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Lithium ion Battery

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Part 1

The technique used in measuring capacitance (C), inductance (L), and resistance (R) usually by tracking the response of current while an AC voltage is induced to an electrochemical cell is known as EIS analysis. Ohm’s law is satisfied by the relation among capacitance, induction, and resistance on the application of a DC voltage. This is evident from the illustration of the figure (1a).  The impedance Z(𝜔)  (where 𝜔 represents the applied  AC voltage’s radical frequency in rad/s, and 𝜔=2𝜋𝑓 where f represents frequency is in Hz)  can be expressed as  I(𝜔)/V (𝜔) the equation that outlines Ohm’s law in an alternating current circuit (AC) when an AC voltage is induced in an electrochemical cell. The Impendence is therefore defined as the resistance interrupting current when the circuit is subjected to the application of an AC voltage.  Various circuit elements such as inductors, resistors, conductors, and inductors, which create the circuit’s overall impedance, represent these interruptions.

Using the concept of impedance is more accurate than a circuit model that solely consists of a resistor in the representation of an electrochemical system.  In addition to that, In the case where the application of V is subject to the angular frequency (ω), I and V have a Ø phase difference. The equation shown in figure 11 can, therefore, be used to represent the above values of I and V.

The values of V and I are represented by  and , respectively, in these equations. The complex function: = = exp (  can be used to modify the above equation for V and I.

The impedance Z(ω) can, therefore, be expressed as outlined below:

Euler’s formula, = , can be used to simplify equation 3. The resulting equation after simplification becomes:

The following equation can be obtained by dividing the equation shown above into imaginary and real parts:

A minor sinusoidal perturbation response is acquired in the case of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). This is usually deviating from the signal applied in amplitude and phase.  The analysis of the electrodes processes, including the diffusion, double layer, and kinetics contributions, are allowed by this technique.


Part 2

Parallel R-C’s equivalent circuit model

The Nyquist plot and equivalent circuit model for a parallel R-C circuit are shown in figure 13. The resistance of R1, as shown in Fig.13 (A), is indicated by the semi circle’s diameter shown in Fig. 13(B) along the real part. The semi circle’s end along the real axis, therefore, represents the resistance of R1. A capacitance of c1 was used to simulate the Nyquist plot. The Nyquist plot’s maximum point of the semi-circle can be referenced in determining this capacitance value. The following equation is satisfied by the values of , C1, and  at the semi circle’s center where  is least. The capacitance value can, therefore, be calculated by equation (8) by identifying the ω and  values in the case where  is at the least value.

A Rundle’s cell is simplified.

A double layer capacitor that has polarization resistance and bulk resistance (solution, current collector) is included in the Randles model that is simplified.  As shown in figure 14(A), the bulk resistor (R2) is connected in series with the polarization resistor (R2), and the polarization resistor is connected parallel with the double-layer capacitor that is surface deposited.  In the analysis of an electrochemical system, this model is fundamental. There are added elements connected in this Randles cell that is simplified due to the complications noted in real systems.  Figure 14(B) shows a simplified Randles cell’s Nyquist plot.

The resistance of R2 shifts the semi circle’s beginning point to higher values in the simplified Randles cell’s Nyquist plot.  The axis’ intercept is the sum of the bulk resistance and the polarization resistance. This is achieved by putting into consideration the fact that R1 and R2 caused this spectrum. In addition to this, the polarization resistance is represented by the semi circle’s diameter.


Mixed diffusion and kinetic control (Randles cell)

The Warburg impedance is applied circuit model equivalent in exceptional cases where linear diffusion that is semi-infinite alters an electrochemical system by kinetic and distribution control. This cell’s Nyquist plot and circuit model are clearly shown in figure 15.  In figure 15 (B), the Warburg impedance appears to be a straight line with 45 degrees under conditions that are semi-infinite and one-dimensional diffusion, bound by a sizeable planar electrode on one cross only. Along with polarization and bulk resistance losses, the polarization in the diffusion of lithium reaction is as well represented by this model.

Part 3

Blocking conditions:

For approaches that are impedance-based, blocking conditions, or blocking electrodes reused frequently. This means that no charge is transferred across the liquid/solid interface, i. e that the surface is polarizable ideally. If there is no transfer of charge reaction under investigation in the potential window, such conditions can be comprehended by the use of experiments. Thee usage of Li free electrolyte or in the lithiated or delighted state of the electrodes may be used in the realization of the implementation of the blocking conditions.  An assumption can be easily made that no formation of solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) occurs if the cycling of the tested electrodes does not occur. Any possible faradaic reactions contribution is eliminated by the moderately minor amplitude of the AC signal.  The interpretation of Nyquist spectra is thus simplified as the migration of Li+ ions through the SEI, and the transfer of charges does not occur.

