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Training Program Design for a Healthcare Organization

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Training Program Design for a Healthcare Organization



Introduction 3

  1. Determining the Gap 3
  2. Training Overview 4
  3. Audience Assessment 5
  4. Training Program Design 6
  5. Logistical Requirements and Resource Availability Checklist & Notes 21
  6. Session Plan 21
  7. Assessment Form 22
  8. Reflection 23

References 24





A healthcare organization not only gives medicine and care, but the words of hope are also given by them to patients and to the relatives which gives them strength to fight the harsh situation. To provide best care and services to the patients, it is important to have an effective communication between the employees, doctors, and other associates. Communication also helps in passing the prior experience and necessary information from one person to another that helps in managing any situation. If there is a lack of effective communication then a training program can help in training the staff with the gaps identified in need to be filled. Employee training program is designed to develop the skills of the employees. A specific training program for a healthcare organization will be designed here after the identification of need and gaps in skills of the employees.

  1. Determining the Gap

Existing Competencies

Desired Competencies

Identification of Training Needs

Desired Outcome of training

Individual Training Needs

Organizational Training Needs

Poor employee performance

Well-managed and quick handling of patients with all required care and services given to them.

Poor employee performance leads to crack in providing efficient and effective care to patient which affects the health-related outcomes of the organization

Employees will understand the importance of doing work efficiently and also the employee will have knowledge about how to handle a situation in quick and efficient way.

It will help the employee career wise

Better employee performance will help in improving organizational performance

Issues in Patient Care

Patients should be treated well not only in terms of giving medicines and hygiene but also a moral support through effective communication skills should be given

When patients are not receiving the care and treatment then it shows that there is gap in the patient care.

Training will help in increasing their efficiency and make trained that sub-consciously also they give best care to patients

Individually a person will boost morally

Patient with good experience will refer the organization to others

Team Work

Success can only be gained when people work as a team. Effective communication between the employees allow a better management of work which covers many other gaps

Lack of communication between the employees lead to lack of care to the patients and that shows the need of training in developing the team work

Working as team will help in equally distributing the work load and will give better outcome of the services and treatments

Person will gain the support of others

Quick and efficient work will increase the organization’s reputation

Employee Engagement

Employees should feel to be the part of the organization and take the responsibility of their doings

When employees are not engaged with working environment of the organization they do not perform their best

Training will help the employees to understand the organizational culture better and give 100% to it.

Clear the roles and responsibility of the individual

Organization will have improved performance benefits


  1. Training Overview

Theme- The main focus of the training will be to develop effective communication between the employees as it will help in improving all core training needs identified above.

Timeframe- the expected time frame for providing the training to employees is 3 months.

Budget- the approximate budget for the training program will be $ 3500.

Goals and Objectives- the purpose of the training is to increase trainee’s knowledge and skills on the effective leadership strategies needed to effectively communicate treatment training sessions.

Essential Question- How the employees will use the communication skills they learned during the training in improving themselves and the organization they are working with?

Activities- Role Play, brainstorming sessions, lectures, orientation classes, and group discussions.

Resources- Projector, Laptops, Whiteboard, Marker, Pen, Paper, Files, Pamphlets, etc.

Assessment Activities- Surveys and questionnaires

Evaluation- Answers filled in the surveys conducted

Outcome- The employees will understand the importance of effective communication and use it for better performance in healthcare organization.

  1. Audience Assessment

Demographics- the age group between 25-30 years, any gender, with minimum qualification like Management Program

General Overview- knowledge and development and readiness of the new staff

Audience- New Leadership Managers joining the company

Current Role- responsibility to assist the seniors in managing the challenges of the organization

General overview of expected audience- learn something new and better methods of the old procedures

Needs / exceptions- analyse the cultural difference


  1. Training Program Design























Regus, Level 8, 21 Queen Street,

Auckland Central, 1010 Auckland

New Zealand


About us

IGSJ is a change master among industry leaders that employs dedicated professionals that delivers meaningful progress to the organisations and their clients. With over 25 years of experience, the company’s recognition is unsurmountable. Having been awarded by various organisations, the company continues to expand its global network with innovative ideas focus on providing structure to different entities particularly related to developing better work processes, improvement systems and management services within the healthcare sector.


