Definition of tourism
According to Muljadi (2012: 7), tourism is an activity of changing the temporary shelter of a person, outside of daily residence for any reason other than carrying out activities that can generate wages or salaries. In addition, tourism is an activity, service and product of the tourism industry that is able to create a travel experience for tourists. Etymologically, tourism comes from two words namely “pari” which means a lot / around while tourism means “to go”. In the big dictionary Indonesia Tourism is an activity related to recreational travel. While the general understanding of tourism is a trip taken by someone for a while to be held from one place to another by leaving the original place and with a plan or not the purpose of making a living in the place he visited, but solely to enjoy the activities of sightseeing or recreation to fulfill diverse desires. As for tourists according to the international definition as follows: 1. A visitor is a person who travels to a country that is not the place of the country in which they live, because of a reason that is not their daily work. 2. Tourist is a visitor who stays temporarily in a place for at least 24 hours in the country visited with his travel motivation related to vacationing, trading, family visits, missions and meetings. 3. Excursionist is a temporary visitor in a country without staying overnight. Understanding of visitors based on The International Union of Office Travel Organizations (IUOTO) and the World Tourism Organization (WTO) 2009: 17 is someone who travels to a country other than his country outside his residence for the primary purpose of a visit other than the reason for conducting activities that generate wages. Based on Law Number 10 of 2009 Concerning Tourism, the understanding of tourists is still the same as the previous understanding, whereas the understanding of tourism is a travel activity carried out by a person or group of people by visiting a particular place for recreational purposes, personal development or studying the uniqueness of the tourist attractions visited in temporary timeframe.