Types of Cells

The primary function of an electrochemical cell is housing the chemical reaction. It is connected to the electrochemical spectrometer electrically with the aim of obtaining the electrical solution’s electrical response. There are three types of cell setup for AC impedance measurement. These are as follows, full type cell using negative or positive electrodes, symmetric type of cell that uses two electrodes that are identical, and single or half electrode type of cell that uses negative or positive electrodes in combination with lithium metal electrode.

It is relatively easy to make half cells, and they can provide very repeatable data. They can yet fail to predict accurately how the material would do in an actual lithium-ion cell.  It is also impossible to determine the effect of the interactions between the negative and positive electrodes that might result from data on half cells in a full Li-ion cell. The impedance spectra of the true electrolyte/electrode interface, excluding counter electrodes interference, are provided by EIS on symmetrical cells.  Any parasitic reactions consuming lithium lead to a loss of capacity during cycling that is similar to a fuel cell in a symmetrical cell with no excess lithium.

Part 4 Paper.


Lithium-ion batteries possess a combination of high energy density and high power that is unmatchable. There are high expectations that they play a big role as large scale energy storage for energy sources that are renewable, electrical grid storage, aerospace applications, and the new applications that include but not limited to hybrid electric vehicles.  Li-ion batteries produce no memory effects and have a low self-discharge rate when not in use compared to other alternative battery technologies. There is a significant performance requirement that needs to be met by the electrochemical energy storage systems in terms of energy density and power in their future enhancement.  For these targets to be achieved, the development of components that are more advanced, including anode electrodes requiring a more in-depth and better understanding of the important properties that result in enhanced performance, need to be met.

A variety of the Lithium-ion batteries constitutes of electrodes that are porous.  The main purpose of this is to mitigate the resistance of transportation of the moderately slow lithium diffusion in the active material’s solid phase.  The porous materials are mainly composed of material particles that are active and additives of conductive carbon that are tied together by a suitable binder, with the void space that occurs as a result filled by an electrolyte that is ion-conducting.

Impedance characterization mainly helps in predicting and monitoring the battery status, and battery impedance is important in ensuring that the lithium-ion batteries are managed properly. There are many studies that have been undertaken with the aim of investigating the characterization of impedance and the factors influencing impedance.

In lithium-ion cells characterization, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a tool that is widely used. There are numerous benefits that come with the use of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and understanding the delivery of power capability in lithium-ion batteries’ systems. EIS is capable of quantifying the cell’s bulk resistance, diffusion process, and charge transfer reaction by a single experiment.

Disassembly of the battery cell is not required in measuring the EIS spectra. This makes it very advantageous in the prevention of contamination of sensitive samples with oxygen and moisture. EIS measurements can be successfully carried out under operating conditions; thus, making it helpful in spectra obtainment without disrupting influences occurring in the cell. EIS analysis is also advantageous in that it requires a small amount of cost and time.

It is unfortunate that the process involved in the separation of the different components in the impedance response as a whole is quite difficult. The measure of impedance of a cell that contains two identical electrodes, asymmetrical cell requires a more convenient approach. The impedance of the cell is then two times that of a one working electrode plus that of the electrolyte, separator, and contact impedance.

There was an application of blocking conditions in this particular study s to ensure that the charge transfer impedance contribution is avoided.  Using electrodes at their zero percent state of charge satisfied this condition. They are termed as blocking because, in electrodes that are uncharged, lithium ions are restricted from intercalating into the electrode; thus, transfer of charge resulting from faradaic reactions is impossible.  This communication is aimed at demonstrating that EIS in the symmetrical cell could be applied in determining a new resistance, which has posed a great influence on the cell’s internal resistance.  This finding suggests that the electrode’s electromagnetic performance could be greatly influenced by the cutting and calendaring quality of the electrodes.

Preparation of Electrodes:

The following procedure was used in the preparation of the investigated anodes. The first operation was to dissolve the first compounds by use of the dispenser “Hei-TORQUE Precision 400”.  Carboxymethyl cellulose, which can also be termed as CMC(2%wt) (MAC500LC, Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd) was dissolved in ultra-purified water as a binder with 950 rpm followed by stirring operation which took place for 20 min and the powder dissolved completely at the end of it. This was followed by step by step, adding C-ENERGY SUPER C65(2%wt), a conductive agent. The duration for this was 20 min. The dispersion was then stirred at a speed of 2000 rpm for 19hrs.

Graphite powder (94%wt) (SGL Anode Graphite S034x, SGL carbon) was then introduced to serve as an active material. Its introduction was in a stepwise manner, and it took ten minutes, after which the stirring process continued at the constant speed of 2000 rpm for 20 min. The dispersion was afterward additionally stirred by the use of THINKY ARM-310CE at a speed of 2000 rpm for the 30s.

Styrene-butadiene rubber, also known as SBR(2%wt) (Zeon Europe GmbH), was then added to the dispersion then stirred for 15 mins at the same speed by use of the dispersal.

The mixture was then cast on a copper foil whose thickness was ten μm in the next stage. The electrode tapes were then subjected to drying at room temperature after the casting. This process lasted for 15-20 minutes, and it is illustrated in figure 7. The slurry was stirred with a speed of 2000 rpm for 30 seconds before each casting step.  This process was made successful by the use of a planetary centrifugal mixer.

