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Unit 8 AS Population, Urbanization, Environment, Social Change

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Unit 8 AS Population, Urbanization, Environment, Social Change

Question 1

Differences between the Formal and Informal Economy.

A formal economy entails the economic activities that are taxable, monitored and controlled by the governmental agencies. The government plays a significant role in measuring the economic impact through the evaluation of various economic variables. In the formal economy, many activities are included in the gross domestic product and gross national product of the nation. In the formal economy, the government plays the main role in registering the labourers and businesses. Formal economies include that of developed countries such as the United States and Canada. All the activities by individuals can be accounted for by the government due to increased transparency and the absence of the black market. The national income for nations that operate under the formal economy is certain because all the sectors of the economy are evaluated effectively. All the money that circulates in the economy affects the overall economic growth. This is because all the transactions are recorded effectively by firms and reports analyzed.

On the other hand, an informal economy can be defined as an economy that is neither taxed nor monitored by a governmental agency (Abel Polese, 2017). Most of the developing countries in the world experience this type of economy and this economy dominates the majority of the African and Latin American countries. Various studies have established that an informal economy is unmanageable, troublesome and unrealistic. Research has established that the informal economy has greatly advanced over the years although its impact cannot be easily established. In the formal economy, many activities are not included in the gross domestic product and gross national product of the nation. Furthermore, the economy is characterized by agorism and the black market. The economy is not affected by the money that goes in and out of the black market (Erika Kraemer-Mbula, 2016). This makes it difficult to estimate the size and development of such an economy because of the hidden behavior among the participants. The government does not have a hand in the registration of the businesses and labourers and furthermore, most of the transactions are not recorded. This implies that the national income for such economies is uncertain. Research has ascertained that the informal economy is characterized by slow economic growth and development(Jean-Pierre Cling, 2014).

Similarities between the Formal and Informal Economy

Research has established that both entail various economic activities that play a significant role in economic growth and development. Despite the difficulties in ascertaining the impact of the informal economy, economic experts believe that it contributes to the economic growth of the nation.

Sociological Factors explaining the Existence of the Informal Economy in the United States

Various studies have ascertained that information is crucial in the daily lives of individuals. The U.S government acknowledges the existence of informal economy hence it has taken an appropriate action to develop infrastructure and formulate social programs to sustain the informal economic sector. The U.S government also taxes the individuals and the funds are used in the creation of various social amenities for the benefit of the society. Research has established a significant number of Americans depend on the informal economy. This implies that the informal economy plays a significant role in human development and success in the United States.

Researchers have established that the informal economy in the United States is characterized by women because most of the men are dominant in the formal sector. This has made many of the policymakers in the United States to focus on the provision of opportunities for women to boost their growth in the informal sector. The government is also playing a significant role in the provision of social security to the individuals in the informal sector to help them conduct their various activities smoothly.

Question 2

Unemployment in the United States

Unemployment is a severe concern in the world today and many countries have formulated strategies to combat the situation. Research ascertains that unemployment occurs when the individuals are willing to work but they can’t secure any form of employment (Gangl, 2012). High levels of unemployment have a negative impact on the economy of the nation. The unemployment rate is often ascertained through the division of the total number of individuals that are not employed with the total number of jobs available. The recent data from the national bureau of statistics in the United States established that the rate of unemployment is at 3.6 per cent with the highest rate of unemployment been among the youths. This results in economic distress hence the chances of social and political upheaval are high.

Measuring of Unemployment in the United States

The government of the United States uses various methods in tracking the rate of unemployment within the population. Various organizations are often tasked with the responsibility for conducting monthly surveys among the population to ascertain the rate of unemployment among the individuals. The final results are compared between various states to ascertain the most affected regions to enhance the formulation of effective strategies to mitigate the situation. The sample of eligible households to participate in the survey is ascertained through various social platforms after which the results are analyzed. The surveys often avoid bias by engaging experts in the analysis of the results and ensure that the precise outcome of the entire process is achieved. The rate of unemployment in various categories is incorporated in the survey to ensure that individuals from various races are covered for comprehensive results.

The U.S government uses social insurance statistics in the estimation of the unemployment rate. The number of individuals with access to unemployment benefits plays a significant role in the provision of estimations about the rate of unemployment in the country. The method has been criticized by some of the scholars because they claim that the unemployment benefits can expire before the integration of the individuals into the job market. This result in inaccurate calculations affecting the overall results as far as the rate of unemployment is concerned. Official estimates can be used by the government in ascertaining the rate of unemployment in the country. This is often achieved through a combination of unemployment information from all the methods after which the rate of unemployment in the country is ascertained.

