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Methodology and methods

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Methodology and methods

Research philosophy

It is the method through which the knowledge about the research topic will be assembled. It also defines the ways in which the information about the research topic will be evaluated and utilized. It expresses the understanding of the researcher about the topic which helps him to make a research strategy. It includes four types of research philosophy approach they are positivism, realism, pragmatism, and interpretivism. The positivism philosophy approach is used when the sample size is very big and a particular layout is there to carry out the research. The realism research philosophy approach is used when the researcher is required to prove that the technique used in the research is suitable for the topic either it is numerical or subjective. Pragmatism research philosophy is used when the scope of the research is wide which requires a large amount of data to be collected using different methods. Interpretivism research philosophy is used when the data of the research is not of large or medium size. It is used when the researcher wants to do deep research about the topic and the concepts related to it. In this research interpretivism research philosophy will be useful in conducting research in the best way. Here the data of the employees is small which is limited up to the extent.  In this research, a deep investigation of the behavior of the employees is required to study. Interpretivism research philosophy is used when the sample size is small but requires an in-depth analysis of the data.

Sampling techniques

Sampling is the method in which the behavior of the samples is observed noted and results are interpreted. Samples are the cluster of persons or objects which will be taken into consideration as they hold certain attributes related to the research topic. There are two methods of taking samples that is simple random sampling and systematic sampling. The samples are required to be taken by following a particular procedure therefore these methods are useful. In this research, the researcher will take simple random sampling for assembling the samples. This method is suitable for collecting the sample as it is bias-free and the participants will be selected at random. This will help the organization to determine the employee’s behavior with more accuracy.

Number of participants

The researcher will involve 15 numbers of participants as samples in his research. These 15 samples will be selected at random and will help the researcher to be precise in his research and the conclusions can be inferred easily. The 15 samples will be more than sufficient for an in-depth study of employee behavior. The small sample size will help the researcher to critically evaluate his observation collected from the respondents. The researcher will adopt a qualitative research strategy to collect the data. The researcher will create a set of questions in the context of the research topic. The participants will be recruited by the researcher after approaching employees of Z Energy. The employees of Z Energy will be recruited and interviews will be taken of these participants.

Location of conducting research

The researcher needs to decide on an appropriate location where the research can be conducted successfully. Selecting an appropriate location will help the researcher to easily collect the relevant information related to his research topic. In this research, the researcher will conduct the researcher in New Zealand and the office of Z Energy. This organization holds a large number of employees which can help the researcher to derive the results of the research in the best way.

Methods of data collection

The data collection methods help the researcher to collect information about the research study in a systematic and organized manner. There are two methods of data collection they are primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. The researcher will use the primary data collection method by taking interviews with entrepreneurs.

Data analysis method

There are two types of data analysis methods they are quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. The methods of data analysis that will be used by the researcher are qualitative analysis. The type of data that will be collected by the researcher will be descriptive therefore qualitative analysis will be the best method for the research. The motive of the research is to determine the impact on the employees of the organization’s goals. The qualitative data analysis method will provide the researcher with the reason and how the employees are affected by the goals.

Time taken

For finishing this research timely, the researcher will follow a systematic framework where each task will be finished after the previous task is completed. The researcher has estimated that the research objectives will be achieved within 13 weeks (3 months) time period. The researcher will start the project on 1st Aug 2020 and submit the final report on or before Oct 31th, 2020. The task activates are representing step-by-step in the below chart and table:

ActivitiesStart DateFinish dateTime (Days)
Research topic selection01-Aug-202005-Aug-20205
Topic Approval06-Aug-202008-Aug-20203
Design Aim and Objectives09-Aug-202015-Aug-20207
Research Methodology16-Aug-202031-Aug-202016
Reviewing literature01-Sep-202010-Sep-202010
Design questionnaire11-Sep-202015-Sep-20205
Interview conducting16-Sep-202030-Sep-202015
Data analysis and result discussion01-Oct-202019-Oct-202019
Draft report20-Oct-202026-Oct-20207
Submission of the final report27-Oct-202031-Oct-20205


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