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Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)

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Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) refers to paraprofessionals who are in a position to help patients in need of health care (Susan, 2020). These needs could either involve physical disabilities or mental illness. As a medic in charge, I will be more predisposed to delegate to the two UAPS, tasks that incorporate necessary nursing procedures since the facility is currently “understaffed.” Although the stipulated tasks must be under the guidance of the respective nurses, and the hospital’s policies do allow UAPs to function without the supervision of registered nurses. Hence, some of the tasks that I will assign the two UAPs include observing, recording, and reporting medical treatment information, like behavioral changes (Susan, 2020). They will also serve to assist in motion exercises and subsequent rehabilitative procedures during the course of resuscitation exercise, help with mobilization and ambulation of the patients, and the maintenance of personal hygiene.

As already highlighted, the two UAPs will be able to work alongside nurses to ensure proper medical care is provided to patients. In this regard, they will be mandated with monitoring what goes on throughout the procedures and, in turn, record information, which will then be availed to me in due to time (Susan, 2020). Depending on the treatment information provided about behavioral changes, I will be better placed to understand whether further treatment will be required or not. Besides, opportunities availed by UAPs can be utilized to free up the nurses to attend to other patients in the meantime. Since the nurse will be required to spend 1.5 hours monitoring the patient with breathing difficulties, it can be delegated to one of the UAPs. Such responsibility will, therefore, mean that the UAP assigned the responsibility, will monitor the patient while taking patient’s temperature, respiration, blood pressure, and respiration (Susan, 2020). Finally, while at the ICU, UAPs can be responsible for the patient’s hygiene, reposition, and feeding.

The LPN working on the unit is a new graduate and has been employed for only four weeks. How would you collaborate with this nurse when delegating tasks for completion?

In this context, the individual is a licensed practitioner nurse (LPN); meaning, he or she is conversant with the majority of clinical procedures and outcomes (“All Nursing Schools,” 2020). Transitioning may be a challenge since the artful skill of nursing takes years to master and perfect. As such, one must appreciate that collaboration is vital in the profession to attain maximum safety and effective care for patients. The collaboration will also avert challenging situations that may culminate in poor time management and overwhelming workloads (“All Nursing Schools,” 2020). Therefore, as the person assigned the charge nurse’s responsibility, I will have to evaluate when delegation is appropriate, scrutinize the skill levels, use clear communication, supervise the work, and avail the LPN’s feedback.

Firstly, it is my responsibility to understand whether any form of the delegation will be appropriate to the LPN. This notion is based on the fact that it will be unfortunate to assign duties that may pose challenges for the individual. In this regard, part of the collaboration will entail evaluating, assessing, and teaching the LPN on some of the procedures (“All Nursing Schools,” 2020). Part of these processes will incorporate both of us, assessing patients, conditions, and needs to be considered. Once this is over, I have to use clear communication to delegate tasks I deem fit for the individual. In this context, clear communication refers to clear, concise, and detailed instructions, such as the goals, potential limits, and expected outcomes of the tasks (“All Nursing Schools,” 2020). Seemingly, the LPN must ask questions or concerns for clarification purposes. Afterward, I should be able to supervise the work accordingly and ensure that the LPN gets feedback about his responsibilities; this will enhance proper and collaboration and morale within the hospital.

Discuss how you will maintain the safety of the other clients on your unit while three nurses are occupied with the client requiring resuscitation?

The safety of patients is one of the most critical aspects of any healthcare. However, the situation can be challenging, especially in a scenario whereby the health facilities are understaffed. The case study represents such a case, and appropriate approaches must be employed. In this regard, the hospital must ensure there is work harmony based on design principles, teamwork, and consideration of patients’ complexity. Firstly, enhancing the safety of other patients will require the assessment of care complexity and acuity (“Regis College,” 2020). This move will ensure that the unit is better placed to align staffing levels and competency skills with patient care needs, resulting in adequate and suitable staffing. As such, potential clients with high acuity but low levels of care complexity will be assisted with the LPN. Alternatively, in high acuity and complexity, UAPs can be used to assist in monitoring the resuscitated patient (“Regis College,” 2020). This outcome would mean that two RNs can be released to attend to other clients, while the UAPs help in the unit with the guidance of a single RN.

Seemingly, there is a need to implement better design principles to improve patient safety. Such an outcome can be realized by improving the unit’s physical conditions, for instance, having clean working areas and amenities such as patient rooms and bathrooms (“AHRQ,” 2020). Furthermore, having decentralized nurses’ stations can go a long way in allowing ease access to clients. Proper air filtration systems and convenient hand washing points will enhance patient safety within the unit (“AHRQ,” 2020). However, all these outcomes will only be realized once there are harmony and proper teamwork among the employees to ensure that all clients get proper health care.

Explain how effective delegation to other team members might contribute to the care of the clients on the unit?

Understandably, nurses have various responsibilities and, in many scenarios, a considerable number of clients in their care. Since patient care entails embarking on numerous time-consuming tasks, delegation to the team members is essential (Williamson, 2020). In this regard, the delegation will enable nurses to spend their time in the most effective ways possible. By delegating tasks to nurses, UAPs, and LPNs, a health institution saves considerable time. This outcome gives all the parties involved, the ability to effectively perform their responsibilities, and free up some space to embark on other health matters (Williamson, 2020). In the long-run, delegation can help build valuable skills among individuals, making it easier to delegate to them in subsequent days.

Also, the delegation can help everyone. For example, the strengths of the charge nurse as the head, and the association with other staff can improve significantly. Notably, decision-making outcomes involving the staff and charge nurse can result in better interactions, an outcome that improves patient care and safety (Williamson, 2020). Seemingly, proper delegation can impact positively on patient care assignment methods. In turn, the outcome can enhance a more cohesive workgroup and smoother running of the unit. Thus, throughput and effectiveness can improve, and staff satisfaction and patient scores can increase.



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