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Data Back-up

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Data Back-up

  1. To achieve RTO is by implementing and documenting back-up whereby recovery procedures are more effective and help in the portion of RTO (Mathew & Mai, 2018). There should also be resources that are necessary to restore the system from back-ups and processes that are repeatable to achieve RTO.
  2. This is called Business continuance, a case that is special in disaster recovery (Mathew & Mai, 2018). A technology that can maintain continuous data replication stream should be utilized for all data.
  3. The most benefit of backing up data is to enable restoration of the system and its functionalities. The registry, directories and imperative operators on data and licensing as well.
  4. Is to perform restoration testing. A restored test will try to restore data from the previous backup. If the test succeeds the backup is good if it doesn’t the test needs to be addressed. Therefore, data recovery is done promptly.
  5. It’s time-consuming. It can take more days to upload a baseline copy of data and in time of the disaster, it takes many days to download and restore data. Files might be corrupted and have an issue on the allowable backup size on email.
  6. Not practical.
  7. Automatic settings on the online backup are not effective because it can skip some folders of files and replace those that are not necessary. It does not make important decisions as a human mind therefore it needs help and directions from users.
  8. It’s important to use external drives to back up data but most cases services back up on internal drives ignoring external ones. Use of good backup system. A software system should take at least 15minutes on some products.
  9. Test it regularly.
  10. To provide knowledge whether the test conducted before was completed and has been done (Rabindranath, et al,2018). Therefore, it saves time while reviewing the records.
  11. To provide knowledge of whether the test conducted before was completed and has been done (Surianarayanan & Chelliah, 2019). Therefore, it saves time while reviewing the records (Rabindranath, et al,2018). And history will be formed for easy retrieval if a problem arises.
  12. Online services don’t automatically do encryption on one’s data on their storage therefore, employees can have access to your data without you noticing.
  13. More time will be taken for decryption and retrieval of data before it can be used.

14.The less the steps and easier they are, the fewer mistakes and less confusion hence saving time on recovery leading to a good system backup (Surianarayanan & Chelliah, 2019).

  1. Find all documents and information that are secured, and procedures required to recover.











Mathew, A., & Mai, C. (2018, May). Study of Various Data Recovery and Data Back-Up Techniques in Cloud Computing & Their Comparison. In 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) (pp. 2021-2024). IEEE.

Ravindranath, K., Raghupriya, N., Vamsi, P. K., & Kumar, S. (2018). Study on Disaster Recovery in Cloud Environment. International Journal of Engineering & Technology7(2.32), 100-103.

Surianarayanan, C., & Chelliah, P. R. (2019). Disaster Recovery. In Essentials of Cloud Computing (pp. 291-304). Springer, Cham.



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