Company Description and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
- Name of the Business:
Quality and Affordable Automobiles (Q&AA)
Mission Statement of the Company: To be the leading and most attracting care dealership service provider through Quality products and services for our customers.
- Legal Ownership:
The Company will be a partnership (joint venture) between six people Therefore, some of the federal documents that will apply to the partnership include a partnership and shareholders agreement.
- Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies
Lim & Greenwood, (2017) explain that Corporate social responsibility is an important channel used by the organization to give back to society. However, besides promoting the social and environmental welfare through corporate social responsibility; The CSR strategies of Q&AA will also be used to market the brand identity and values to the society and potential product consumers in South and North Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York.
Some of the strategies include;
Reducing the carbon footprint by dealing and selling environmentally friendly products and services to our consumers.
Secondly, creating favorable labor policies that promote professionalism, competency, cultural competence, and inclusivity.
Thirdly, participating in fair trade practices conform with the American social and federal regulatory norms
Through annual charitable contributions to minority and special social programs targeting healthcare, education, homeless, children, and sports.
Creating environmental friendly policies and maintaining a low organizational carbon footprint
- Code of Ethics
Every corporate environment exhibits an ethical framework that guides the operational and human resource interaction aspects in the work environment (Rizvi and Willett, 2017). For our joint venture, the code of ethics will be inferred from the National Automobile Dealers Association of America (NADA) code of ethics
Q&AA is committed to making advertisements in a clear and accurate manner in accordance with applicable regulatory limitations. Furthermore, to disclose all the applicable credit terms as demanded by the Federal, state and local truth and lending acts
Financial services:
Apply full disclosure to customers in terms of the costs, terms, and agreement conditions in case of cash, credit, or lease transactions. The terms will be presented in written form to the extent required by federal, state, and local laws.
Embrace and adhere to the laws governing the retail of booth new and used vehicles secondly, Being Honest and truthful when transacting with customers.
Thirdly, Provide a clear and thorough illustration of the steps involved in the purchase of a vehicle or spare parts. Represent the automobile in a professional manner by treating clients with professionalism.
Spare parts and Service:
Provide genuinely and recommended spare parts and services according to the car and consumer needs. Secondly, Use skilled and trained staff in the administration of service and recommendation of spare parts. Furthermore, avail any copies of warranties as they relate to the particular products as demanded by the law.
Maintain high standards of quality and professionalism.
- Regulatory Agencies
Regulatory agencies are meant to protect the consumers, environment, and uphold the standards of the industry (Leard and McConnell, 2017). In the American automobile industry, the major regulating bodies are;
The National Highway Traffic safety administration which outlines the federal motor vehicle and spares safety standards.
The US Environmental protection Agency (EPA) that protects the environment by regulating car emissions.
Furthermore, besides the federal regulatory bodies, various state and local governments also regulate car production, dealership, selling differently.