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Critical Analysis: Internet Use and Well-being Among College Students: Beyond Frequency of Use

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Critical Analysis: Internet Use and Well-being Among College Students: Beyond Frequency of Use

The transition between high school and college can be quite dramatic and tasking. It involves a massive transformation in numerous spheres including academics and social life. Chang, Juang, and Syed (2007) present an intensive dissection of the issue of internet usage among college students and the effect of such usage on student wellbeing. As it is known, many colleges around the globe are in a rush to differentiate themselves through their increased embrace of online learning and approaches to teaching. For example, most colleges have an education management system of some kind. Moodle is a popular example of these systems.

Article Content and Target Audience

The article primarily centers on presenting an analysis of how college students use the internet and how the diverse forms of internet consumption affect the wellbeing of students. Thus, in the performance of the research, the researchers take a sample of students of both genders and administer questionnaires in class. From the analysis of the data, it is noted that there are about five precise forms of internet usage, including socialization, learning, and distraction from issues of life, coping with issues, and messaging through email. The article confirms that internet usage and wellbeing are directly related. Accordingly, the authors affirm that depression, family cohesion, and social anxiety directly connect with internet use. What students do online is what matters the most. Thus, it may be extrapolated that the article directly targets people that are involved in student guidance; like teachers. Psychologists and policymakers may also benefit from the article.

Rhetorical Situation and Intentions

The rhetorical situation and intentions of the paper can easily be inferred from the content. The authors argue that the forms of internet users are the main issue behind its connection to wellbeing. They present that the primary complexity is not n how much internet is used, but on the purposes that stimulate internet use. They infer that there is a direct connection between internet use and wellbeing, especially on the issues of depression and anxiety. This is the primary rhetorical intention and situation of the paper.

Author and Journal Credibility

The authors are experts in the field as evidenced by their professional and objective dissection of the subject. The intensive reference to other sources and the focus on a narrow aspect of the topic. Besides, they take a professional research method by selecting a relevant sample and collecting data from them. Moreover, the indicators used are also strategic. The journal in which the article is published is also a professional and well-accredited journal that stores peer-reviewed data. Thus, the authors and the journal are both credible

Purpose of citations and Conclusion Strategy

The authors take up many citations in the writing of the paper in question. If one performs a close and critical analysis of the paper, it is easy to notice that the paper borrows from the works of many other researchers and is therefore not an isolated island of information that fails to link up with already known research findings. This interconnection affirms the purpose of research which is to add on already existing data and contribute to the already existing body of knowledge. Besides, the references used are renowned scholarly materials and peer-reviewed journals. These add more hence and flesh to the concepts presented in the paper. On the other hand, the conclusion strategy also takes the recommended professional method. As observable, the conclusion first restates the thesis of the paper and confirms that the internet and wellbeing are related. Besides, the article highlights possible limitations and gives recommendations for future research.




Gordon, C., Juang, L., & Syed, M. (2007). Internet use and well-being among college students: Beyond frequency of use. Journal of College Student Development, 48(6), 674-688. doi: 10.1353/csd.2007.0065

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