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Information Literacy

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When one stumbles upon contradicting information while researching, information literacy applies. Some sources are more trustworthy than others during research. Similarly, some resources are more accurate than others and should be prioritized in making decisions. A meta-analysis helps in eliminating sources that are not credible enough. This essay then proceeds to extract and compares gender and ethnicity cancer data of New York and Colorado. It then chooses a guideline on EHR’s role and goes ahead to describe its development and give a summary of its recommendations. The webpage and the course book get compared. Finally, the paper then uses Medline to choose an article that evaluates online health information using a search strategy.

Charles’ Encounter

Upon encountering information that contradicts during research, Charles ought to rethink and re-evaluate the way he understood and whatever he has learned or known. Information literacy requires one to reason critically and be discerning, besides being fluent with information technology. As a practitioner, Charles should question the reliability, validity, and authenticity of every information (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). The resources Charles should trust the most are ones that withstood publication rigors in a professional journal. Thus, they are authentic and viable peer-reviewed sources. Trust information is also in web addresses whose suffix end with .gov. These often have expert contact information. The bibliography, date, and external links also help in establishing trust information based on webpages (Ronquillo & Rodney,2016). This way, the research team determines the relevance and authenticity of the information there. Alternatively, Charles may opt to access legitimate traditional newspapers and databases for a small fee.

On the other hand, obtaining the most accurate resources is achievable with the help of a health-science librarian. Some websites get tailored for databases that are medically oriented to avail tutorials on best practices of searching. Furthermore, some websites are only visible to users with academic and professional affiliations (Ronquillo & Rodney,2016). They aggregate information that benefits nursing. To enhance his clinical practice, Charles could employ meta-analysis in identifying credible sources. Being a type of systematic review, it integrates the findings of several studies. Searching the bibliographic database to identifying studies is the first step in the meta-analysis strategy (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). Consequently, the researcher identifies the meta-analysis articles matching the search criteria and eliminating those that do not match them. Finally, one reviews the reference list for other articles relating to the topic and reviews each article’s content and quality.

Data Extraction Practice

When it comes to incident rate by gender, Colorado’s 401.4 rate is 83.12% lesser than New York. The male incident rate in New York is 531.6, while Colorado’s is 0.80% of that number. The incident females are lower than males, with New York at 452.4 while Colorado is less than that by 64.7 (NIH, 2017). In Colorado, the rate of cancer incidence for all races is 401.4, which is 20.3% lower than New York’s rate of 482.9. The incidence rates in Whites is 401.0 and 497.7 in Colorado and New York, making the rate 19.41% more in New York. New York’s incidence rate is 7.23% higher for White Hispanic at 392.8 compared to Colorado’s 366.3. The rate in New York for White Non-Hispanics is 514.0, which is 107.5 more than Colorado’s 406.5 (NIH, 2017). With Colorado’s incident rate of 385.5, the ratio of incident rates ratio between Blacks in Colorado and New York is 0.87 to 1. On the other hand, 1.08:1 ratio incident rate occurs between New York’s 393.0 and Colorado’s 363.8 Hispanic population. Finally, the incident rate of 261.2 is 79.85% lesser in Asians in Colorado than in New York.

Guideline Description

EHR is HIT’s major domain that contains current information about patients for clinician’s use. It includes medications, problems list, vital signs, orders, lab reports, radiology results, past medical history, among other details. The EHR is a comprehensive record of patients’ care episodes, which underpins quality management, decision making, and clinical reporting. EHR’s ordering functions get focused because EHR is the new wave in modern health informatics (Staggers et al., 2008). Second, they prove beneficial as they increased patients monitoring and surveillance as well as guidelines adherence to care. However, they also caused medication errors. The willingness of U.S nurses has also been increasing. Therefore, it is paramount to understand how EHR facilitates order management because the positive effects are promising.

The health care team members write orders, and several departments share it. With CPOE and related function such as decision making intends to improve the safety of the patient (Ronquillo & Rodney,2016). Studies have revealed that its implementation reduces medication errors to a considerable extent. Yet other studies revealed that CPOE did not reduce ADE’s rates. Another report also had it that CPOE increased medication errors. It occurred this way because the pharmacy did not transcribe orders, so the CPOE only accelerated communication speed. Lack of basic decision support and pharmacy interfaces are responsible for the contradicting conclusion (Staggers et al., 2008). Concerning time, order entry in CPOE takes much time. However, the time for results in administrative work and results accessibility reduces. Studies conducted on quality care revealed that examination of workflow is paramount before working with a CPOE.

Measuring, identifying, and, if possible, controlling external variables should be taken into account in future CPOE studies. The guidelines look into EHR’s BCMA. Notably, nurses play a big role in realizing success with their application. BCMA causes an apparent reduction error. The need to study the interaction of human-computer arises to comprehend their inter-reliant roles. Technology has altered the traditional roles of healthcare practitioners.

The recommendations on the webpage are similar to the book regarding matters on problems caused by technology. Technology rarely fits human characteristics. There’s a report of a CPOE that caused about twenty error types due to fragmenting of information to several screens (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). Furthermore, the dosages of medication differed from physicians’ expectations where allergy alerts delayed as they came long after order writing had happened. In Pittsburgh, a children’s hospital realized increased child mortality rate upon implementation of CPOE. It changed the emergency room’s workflow by requiring more time than the previous communication by radio, which was time-sensitive. The notion that poorly planned implementation of technology leads to greater patient safety concern stands. One difference that stands is the lack of mention of the cost of technology solutions in the webpage. EHRs, CPOEs, and BCMAs are costly technology solutions.

The term used in choosing a clinical topic was information literacy. In designing the search strategy, one discovered new terms such as health education and disease knowledge. The order of relevance helped in refining the search. The year of publication came to play, as the article that got chosen was published two years ago, compared to more relevant one published way back in 2011. The search strategy employed a credible website that has peer-reviewed publications. In searching, the web address suffix got considered. The one chosen ends with .gov, which proves its reliability (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015).

As part of the search strategy, one goes through the content of the paper. The authors wanted to assist users of Medline in evaluating Health Information that they get online (Llorens, 2019). The projects identified the provision of inaccurate and unreliable information as a problem. The literature review examined the behavior online when seeking information, social media’s health information, and design best practices. Reviewing the evaluation of health information, and guidelines of information literacy prompted the creation of infographic content. Production of infographic designs ensued, and so did evaluating infographic content’s reading level. The outcomes were questions from designs that found health information online. Among the recommendation was using a toolkit approach after collecting info that is relevant from several topic pages.


Information literacy is the key to making the right choice when presented by contradicting information. Medically oriented databases and peer-reviewed references are more accurate and worth trusting. On the other hand, meta-analysis is a type of systematic review that can eliminate sources that are not worthwhile. Extracting cancer data revealed that cancer incidences in New York are relatively higher than in Colorado. This essay also established that EHRs and CPOEs improve patient safety as long as the workflow suits them. Finally, employing a search strategy led to choosing a suitable topic in the Medline database. The content, web address suffix, relevance, publication date, and a credible website got considered in the strategy.



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