The most important roles and responsibilities of the project manager on this project during the Implementation phase include Tracking down the project’s progress. This requires the project manager to note how the progress is going on and note improvements, shortcomings, and redundancies. The project manager also ought to be actively involved in seeking errors in the ERP resource and recommending preliminary solutions and coordinating the resources involved in the project. This should be focused on reducing wastage and adhering to the principles of resource optimization.
Several steps would be essential in addressing the fundamental problems faced. Solving problems from their roots could allow the project to be balanced and also address issues conclusively. I would also continuously involve the management for a collaborated approach to the problems at hand and also Enact a checklist or assessment form to curtail future disadvantages in the actualization form of the project.
To address Mr. Zhang’s disapproval, I would reach out to the management on cohesion in the project. Therefore, I would file my dissatisfaction, particularly about Mr. Zhang’s attitude and call for management’s investigation of the matter and final recommendation on the way forward. The management board consists of highly skilled individuals who would most likely recommend the most viable path for the company to take.
- Closing the project has some pros, including saving the company money as new projects’ development requires substantial volumes of monies. Also, closing the project would help shift the resources initially scheduled for the project to other areas. However, there exist some Cons of closing the project. There is the probability of Future reduced support as the management could be cautious of promoting future projects. Resources redundancy and lack of motivation among the workers initially shortlisted for the project are also likely to occur.
- On Fixing, problems there exist some pros, including Bolstering creativity among stakeholders as they seek to streamline the project. Fixing the project would also encourage the stakeholders to note down the issues and address them in future projects. Cons include increased costs and a lack of motivation for the parties involved.
To close the project prematurely, I would draw up checklists from all departments involved in the project and secondly List all materials in each department and their intended use for the project. Afterward, I would List all materials in each department and what service they should be of in the organization and Classify assets into either reusable, sellable, or disposable. The last step would be the Implementation of the three listed actions.
If my recommendation was to plow ahead and fix the system, I would ensure the strict following of preset instructions and assessment at various periods and involve external stakeholders in decision making for leveraged confidence in the project.