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COVID-19 training

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COVID-19 training

California State Prison

My Name  RN

University of San Francisco


Executive Summary

Inmates in a prison setting or any other correctional facility are highly susceptible to COVID-19. The limited number of facilities and the close confinement of inmates make it the riskiest population (Woolhandler et al., 2020). To cope with the correction system’s susceptibility, the inmates should be willing to go the extra mile to ensure the curb the spread. The objectives are to impart skills about the handling of the COVID-19 symptoms of the inmates. The training will entail practical skills in screening and handling non-contact thermometer and safe distance while taking body temperatures. The second objective is to cultivate skills and practical knowledge of taking precautions such as handwashing and sanitizers among the nurses while handling them. The use of alcohol-based sanitizers is also vital. The last objective is to detect cases of symptoms of COVID-19 and communication about the precautions (Woolhandler et al., 2020). According to the current trends, there is an increasing rate of prison risks in the target regions. The annual budget aims to reduce the medical cost by $8000, which will be directed to prevention measures, patient testing, and meals will cost $10,000. The nurse’s costs will be reduced by $2000 due to the program. The total annual saving will be $30 000 in the year, while the net savings will be $6,500 hence very economical for the project. The plan will ensure that each party is well-defined in the course of planning and the implementation to ensure the success of the course.









Prison settings are synonymous with overcrowding, high social interaction, and sharing of amenities such as bathrooms and sink; this makes it susceptible to COVID-19. The business plan aims to develop a training program in California State Prison about COVID-19 (Gonnerman, 2020). The project’s objective is to educate and train the staff about preventive measures to handle and control the menace of COVID-19 (Hunt, 2012). There are three main objectives of the whole course of education training in this case. One of the objectives is to impart skills about the handling of the COVID-19 symptoms of the inmates. The training will entail practical skills in screening and handling no contact thermometers and safe distance while taking body temperatures. The second objective is to equip skills and practical knowledge on how to take precautions such as handwashing and sanitizers among the nurses while handling them. The use of alcohol-based sanitizers is vital. The last objective is to detect cases of symptoms of COVID-19 and communication about the precautions. Coronavirus cases cross the global stands at 10,592,134, while deaths are 514,072, and recovered cases have 5,801,131, according to the World Health Organization as of 1 July 2020 (Roser et al.,  2020).

Market Analysis

There is an increasing rate of infection of COVID-19 across the globe. One of the vulnerable areas is the prisons and other correction facilities; this is because prisons are overcrowded, and self quarantining is almost impossible in such settings (Gonnerman,  2020). According to current data, more than 5 million people have been infected by Covid-19 across the world. The number of deaths worldwide is around 671000 individuals, and more than 2.4 million people have recovered. The information above is a clear indication that there is a dire need for control and inclusion of precautions to handle the condition. The precautions entail training and provision pf the right tools and materials. There is also the aspect of sharing information and eliminating the causes of infection with the right approach.

The Market analysis shows that the provision of essential health commodities such as skills in fighting the novel virus has higher returns due to its urgency. These essential commodities include training the employees and the staff to undertake the control and preventive measures in prison. The second objective is to impart skills on the screening of individuals in the California State Prison. The skills about checks and is testing are crucial to controlling the spread of COVID-19 in the locality.  Lastly, the business plan focuses on education and providing the right equipment to the California State Prison’s target team. The plan, in this case hence reflects the market features and the true solutions based on the operations and demands on the ground. To better justify this project, a SWOT analysis has been provided below:


The main strengths entail qualified human capital and teamwork in the facility, which will lead to the project’s success—stakeholders’ willingness to handle and organize the project effectively. The role of willing and able stakeholders is vital for the success of the project. There is also a strength of access to government agencies and non-government agencies’ financial support, crucial for the operations. The other vital feature of the strength is the nature of the facility. There are halls for training, access to training tools, and a strong communication and cooperation culture.


One of the weaknesses is the staff’s unwillingness to train due to the risk involved. The low number of staff makes the training difficult and less effective, and sometimes even some inmates will not be aware of the seriousness. There are also weaknesses in the handling of screening of the suspected patients Ein the facility since the disease is new in the community. The other weakness is diversity among individuals. It will be vital to bring about a culture of unity and cooperation to attain nursing professional goals. The weaknesses will be handled by working as a team and eliminating the financial challenges through lobbying for funds. There will be effective working with all groups to attain the planned goals.



There are several opportunities for the program. The advocation of prevention measures eases the state’s pressure to release detainees back to society.  There is also access to the tools and equipment from non-government firms such as charity firms. The outcome will be better management of training and smooth operations. There is also an opportunity in the influential leadership culture and a qualified team of nurses with a robust ethical code of conduct. Hence, it will be simpler to work with the right side and ensure the firm’s operations’ success. The use of regular checks and reviews will also offer better information and insight into project management.




