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Global Teams and Getting Results

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Global Teams and Getting Results

Global teams are the upcoming trend in any workplace. This is where the team comprises of members from different countries hence different cultural backgrounds. Although global teams are believed to ensure the success of the team due to creativity and sharing ideas, they can be the worst if they don’t understand their cultural differences. Leaders in any global team should create time to understand the cultural differences between team members so that they are not the source of conflicts. With such a team, better results can be assured at the end of the day.

Our work team comprises one Germany member and four Chinese members. This makes it a clear definition of global team and its success depends on how well the leader understands cultural differences that characterize the different team members. Members of a global team are likely to have stereotypical expectations of each other which are based on the previous history of the team members. Such expectations can lead to conflict if they are not discussed as a team because the stereotypes undermine the ability of the concerned team members. Understanding and managing global teams call for our understanding of culture and its implication on the performance of a team.

The culture according to the text is the shared beliefs, values, norms and assumptions by a group of people. Such attributes can lead to conflicting teams especially when they are not discussed in advance since they can lead to miscommunication and misjudgment. To avoid such conflicts and miscommunication, the team should create the right context for their team so that they can have adequate time for discussing their differences. A good context allow building of trust and more so for new teams. Like in our case, we should select appropriate place for our meetings which will encourage all members to share their views and norms necessary for better team results.

The composition of the team in global teams determines its success. The team should comprise of individuals willing to accept that their values may be inconsistent with the values of others in the same team. In our team where we have one Germany and four Chinese, the Chinese members should be willing to accept the values of the Germany member to minimize conflicts. This is because a better understanding of the differences brings appreciation and the team can work together smoothly despite the differences. Better results are achieved when the team comprises of individuals willing to appreciate their differences.

The competencies of team members in a global team also have been discussed to lead to better results. Team members from different cultural background bring with them a set of skills and experienced that can ensure desired results from the team. When the team has common rules and ground for cultural respect, team members will participate fully since they are not limited by cultural differences. When in a global team, understanding the various competencies among the team members increase their confidence and also promote a ground for understanding cultural differences.

For global teams, regular change is important especially when the team is not getting the required results. Classification or roles is one of the changes that can be enacted by a team. This will also apply to our work team as it will help in improving the results of the teamwork. As the team leader, I will ensure regular changes where the results will not be as desired.




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