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Reply 1

Hello Parker,

Thank you for posting an insightful and engaging post regarding how you utilize the assessment results to help students perform better. I agree with your approach of setting goals for gifted students to aim and strive harder regardless of their excellent capabilities of the state’s standardized tests. By setting goals for the gifted students, they work harder to attain them, enabling them to develop competency skills and improve their comprehension of the course material, motivating them to learn more (Keeley, 2015). I also support your idea of using formative assessment, whether simple or structured, as it is extremely beneficial to learners because you will understand the needs and tailor the next lesson to meet them (Wiliam & Leahy, 2016). Consequently, students’ learning experience is enhanced, encouraging them to further participate in the learning process. Further, utilizing formative assessment may help you improve students leaning by developing tasks that are more complex since your students are gifted. Please allow me to ask, do you experience any challenges using formative assessment?


Keeley, P. (2015). Science formative assessment, volume 1: 75 practical strategies for linking assessment, instruction, and learning. Corwin Press.

Wiliam, D., & Leahy, S. (2016). Embedding formative assessment. Hawker Brownlow Education




Reply 2

Hello Erika,

Thank you for posting a thorough and interesting discussion regarding how you use assessment to enhance students’ learning experience. I support your idea of using the results of your assessment to determine the student’s capability and customize interventions accordingly. When an educator understands which learners are not comprehending course material and the ones that are high achievers, they may develop appropriate interventions that will correct learners’ weaknesses and reinforce high achievers students’ comprehension of the course (Khadijeh & Amir, 2015). As a result, learners will have equal opportunities to learn and improve their skills, leading to an enhanced learning environment. Formative assessment is an example of an evaluation technique that may help you comprehend learners’ capabilities and needs, enabling you to develop the next lesson in a manner that you will address the learners’ needs, leading to effective learning (Wiliam & Leahy, 2016). Forgive my curiosity, but I have to ask, how can you improve your accountability as an educator?


Khadijeh, B., & Amir, R. (2015). Importance of teachers’ assessment literacy. International Journal of English Language Education3(1), 139-146.

Wiliam, D., & Leahy, S. (2016). Embedding formative assessment. Hawker Brownlow Education

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