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Medicinal smoothie project

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Medicinal smoothie project

Project outline

Approximately 42% of the American population suffers from obesity and other health-related ailments due to an unhealthy diet. These surging numbers of people suffering call for appropriate mitigation measures. As part of giving a solution to this problem, we are introducing a smoothie brand that has medicinal benefits to its consumers. The smoothie brands are made of purely organic substances, are sugar-free, and boost the general metabolism that helps in weight loss and fat burning.  Most of the foods that are consumed by most American populations are highly processed which consequently hurt metabolism. The negative caused is the clogging of the metabolic system, these foods include; sugars, hydrogenated oils, highly processed foods, chicken injected with hormones, and many more.  These foods add no nutritive value in our bodies hence the need to reduce their intake and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

The smoothie brands that we are introducing are free from all the inorganic compounds especially sugar. However, many might imagine that without sugar our smoothies are tasteless, but we have a solution for that. We have substituted sugar will purely organic honey which gives the sweet taste but still maintaining the healthy aspect. Our key raw materials are fresh fruits, vegetables, and honey. Our key deliverable is this healthy smoothie that will help reduce the ever surging numbers of obesity cases.

Organizational Readiness for the Quality Management

Currently, the organization is using the general quality management system or ISO 9000, where it is following all the appropriate practice processes that are dimmed fit for the organization. Of all the processes customer satisfaction is our key point of concern and reference. The organization is not only profit-oriented but it also champions healthy living. Data is the organization’s sole reliance on quality management.  From the acquired data we make evaluations on the trends, feedback, and consumer patterns, this helps the organization in aligning its strategies. The process is very critical to the quality management system as it ensures appropriate quality activities and preventive measures are implemented in the organization.

The general QMS is a flexible and highly accommodative system that is willingly and ready to integrate the new project. For the new project, we rely on the current market trends, where healthy foodstuffs are of preference to the processed foods. For this new project, there are the basics that must be put into consideration, these are; professions involves, input, suppliers, and customers. The project needs, mixologists, nutritionists, consistent supply of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Quality systems analysis

ISO 9000


ISO 9000 has increased marketability, has improved customer relations and services which ultimately improves their satisfaction.  It has better management control, this is because the management has a better understanding of the business progression and direction. Lastly, among many advantages, it is cost-effective.


It has lengthy processes that are often discouraging. ISO 9000 requires and relies on large documentation. Additionally, many business owners fail to understand the quality standards.

Pros and cons of Six Sigma

Six Sigma ensures success, it holds are a record of the most successful QMS that has seen many companies grow tremendously. It’s used in increasing sales, increasing stock value, and many more. Six Sigma also adds more value and quality to the organization’s outputs.

Six sigma is difficult to implement and is complicated because it gives minute inspections of business processes and large data is often gathered.  Secondly, the cost incurred in the long run in its implementation can be substantial.

Pros and cons of Capability Maturity Model Integration.

It is centralized, this is an advantage because the documentation of the project is uniform and tis makes its leaning process seamless. Additionally, it also increases the levels of productivity since it is well understood. Another advantage is that is ensures increased returns in cases of investments.

The con is that this QMS is not seamless with many organizations especially small scale ones.

Most appropriate for this project

The most appropriate QMS is ISO 9000. One main reason is its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. It is also appropriate in increasing the sales of the smoothie project which is the key deliverable.


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