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Lasswell’s definition of politics

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The article that correlates with Lasswell’s definition of politics is of MJ Hegar who has been on the forefront in Texas’ first this year. Her inspiration into politics began while she was in the military, where she advocated for open military combat for women. However, she received little support in her plea to empower women in the army. She later discovered that the opposition she faced did not originate from the military but rather from politicians in D.C. This experience opened her eyes to the power that politics has over every sector of the economy. As a result, Hegar opted to join politics and influence the policies made towards women and equality. Her journey into politics began with twenty-five female combat vets who mobilized the issue to senators, staff members, and congressmen and women. Eventually, she won the campaign and decided to run for U.S. senate. She claims that most politicians are focused on staying in office for longer terms and gaining profit which is contrary to the needs of the people. In 2018 she broke a record by coming second to Carter by a less than three percentage points. This situation is juxtaposed from other years where carter won with 20 and more points than the opponent. This article has a strong correlation to Lasswell’s definition since it has fulfilled all the requirements for politics. The mastermind, in this case, is Hegar, the purpose is to open military combat for women, and the time is during her tenure in the army. How she managed to foster change is from her determination to face the bull by its horns. She decided to join the governing body so that she can influence change from the top. Furthermore, during her campaign, she unveiled the power that positions have in society. The definition that Lasswell gave proves that politics can be a tool for positive social change if it’s in the right hands.

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