Most Innovative Global Organisations (2012, 2015 and 2016) by Forbes

No. 1 for Top 10 International Leadership Impact (2000-2016) marking 16 consecutive years by The Economist

Top 20 in Innovation in Execution of Education Services (1992, 1997, 2001, 200-2014) by TSIA

Best Practices in Knowledge Management (1998, 2000-2005) by TSIA

No. 10 for World’s Most Admired Companies (1997-2017) securing the position as a top contender by FORTUNE


Other Awards

No. 45 for FORTUNE’s Blue Ribbon Companies (2000-2017)

No. 20 for Standard & Poor’s S&P Top 500 (1998-2017)

Financial Times’ FT 500 (1992-2017)


Effective Leadership for Decision Makers


This is a 2-day workshop program. For interested applicants, kindly register your details to


Important: Each course requires a minimum of 10 attendees inorder to proceed.

Course Information

This training program was developed and intended for decision makers who seek to enhance value added skills focusing on motivation and engagement.

The company encourages the participants of the course to access the in the Session Plan for the pre-course reading material. The log in details will be provided through the registered email in the online application form.


Programme Details

Training Provider

IGSJ Training Institute

Program Title

Effective Leadership for Decision Makers


Managers will be able to recognize components of the effective leadership.

To demonstrate the role mentoring plays in our understanding of leadership.

To summarize the conclusion and traits theories of leadership.

To address challenges to the effectiveness of leadership.

To analyse the skills of leaders and managers

Learning Outcomes

To identify the key characteristics and skills of an effective presenter and apply these in your own presentation.

To identify the key ingredients of successful presentation and learn how to prepare the beginning, middle, and end of good presentation.

To recognize the importance of presentation and rehearsal to ensure the success of a presentation.

To evaluate own communication style and recognize how this impact on your audience.

Evaluation Measures

Questionnaire, Circular, Pamphlets

Facilitated by

Ilonah Paz D. Checchecan, RN, CAGS (Performance Strategist, Head Consultant for Massachusetts University Graduate Program)

Gurpreet D. Kaur, RN, Ph.D. (Learning Consultant for University of Auckland)

Simrat S. Kaur, RN, MPH (Curriculum Designer, Harvard University Programme Advisor)

Jaennevibe B. Cabias, CEPH (Collaboration Specialist of Auckland District Health Board)

Duration / Length of the course

2 days, 9-10 September 2017


The Manor Lodge, Gordons Road, Woodside Bay, Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand


White board, pen, papers, A4 Sheets, chairs, computers, pointer, OHP

Pre-course Reading



Training Program Design 21

Proposed Session Plan

Day 1 of 2 (9 September 2017)



Programme of Activity


0800 – 0900

1 hr



0900 – 1000

1 hr

Introduction Part A





Training, orientation, development classes are all forms of teachings that are provided to the new leaders joining in the company. The question arises that when they are already trained leaders then what is the need of providing the orientation or training to them. The main objective behind training the new leaders is to make them understand their roles and responsibilities, that they have to fulfil while working for the organization. It becomes more important when the organization in consideration is related to the healthcare sector. Here the leaders have to manage more than just the working of an organization. They have to handle emergencies, patient care, and cannot manage any mistake in playing the role of the leader (Barreto, 2012).





What, When, Why, How, Who

The new leaders in a health care sector need to learn all procedures and keep themselves updated with the new technology and procedures of healthcare for providing best services to the customers. A company has to decide on five factors before planning the training procedures for the new leaders. These five factors are as follows:


The leaders joining the company are already trained and professional then what should be they trained for? The answer to this question is given below:

The training includes the information about the organizational goals and objectives.

Explanation about the procedures that company follows while taking care of the customers.

The work environment can be explained to avoid conflicts (Constanti, 2010).


The managers of the company that are working for the company from long and has all knowledge can provide the training to the new leaders.

The professionals like LJSG Company can be hired to provide the training.


The training modules can be developed to provide training to the new leaders

The orientation classes can be taken





The methods of providing training to the new leaders includes:

Training Programs- Specifically designed training programs that can help the leader to understand the how a procedure need to be followed.

