserving social inequality. There is no indication of the revolutions and the struggles that the merchants and the low social status group underwent during the period. Smith asserts that the revolution was pushed by the wealthy and the privileged in society with the objective of maintaining the status quo. However, Gordon holds a contrary position and explains that the revolution did destroy the monarchy and led to the creation of democratic structures. Although it is apparent that Wood is a new-left historian, it is possible to reconcile the conflicting ideas. Looking at the role of the minority groups such as the African-Americans, and their lives before and after the revolution can offer significant insights into the debate. The move would allow for the examination of the position of women and slaves during the revolution. It would be apparent that the revolution did play a role in championing for the rights of these minority groups in the country.

Question Three

Between 1783 and 1787, there were heated debates and contradicting views on the structure of the government. There were similar debates on the nature, perception and position of the army in the new structures. There was the idea that the central government required a military with one of the supporters for the creation of a central army being George Washington. On the other hand, there was a group that supported the use of militia by states as ways of representing the liberty and the power of the citizens.  In the case of the antifederalist, they favoured for the creation of a weak central government with limited military and political power as compared to the federal governments (Brown, 1992). The antifederalists had the fear that a central government would be dominated by the wealthy and lead to anarchy as it was the case with Britain. However, individuals such as George Washington supported the creation of a constitution that would provide ground for the creation of the legislature, the judiciary and the executive.

Question Four

Marx Weber teachings explain that a state is a legitimate monopoly in the use of force to rule over a specific territory. It is a shift from feudalism which held that no Lords or leaders would have a monopoly in the use of violence. The argument rests on the fact that while the vassals were to serve the lords, they were to retain their fiefdoms. On the other hand, Christopher Hedge explains that war is a force that gives society a meaning. These views paint war as being inevitable and sometimes necessary in safeguarding the interests of the citizens. An example is the American Civil War that saw the USA adopts new political and social standpoints that helped eradicate slavery and marginalization of coloured communities. Many Americans believe that war can be justified in cases where their rights and safety are threatened as it was the case in the bombing of the world trade centre. In such a setting, the Americans hold that the government is justified to wage war against the militia groups such as Al-Qaeda.

True or False


1-George Washington was the commanding General of the Continental Army.


2-Antifederalists feared a large-standing military would threaten democracy?


3-The United States ended the draft in 1945.


4-According to the Constitution, the President of the U.S., has the sole authority to declare war.


5-The Constitution replaced the weaker Articles of Confederation as the supreme law of the United States.


Select the Best Answer

1-If it was not for the military and financial aid of this country, and the Americans might well have lost the war against Great Britain.

Answer: France


2-This body met twice, first in 1774 and again in 1775, to determine the fate of the thirteen colonies and their relationship with Great Britain.

Answer: Continental Congress

3-The term “all men are created equal” comes from which of the founding documents?

Answer: The Declaration of Independence

4-According to the Crash Course video, the American Revolution was actually only revolutionary for about what percentage of the population?



5- Beginning in the 1760s, the British sought to reassert its control of the colonies after which war?

Answer the French and Indian War (The Seven Years War)


Question One

It is indeed correct to state that the politics of USA warfare has been changing in the past three decades. Unlike the periods where there was an emphasis on the sending of many troops, this is no longer the case. The USA is keen on adopting a sustainable approach, such as the use of contractors and the reliance on new technologies. I agree with the view that the use of drones and attacks has allowed the USA to assert its military power in different parts of the globe. Based on the incidences of both the first and the second world wars, it is apparent that the sending of troops have huge social and economic implications ion a country. However, the new shifts have allowed the USA to minimize the costs of going to war.

Question Two

Both Smith and Wood offer intriguing insights that shed more light on the events of the American Revolution and the effect that it had on the country. I feel that both authors make informed views on the events of the revolution. However, I agree more with the ideas held by Wood as compared to these held by Smith. My argument rests on the fact that the American Revolution was largely influenced by the conflicts between the south and the northern states. Moreover, these states conflicted on the idea of slavery. The win by the Northern states thus translated to an increased campaign and support for the rights of minority groups. Nonetheless, Smith argument is also valid as the events did not wholly address the problems facing minority groups in the country.

Question Three

Both the federalists and the antifederalist had solid arguments on the structure of the army. The federalist held that the creation of a central government would create similar problems to those in Britain.  I agree with the is position as there is the risk of movements structures being dominated by the wealthy and a specific family as it is the case in Britain. However, the antifederalists held that there was the need for a constitution that would better state the powers of the judiciary, the executive and the legislature. These events are vital in the protection of human rights.

Question Four

I agree with the argument that there is a close correction between state and violence. Under the concept of nationalism, states are continually looking for ways to increase their powers and dominate other countries. It is these events that trigger constant conflicts and tussles among countries. Moreover, authorities may feel justified to go to war in cases where they feel that the rights of their citizens are threatened.





















Works Cited

Brown, Richard D., ed. Major problems in the era of the American Revolution, 1760-1791: documents and essays. DC Heath, 1992.


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