The government may also use the statistics from the employment office in estimating the rate of unemployment among the individuals. The method is effective because it determines the number of individuals that enter the unemployment offices for their benefits per month. The method has been proved to be ineffective because some individuals might be willing and able to work but may never enter the unemployment offices.

Benefits of the Methods of Measurement

These methods are significant because they enhance the effective comparison of unemployment rates of the United States and other countries. The methods are also important because provide the government with limelight on the effective distribution of the resources which is important in reducing the rate of unemployment.

Disadvantages of the Methods of Measurement

These methods are prone to errors because they do not include individuals that are not seeking employment like those in prisons and institutions of higher learning. The methods do not capture individuals that are self-employed whose data is not in the national system. Individuals with early retirement and those with disability pension are not captured within the methods. The method does not include part-time workers and those that decide not to join the labour market. These methods do not include underemployed individuals.  The methods also do not provide a thorough assessment of the impacts of unemployment among the individuals in the society. The methods are prone to errors and bias because of inconsistencies and data assembly.

Question 3

Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives to Cigarettes, Smoking, and Junk Foods (such as soda, candy, and fast foods)

Food is good for the body but some of the substances that we ingest in our bodies might have detrimental effects on our health (Logue, 2013). Some lifestyles related to consumption of junk food and smoking of cigarettes have adverse effects on our bodies. Junk foods such as soda, candy and fast foods are the major causes for increased cases of obesity among the individuals in the United States. Increased smoking among the individuals is the major cause of lung and throat cancer hence relevant actions should be taken to mitigate the situation. Research has established that over 11 million deaths experienced annually across the world result from an unhealthy diet.

Social institutions should strive to educate the society about the significance of adhering to a healthy diet. This can play a significant role in mitigating the health hazards associated with an unhealthy diet. According to functionalism, the society is a complex system to control as far as the achievement of the desired health outcome among the individuals is concerned. The perception of the individuals about the implications of unhealthy habits has been affected by ignorance where the individuals have continued with the consumption of junk foods and smoking. Research ascertains that many people today in the United States perceive cigarette smoking as leisure activity alongside various snacks and alcohol.     This has hindered the individuals from acknowledging the health hazards for such lifestyles.

Sociological Perspective of Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives

These theories provide different perspectives on how individuals view the social world. The two theories provide an explanation about human behavior and the social world.

Functionalism Perspective

The theory elucidates that society is a system made up of interdependent individuals that work together in maintaining the social equilibrium (Lucian Ashworth, 2016). Various social institutions contribute a crucial proportion to the community education been the major means through which the individuals are transformed. The community is governed by the political platforms with economics playing a significant role in the production, distribution and consumption of various goods and services. Religion is a social institution that plays a crucial role in the transformation of society. Religion provides individuals with moral guidance and support during trouble and the theory also outlines the interdependence of various institutions in the maximum influence of the society. For instance, children may fail to perform well in their academics due to failure by their parents to monitor them effectively. Adults might also be required to go back to class to acquire essential knowledge they need to keep up with the increased automation to match the needs of the job market.

The theory focuses on the need for educating the individuals on how smoking and consumption of junk food affects the normal functioning of various parts of the body. Individuals should be aware of what their bodies require for effective functioning.

Conflict perspective

The theory outlines that individuals are often in conflict with ideas presented to them about their habits as far as smoking and the consumption of junk food is concerned. Individuals tend to provide reasons for their behavior and they are less likely to accept that smoking or consumption of junk food is hazardous to their health. The theory outlines that individuals tend to resist the external forces that may interfere with their normal behavior such as the consumption of junk food or even smoking.

Question 4

How HIV/AIDS both a sociological and medical issue

HIV/AIDS is one of the dangerous pandemics that has killed millions of people in the world. Many individuals fail in the trap due to ignorance as far as the aspect of protection is concerned and others suffer due to partial education about safe ways for protection against HIV/AIDS. In various developing countries, social aspects that wife inheritance has escalated the rate of new infections among individuals. Social stigma is the major concern in society today where HIV/AIDS victims have segregated an aspect that induces much stress in many individuals. Research has established that stigmatization is detrimental to individuals because this may decline the recovery process if the individual is under Anti-retroviral drugs. HIV/AIDS is a sociological issue because once one of the family members is diagnosed with the diseases, the rest of the family members are affected psychologically. They perceive their member as a walking dead and they might end up secluding him or her because some lack education about the disease and they often think being closer to them might result in infection. Individuals living with HIV/AIDS are not included in various community-based programs due to increased social stigma against them in society.