The infectious nature of COVID-19 makes the trainers vulnerable, and most tend to become paranoid over contracting the virus. Negative influence and panic from outsiders and false information that might strike riots during this training. There will be a need to ensure the creation of a positive culture of development in the firm to overcome the threat. The continuous change of measure my be overwhelming for the staff, and some might quit.

In conclusion, despite the project’s threats and weaknesses, the strengths and opportunities outweigh them, and in the long run, implementing the plan will minimize the spread of the virus.

Project Description

There are three main objectives of the whole course of education training in this case. One of the objectives is to impart skills about the handling of the COVID-19 symptoms of the inmates. The training will entail practical skills in screening and handling no contact thermometer and safe distance while taking body temperatures. The second objective is to equip skills and practical knowledge on how to take precautions such as handwashing and sanitizers among the nurses while handling them. The use of alcohol-based sanitizers is vital (Gonnerman, 2020). The last objective is to detect cases of symptoms of COVID-19 and communication about the precautions.

The model, in this case, follows the SMART approach. The details entail working with the right and available resources and within the time frame—one of the vital elements in the plan’s specific nature. The idea is apparent on the target audience and the course of action. For instance, in this, the aim is to offer training to the employees and the staff on how to undertake the control and preventive measures in prison. There is also the aspect of the assessment of progress. There will be weekly checks and controls of the plan to assess the training’s progress through evaluation, preferably oral assessment.

The weekly reviews are vital for attaining the training goals and the creation of good working conditions. Then, there is also the concept of accuracy assessment when the training is implemented; this entails assessing the tutors to dispense the correct information (Unger, 2011). The team and the stakeholders will work with a clear course of action and withing with the framework. The outcome will be the success of the operations. There is also the aspect of realistic planning and working with the time frame. There will be checks and controls of the program to attain the goals. The other vital elements will entail regular communication of the right parties and stakeholders in the firm. Communication and feedback are crucial for the success of the project working in the prison facility.

The role of support is vital for the success of the project. There will be human capital, technological, and financial support. The groups involved include the staff in California State Prison and the management and the inmates. Both groups are vital in planning, allocating duties, responsibilities, and teamwork (Unger et al.,  2011). The plan will ensure that each party is well-defined in the course of planning and the implementation to ensure the success of the course. There is also an incorporation of competencies, which entails care for the patients and handling all people’s inhumane ways. There will be inclusion and integration of compassion while handling and screening the inmates. According to the current trends, there is an increasing rate of prison risks in the target regions (Woolhandler, 2020). The rate of infection surges when necessary measures are not implemented and the training is aimed to reduce the rate of infection.

The process of data collection is vital in the course of planning. There will be two main stages of implementation. They will include a pilot study with a view of trying the program. The higher the number of members, the greater and faster the goals will be accomplished. There will be creating a small sample or prototype to study and test how the training will be undertaken (Jones et al., 2018). There will be the provision of equipment with a view of checking in the ability to work. The pilot study is vital for planning on the actual implementation. Then, there will be a practical implementation with the whole team and all parties (Laseinde, et 2019). Each stakeholder will be involved, and follow-up will be done (Unger, 2011). Risk management ensures that the objectives will be met; to ensure the staff expresses their views, frequent reviews will be made.



Since the project does not generate any income, there will be expenses and sources of funds through lobbying. The main elements entail training costs, allocating space, sourcing for the training materials, and the nursing support (Unger, 2011). The staffing will be vital to ensure that there is a smooth flow of the operations. In this case, the budget focuses for two years during the management for the nurses’ training and education.

According to the budget, the costs of the expenses will include venue costs and related items such as location, training materials, sound systems, and communication(Unger, 2011). Others will consist of writing materials, notebooks, pens, whiteboards, and meals. There will be a right balance of the funds provided and operations costs to attain the overall goals.


Budget Table


ItemYear 1 Amount ($)Year 2 Amount ($)
Personnel Elements 50005000
Training Fees30003000
Training Transportation costs20002000
Trainers Meals25002500
Trainers Hotel15001500
Non-Personalized Items
Venue costs and related items
Whiteboards, pens, and Notebooks30002000
Hiring Resource person500500
PPEs and Medical Items 10001000
Sound systems and communication
Phone Subscription250250
Total Amount  $ 26600 $ 25600


In the second year of training, the costs entail training fees, transportation, meals, and non-personalized charges. The value of the total costs in the second year is lower than that of the first year. The latter’s amount is $23,500, which is lower than the value in the first year. In the first year, the value is $30,500. There is hence reduction in the second year due to reducing costs of operations. In the second year, the prices have been reduced due to eliminating one-off payments in the first year, as seen above in Table 2.

