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The Coronavirus pandemic has cast a shadow of distress in almost all aspects of human daily lives and it is within these times of uncertainty that the spirit of creativity shines brightest. The pandemic has come with restrictions that require people to work from their homes and maintain social distancing guidelines set out by healthcare authorities. However, history dictates that such times call for change in the way people carry out their normal daily routines and the fashion business is not an exemption. Experts presume that those in the fashion business will have to move their deliveries and showrooms to virtual platforms from physical ones.


Currently, a higher institution involved in creative arts called the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) welcomes its students to a new online platform instead of hitting the reset switch. The platform is known Guests and Gusto that started operation in SCAD Savannah and provides information on all the more than 40-degree programs of the institution. Guests and Gusto is a unique strategy by SCAD that imparts aspects of technology, agility, and creativity to both students and guests.


SCAD tuition fee is about $37500 for undergraduate and $38400 for graduate degree programs and is based on a 75% attendance for at least 45 hours. Those pursuing an undergraduate degree program should expect about $1332 as transportation cost, $14979 as housing plan, $69 as loan fees, and books for at least $1890. These costs might vary for undergraduate and graduate programs. The budget for graduate and undergraduate class of 2020-2021 class is $59133 and $58086 respectively.


The COVID-19 pandemic creates a perfect moment for people to tap into their creativity since there is a decline in distraction allowing one to forge their artistic selves. Students of the art institution based in Savannah have created custom-made masks and face shields with art impressions that stand out in the fashion business. Furthermore, it allows one to add detail and texture to their artistic work. Apart from the Guests and Gusto, the institution has established a program for motion media students called Project V-Lab that grants them access to high-end computers and software promoting collaborations and friendships among students.

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