The next stage involves the movement of the tapes to the calendaring device (MSK-HRP-MR100B). They then went under pressure and, as a result, reached the final porosity. The tape’s primary thickness was about 114 μm. This was inclusive of the ten-micrometer thickness of the copper foil. For the desired porosity to be reached, for example, 35%, there should have been a decrease in width to the range of 74 μm.

The electrode disc, whose diameter is 15 mm, was finally cut out from the tape.  The thickness and weight of each disk have the bean separately measured with the aim of checking the samples based on the defined range. All electrodes are kept in the oven before the cell preparations for at least 14hr with 80 – 85 °C.

Cell assembly:

The coin cell assembly was always conducted under argon pressure in the glovebox.  Assembling of CR2032 coin cells (Hohsen Corp.)  while adopting symmetrical configurations (Figs.1) was made, where the separation of the working electrodes (WE = Ø15mm) by disks made of glass fiber (Whatman, GF/A, CE = Ø 16 mm) is done, and then a  two-stage wetting process is done by the electrolyte of 150 microliter 1M LiPF6 in EC: DEC 1:1 (w/w) + 2%VC (VW).  Figure (xx) shows the full detail of the symmetrical cell. The cell was subsequently placed in a crimper machine that was electric (MSK-160E) then sealed afterward.

Assembling of the Swagelok cells was done by the placement of the piece of lithium whose diameter is 15 mm followed by a separator of 16 mm diameter, the electrolyte of 150 ML in two stages, then placement of the working electrode, a one-millimeter thick spacer.

EIS measurements were executed within a frequency range of 500 kHz–10 MHz with six points per decade and applying a 10 MV sinusoidal potential amplitude. A VMP-3 electrochemical workstation was used to record all the measurements and repetition of at least three times made so as to ensure the reproducibility of the results. The results for each sample were also provided in soaking times that were different, directly after the cell building,3,6,12,18,24,36,48,60, and 72 hrs. After assembling the cells.


Tortuosity: 1


Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is an important technique that is used to analyses internal resistance. At the porous electrodes, the internal resistances could be achieved, such as contact resistance, charge transfer resistance, ionic resistance in pores and etc.

The results of EIS impedance were expressed mainly as Nyquist plots, which offer information that is not detailed on the porous electrode structure.  The charge transfer resistance has been interrupted more often to include the pores’ ionic resistance whenever charge transfer reaction occurs.  Those two resistances are important for being distinguished in order to essentially consider internal resistance.  There has been wide use of the transmission line model (TLM) so as to describe porous electrodes of that kind as cylinder pore for both non-faradaic and faradaic processes. Cylinder poles TLM is applied to estimate the Nyquist plot profiles or find individual internal resistances using experimental data.

Separators and Porous electrodes are multiphase structures that comprise of a network of irregular and interconnected channels or pores.  Modeling of these complicated pore networks to come up with a 3D is time-consuming and difficult. Mass transport complexity in the pore network is condensed to only one geometric parameter that is effective, tortuosity.  The porous network’s tortuosity is used in obtaining effective transport properties.  An assumption is made that the tortuosity affects liquid phase diffusivity, transport properties, and conductivity, with a functionality that is similar.

Summarizing the complex electrodes’ microstructure can be done by the use of two simple parameters that are, porosity and tortuosity. Tortuosity can be defined as the ratio between the shortest lane for mass transfer amid two points and the straight distance between the points.

The electrode’s impedance measurements with a blocking condition in an asymmetric cell are used in this study. (Figure 3)

Fitting the resulting impedance curve on a Nyquist plot is made possible by the use of a transmission line model (TLM).  This allows the determining of the electrodes ‘effective ionic resistance, which is then used in determining the electrodes’ tortuosity according to equation 2.  An example of such experimental impedance data on a Nyquist plot is illustrated in figure 4a.

The effective conductivity can be gotten based on the thickness of the cell’s ample, cross-sectional area and the electrode’s intrinsic conductivity having the knowledge of Rion based on this model.  Figure 17 shows the contact resistance’ semi-circle, and it can be seen at frequencies that are high and a 45 degrees line produced by the circuit’s transmission line segment. This is shown in figure 16.  The value that corresponds to one-third of the pore resistance is easily determined from this as the difference indicated by a purple dashed lines’ real axis intercept, which in this case are the extensions of low and high frequencies shown in figure 17, taking into assumption an electronic resistance that is negligible. . ∼ 0) when each parameter is accounted for by numerical values. The plot is linear by a 45-degree gradient from the real axis in the high-frequency area and transitions to a Zω that is constant at low frequencies. Figure 3a illustrates the real Zω’s limiting values and the imaginary parts Zω as ω is less than zero are illustrated as follows where R ion is a characteristic parameter expressing the lithium ions mobility inside,  in the separators’ pores (RP, S) and the electrode’s  (RP, A and RP, C).


























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