Orientation Classes- This help the candidate to get attached with the workplace environment of the company (Constanti, 2010).





Materials refers to the things that can be used to train the new leaders. It could include things like:

Organizational manual- It provides the information about the company and the specifics required to be fulfil by the employees.

Company’s Records- Some cases specifically can be kept in the records to give the new leaders some idea about how to handle any particular situation (Douglass, Malouff and Rangan, 2015).





Demographics- The new leaders joining the healthcare company falling in the age group between 25-30 years, can be of any gender, with minimum qualification required for the job like Management Program, working as the leader in an organization and having skills to lead the team for achieving the organizational goals.

Overview- The new leaders are ready to gain the knowledge and development and their readiness should be taken in consideration while developing the training programs.

Targeted Audience- The new leader joining the company are the main targets for the training program.

Current Roles- The targeted audience of the training program will have the responsibility to assist the seniors in managing the challenges of the organization and lead the team they are given to lead.

Audience’s Overview- The audience of the training program would like to learn something new and better methods of the old procedures. They expect to all answers of the questions they have in mind regarding the organization and the work.

Specific Needs- The trainer should analyse the cultural difference to avoid any conflicts regarding choice of words and actions, as many different countries have different meanings for a single gesture and word.


1000 – 1100

1 hr

Activity 1





List down desirable attributes that is unique and innate in an effective leader.

Strengthen interpersonal skills the application of VAK Learning Styles.

Develop inclusivity and good rapport that is also highly encouraged to be applied even after the training program.





Divide the attendees into two groups.

Instruct them to list down as many words as they can within 10 minutes of what an effective leader is for them.

After 10 minutes, they are to represent these words through actions and have the other group guess what the word is. If the contender could get it right, they earn a 1 point. The first group to earn 5 points, wins the game.










Pens, A4 Sheets, Table, Chairs, Whiteboard pen, Whiteboard, Whiteboard eraser







1100 – 1130

30 mins

Tea Break


1130 – 1230

1 hr

Introduction Part B





The new leaders are provided training orientation and development when they join a company, especially in the healthcare sector. The reason of such developmental training and orientation classes is that they help the new leader to understand the working of the organization. Also, familiarity with the workplace environment and meeting the colleagues with whom one has to work is done during these training sessions. These training sessions and orientation classes also makes the new leader understand what his roles and responsibility in the organization and what will is expected from him as a leader (Barreto, 2012).






Another factor is when this training orientation or learning process should be given to the new leaders. The answer is as follows: –

When a new leader joins the company

When senior’s find that a new manager is facing issues in handling the company procedures and patients (Smith, 2015).


Next factor is the reason as why it is required and the answer to this question is as follows: –

The training of the organizational culture need to be given to the new leaders to make them comfortable in the new working environment.

To explain their roles and responsibilities in the organization.

How to handle matters when the senior managers are not available in the organization

To become more efficient and effective (Schwartz, 2015)





The methods of providing training to the new leaders includes:

Leadership programs- These programs include the discussion over personal experiences and learning during the happening.

Display sessions- These display sessions are conducted to make the leaders understand how to handle a particular situation (Constanti, 2010).





Materials refers to the things that can be used to train the new leaders. It could include things like:

PPTs- Power point slides prepared to make the training impressive and interesting can be a great resource to be used for training the new leaders.

Audios & Videos- the audios and videos of people who are working in the sector from long can share some experiences with the new leader to morally boost them to perform better (Douglass, Malouff and Rangan, 2015).





After giving the training, the senior should check whether the subordinate has learned and understand the procedures properly or not. For this an assessment should be done which may include the following:

Feedback- a feedback of the new leaders can be taken in the form of an opinion or even a questionnaire that will help the senior to understand the understanding level of the person.

Trial- the new leaders should be given the responsibilities and solely they should perform that. The result can be analysed to understand the level of the new leader’s understanding (Barreto, 2012).


1330 – 1430

1 hr



1430 – 1500

1 hr

Assessment 2





Identify the strategies of an effective leader using Johari’s Window Theory based on the video presented.

Provide examples of business scenarios where such strategies can be applied.

