The legalization or illegalization of abortion has become a controversial topic n the entire globe. Most activists have divided opinions on whether it should be legalized or not legalized, while others have a neutral view. In the move to establish a solid stance on whether there should be rules or not, this paper focuses on the analytic review of the reasons for abortion and the cons of undertaking abortion and not taking action. The findings will help in coming up with a solution, whether there should be laws and restrictions on conducting abortion through the findings and recommendations.
Reasons which may force one to undertake abortion
The Act of terminating a fetus in the mother’s womb gets seen as a deadly act, with many activists blaming the mother of terminating the pregnancy. However, there may be critical and stable reasons for making a person; a mother aborts the fetus (Cockrill & Weitz, 2010). The laws may be set, but they don’t give a guarantee that abortion will not occur. The requirements may lead to more abortion occurring before one deciding whether to undertake the Act or not.
Abortion needed in saving life and where there is a threat to the woman’s life
If the fetus threatens the woman’s life, abortion will be encouraged to stop it from occurring. In the life-threatening condition which jeopardizes the mother’s life, such as the baby causing internal complication, so does the physician allows for the Act to get done (Grossman et al., 2014). The unborn child’s health should not risk the mother’s health, and the risks which might come as a result of the fetus are unknown.
When the health of the woman is at risk
According to Agullo & Perez (1973), human rights fulfillment should allow women to undertake abortion when the woman’s condition threatens the life of both the fetus and the mother. Terms such as psychological imbalances and distress, diseases such as HIV and AIDS, or mental sufferings caused by incidences such as rape are severe fetal complications that may force the termination of the pregnancy.
Pregnancy is a result of Incest or Rape.
A lawful abortion act can get undertaken when the result of the pregnancy was due to unlawful acts such as rape and sexual violence and encounters, which get termed as involuntary acts. The process may be traumatizing, which may lead to other complications that include personal disorders and stigmatization (Cockrill & Weitz, 2010). In the cases where such acts get not reported or get reported, but no actions are taken, the women may opt for unsafe abortions or clandestine, which may even lead to death. This, therefore, calls for regulations and rules governing abortion.
According to Roe Wade (1973), however, in the USA, some states have abortion laws that restrict women from abortion even in the case of rape, incest but all of the states in the USA allow the Act to take place in the event of the mother’s life is at danger. The abortion also comes at different stages of development, like some states recommend six weeks like Georgia, Kentucky, and Louisiana. Utah and Arkansas allow for 18 months.
According to Canada, Abortion gets considered a criminal activity, and any person who gets found procuring the miscarriage of the female person with their intentions becomes guilty of an offense hence liable to life imprisonment.
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