Financial Analysis

According to the table below, there will be cost savings from the project above. There will be benefits associated with the project. The main benefits will entail reducing the costs of hospitalization due to effective prevention and training. The value will be $10, 000, while the cost savings for medical expenses will be reduced by $8,000 and patient testing and meals by $10,000. The nurse’s costs will be reduced by $2000 due to the program. The total annual saving s will be $30,000 in the year, while the net savings will be $6,500 hence very economical for the project.

Table 2 the Benefits of the CBA


items Annual Savings ($)
Hospitalization costs10000
Medical costs8000
Patient testing3500
Patient meals6500
Nurses costs2000
The total annual savings $30,000
Net Savings (30, 000- 23, 500) $6500


The training is beneficial to the inmates as it puts a concern to their health, and it ensures they acquire the skills to curb with the spread of COVID-19 the correct abilities. Hence, the project is vital since it will also lead to. The benefits include improved quality of life of the individuals and the patients. There will be high motivation levels among medical professionals since the number of infected cases will be less. The cost-benefit analysis focuses on the costs of training and the impact on the parties (Unger, 2011). There will be a reduction in the infection rate through exercise. The rate of infection surges when necessary measures are not implemented and the training is aimed to reduce the rate of infection.


Timeline Analysis

There will be two main stages of implementation; this is a pilot study with a view of trying the program and creating a small sample or prototype to study and test how the training will be undertaken. There will be the provision of equipment with a view of checking in the ability to work. The pilot study is vital for planning the actual implementation (Jones et. al, 2018) Then, there will be a practical implementation with the whole team and all parties.

The process of implementation will entail the cooperation of the relevant parties in the target organization. There will be an allocation of the duties and the functions of the individuals in the firm. There is also the aspect of the measurements of the progress. There will be weekly checks and controls of the plan to ensure all information is collected. The weekly reviews are vital for attaining the training goals and the creation of the right working conditions. The project will be led by the leading project manager, who is mandated to oversee the project and give assess the accuracy.

The project manager will be working with a qualified team of individuals in the course of implementation. Still, there will be checks and controls to attain the goals. The main stakeholders include the staff in California State Prison and other related parties such as management and the inmates. All the parties are vital in the course of planning, allocation of duties, responsibilities, and working for a team (Unger et al. 2011). The plan will ensure that each party is well-defined in the course of planning and the implementation to ensure the success of the whole course.

Feasibility Statement and Conclusion

There are three main objectives of the whole course of education training in this case. One of the objectives is to impart skills about the handling of the COVID-19 symptoms of the inmates. The training will entail practical skills in screening and handling no contact thermometer and safe distance while taking body temperatures. The second objective is to equip skills and practical knowledge on how to take precautions such as handwashing and sanitizers among the nurses. The use of alcohol-based sanitizers is vital (Gonnerman, 2020). The last objective is to detect cases of symptoms of COVID-19 and communication about the precautions.

The main stakeholders include the staff in California State Prison and other related parties such as management and the inmates. All the parties are vital in planning, allocating duties and responsibilities, and working for a team. They will include a pilot study with a view of trying the program. Working with over 20 leaders will be vital to attain the goals (Jones et. al, 2018). The other benefits will reduce infections and better operations in the firm. There will be better guarding and growth of active working. There will be an outcome of non-monetary support from practical training, nurse’s motivation, reduced turnover, and sound relations with other members in training.





Appendix A


Gantt Chart for Timeframes

Appendix D

Training Focus







Gonnerman, J. (2020). How Prisons and Jails Can Respond to the Coronavirus. The Newyorker, 3(2), 4-7. Retrieved 13 July 2020, from

Hunt, D. (2012). QSEN competencies: A bridge to practice. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 10(5), 1-3.

Jones, C., Finkler, S. A., Kovner, C. T., & Mose, J. (2018). Financial Management for Nurse Managers and Executives-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Laseinde, T., Oluwafemi, I., Pretorius, J. H., & Oluwafemi, J. (2019, July). The impact of the work environment in concurrence to productivity in higher institutions. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 309-320). Springer, Cham.

Roser, M., Ritchie, H., Ortiz-Ospina, E., and Hasell, J., 2020. Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19). [online] Our World in Data. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 July 2020].

Unger, J. M., Rauch, A., & Rosenbusch, N. (2011). Human capital and entrepreneurial success: A meta-analytical review. Journal of business venturing, 26(3), 341-358.

Woolhandler, S., McCormic, D., & Hawks, L. (2020). COVID-19 in Prisons and Jails in the United States. Acute Care For Patients Who Are Incarcerated, 2(3), 5-6. Retrieved 11 July 2020.






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