Discuss these challenges and how an effective leader can overcome them. Correlate with actual experiences, if applicable.





Open the link and allow the class to list down important strategies enumerated by Diana Icarus of ICSJ Training Institute.

Encourage class discussion by regrouping them the attendees into pairs. This will create a conducive environment where each attendee interacts with the other person based on the video that was just presented.

By regrouping them into pairs, everyone will be able to approach this activity at an individual level.










OHP, Desktop computer, Mouse, Keyboard, Whiteboard







1500 – 1530

30 mins

Open forum


This will give the attendees the chance to meet and greet while allow the flow of exchanging useful ideas and



Day 2 of 2 (10 September 2017)



Programme of Activity


0900 – 1100

2 hrs

Learning Style Part A





Accomplish the pre-assessment form about the managers’ knowledge of the topic (15 minutes)

Know the definition of learning style (10 minutes)

Know the importance of this (20 minutes)

Managers will group into two and share their opinions of the various learning styles (30 minutes)

Accomplish the Learning Styles Inventory (30 minutes)










Group Discussion, Lectures





Photocopy of pre-assessment form for learning styles (10 copies), Pen and paper for note taking, Overhead projector, Desktop computer, Copies of the Learning Styles Inventory (10 copies), Chairs and tables, Whiteboard pen and whiteboard







1100 – 1130

30 mins

Tea Break


1130 – 1300

1 hr 30 mins

Learning Style Part B





Discuss the VAK Learning Styles (40 minutes)

History of this

Application of this

Part of the brain responsible for it

Group activity for role plays/skits (30 minutes)

Tactics for each learning style (30 minutes)










Role play/Skit, Lecture





Pen and paper for note taking, Overhead projector, Desktop computer, Chairs and tables, Whiteboard pen and whiteboard







-1300 – 1400

1 hr

Lunch Break


1400 – 1500

1 hr

Assessment 3





Consider measuring the assessments for the attendees through reflective journal.

Allowing them to formulate solutions for the simulated scenarios to prepare them in designing their plan of action according to the objectives of the training program.

Acknowledge that different learning styles can also affect thought processes, provide some situations that can provoke team immersions like overcoming resistance in implementing changes.





With the same group members, brief the attendees about the simulated scenarios.

Give them 10 minutes to discuss these scenarios can reflect situations where critical thinking and thought processes is essential for decision makers as effective leaders.

Each group will present to the class about what they have discuss within their team.










Pens, A4 Sheets, Table, Chairs, Whiteboard pen, Whiteboard, Whiteboard eraser







1500 – 1600

1 hr

Awards Ceremony

Distribution of Training Certificates



  1. Logistical Requirements and Resource Availability Checklist & Notes

Resources necessary during the training

For facilitators and learners

A room set-up for 10 people

Projector and computer

Papers and pen


  1. Session Plan

Date- 9 September

Session No. 1

Time- 8.00 – 9.00 am

Hours – 1

Learning Outcome No. 1

Learning Outcome Covered- Yes



Training Session Aims

Orientation Class

Training Session Objectives

Provide information about the organization for improving employee engagement


Estimated Time






8.00-9.00 am

1 hour

Orientation Classes

Lecture from seniors

Projector, paper, and pen




  1. Assessment Form


  1. Reflection



Ginebra, G. (2013). (2017, Sep 5). A Manager, A Teacher [Blog]. Retrieved from

Gabrielatos, c. (2004). Session plan: the coursebook as a flaexible tool. Iatefl teacher trainers and educators sig newsletter, 1(2004), 28-31.

Gronlund, N. E. (1998). Assessment of student achievement. Allyn & Bacon Publishing,

Hunt, J. M., & Weintraub, J. R. (2016). The Coaching Manager: Developing Top Talent in Business. Sage Publications. Retrieved from

Longwood Division, 160 Gould Street, Needham Heights, MA 02194-2310; tele. Retrieved from

Noe, r. a. (2002). Employee training and development.

Zepke, N., & Leach, L. (Eds.). (2011). Reflection to transformation: A self-help book for teachers. Dunmore Pub.. Retrieved from;dn=671633691206829;res=IELHSS


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