Evidence-based Practice Identification of Clinical Question
Name Institution What factors do nurses need to consider when developing Evidence-based Practices? A lot of nurses justify their practices by suggesting that they have always done it that way. However, nurses should not accept practices based on how they have been working. The right practices depend on what works, not how things have been running for the last years of their nursing career. Several factors should be considered when developing a practical guideline of evidence-based practice, for example, the research, patient preference and compassion (Graham & Davies, 2017). When developing an effective evidence-based practice, research is an essential consideration. Research helps to determine if a practice is not supported or supported. Relevant research needs to take place for nurses to know what they are supposed to do (Barranco & Ramos 2016). Research is vital because it increases nurses’ confidence in evidence-based practices which leads to high patients’ outcome and quality care. Research also reduces geographical variations in the process of delivering healthcare. Patience preference is another factor which is essential in evidence-based practice. Few patients dislike the way standard practices are done in healthcare facilities (Simones & Wilson, 2017). In such a situation, nurses should consider the preference of the patient, and if it is not possible, then the patient needs to be informed why. If patience preference is considered during evidence-based practices, it increases hopes of a patient because they become sure that the nurses know what they are doing. Patience preference also increases the patients’ role satisfaction and empowerment which is very critical during the recovering periods of patients (Haber, 2018). Another factor to consider when developing an effective evidence-based practise is compassion. An evidence-based practice which is well-researched care for protocol need and needs to be performed with compassion so as the patients can have goods hospital experience. Nurses need to process empathy because it always drives patient satisfaction scores (Bloom, 2016). References Basol, R., Larsen, R., Simones, J., & Wilson, R. (2017). Evidence into practice: Hospital and academic partnership demonstrating exemplary professional practice in EBP. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 32(1), 68-71. Bloom, K. C. (2016). Ladder to Success for EBP. Fiset, V. J., Graham, I. D., & Davies, B. L. (2017). Evidence-based practice in clinical nursing education: a scoping review. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(9), 534-541. Haber, J. (2018). PART II Processes of Developing EBP and Questions in Various Clinical Settings. Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing and Healthcare Quality Improvement-E-Book, 31. Ruzafa-Martínez, M., López-Iborra, L., Barranco, D. A., & Ramos-Morcillo, A. J. (2016). Effectiveness of evidence-based practice (EBP) course on the EBP competence of undergraduate nursing students: a quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education Today, 38, 82-87.