Research has established that many individuals in sub- Saharan Africa have partial knowledge about the disease as far as its transmission is concerned. Many individuals have adhered to various myths about HIV/AIDS and this has affected their interactions with the people living with HIV/AIDS. Some fear to touch the individuals living with HIV/AIDS through handshaking and various other ways due to the fear of contraction. Such individuals lack adequate knowledge about the disease hence they escalate the stigma that exists in the society against people living with HIV/AIDS.

The medical professionals should engage with the community to enhance increased creation of awareness in the society which would change the attitude of the individuals towards people living with HIV/AIDS. People living with HIV/AIDS should also be advised on various strategies they would adopt to overcome the increased stigma from society against them (Wolfgang Gaebel, 2016). School going children are affected psychologically if they are discriminated by their peers because of their condition. This affects their performance in class as far as their academic life is concerned especially when isolated from most of the class activities by their peers. HIV/AIDS is a social issue because much attention is often given to the victims by their families and less time focused on other crucial matters.

HIV/AIDS is a medical issue since individuals suffer from various infections increasing their need for medication in the society.

Sociological Sources of the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Communities and Countries

The cases for HIV/AIDS are disproportionate in the world due to various sociological factors in society. Some aspects such as wife inheritance in many African communities has increased the spread of HIV/AIDS among the individuals. Social practices such as polygamy have also played a major role in the increased spread of HIV/AIDS in many African societies. Having multiple sex partners especially for individuals in college has also increased the spread of HIV/AIDS in various societies across the world. The high rate of unfaithfulness in marriage experienced in society today has also made individuals prone to the contraction of HIV/AIDS. Increased abuse of drugs in society has also resulted in high rates of HIV/AIDS transmission when individuals tend to share syringes and indulge in unprotected sex.

Increased social events such as night parties bring individuals from different backgrounds together who end up indulging in sexual relationships without bothering about their health status. This results in increased transmission of HIV/AIDS among the individuals in the society since many are often drunk after the party hence women can be raped by unknown people.

Question 5

The Sick Role by sociologist Erving Goffman

Research has ascertained that human beings interact in various ways because they are social beings. Interaction among the individuals in the society is guided by various aspects such as the effective understanding of common gestures. Certain signals are used by the individuals in passing some crucial information about various aspects. Ervin Goffman ascertained that positive interactions with the sick increase their chances of recovery. Ervin applies metaphors in the explanation of the concept of human socialism and its significance in the community. He also uses dramaturgical analysis in the interpretation of the social roles of the individuals in society. He outlines that we can use the tone of our voices to manage the impressions of the sick in society.  Our actions, gestures and dialogue with them determine their feelings regarding various events. Patients may hide their feelings but if we interact with them well, they tend to depict their feelings to us.


Expectations of the ill in the United States

Research has established that social stratification shapes the perception of the individuals about the ill health in the United States. Ill health among the individuals in the United States is associated with individuals from the lower class that are assumed to have inadequate financial resources for accessing quality healthcare. The healthcare system in the United States is influenced by costs hence individuals from high social class can access quality healthcare. This makes them prevalent to better health compared to their counterparts from the lower class. Various studies have established that low- and middle-class earners in the United States have fewer expectations from healthcare facilities. Access to quality healthcare in the United States is also defined by race where the whites are often given first priority upon visitation to the healthcare facilities compared to their black counterparts. This implies that the African Americans’ expectations upon visitation of the healthcare facilities are quite low compared to their white counterparts.

Research has ascertained that individuals of the middle class in the United States have fewer expectations upon their recovery from illness due to the inability to cater to their regular medical checkups. The rich in the United States have positive expectations of the recovery process upon the development of ill health. This is because of their ability to cater to the high medical costs in the country.

The responsibility of the sick

The sick in the society cannot play various roles due to their conditions compared to individuals with good health hence the community has the responsibility for devising strategies to help them in various roles. Individuals living with HIV/AIDS should come out and tell society how they feel despite living with the disease. They should create awareness to reduce the stigma of society against people living with HIV/AIDS an aspect that would transform the society.























Abel Polese, C. C. (2017). The Informal Economy in Global Perspective: Varieties of Governance. Springer.

Erika Kraemer-Mbula, S. W.-V. (2016). The Informal Economy in Developing Nations. Cambridge University Press.

Gangl, M. (2012). Unemployment Dynamics in the United States and West Germany: Economic Restructuring, Institutions and Labor Market Processes. Springer Science & Business Media.

Jean-Pierre Cling, S. L. (2014). The Informal Economy in Developing Countries. Routledge.

Logue, A. W. (2013). The Psychology of Eating and Drinking. Routledge.

Lucian Ashworth, D. L. (2016). New Perspectives on International Functionalism. Springer.

United States Bureau of Labor St

Wolfgang Gaebel, W. R. (2016). The Stigma of Mental Illness – End of the Story? Springer.

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