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Module 6.2 Secondary Associations: Endorsers

Brand elements are an important aspect for launching and promotion brand worldwide. These symbolic elements of brand including name, logo, and tagline, leave a powerful impression on the people’s perception of the product (Kladou et al., 2017). Similarly, the secondary association of the brand with endorser is another symbolic element that attracts customers to buy the products. Furthermore, the secondary brand association showcase that quality, popularity, awareness, and credibility for the product is better in the marketplace (Al-Towfiq Hasan and Hasan, 2019). Hence, the aim of this paper session is to understand the importance of secondary brand associations of endorsers and impact on customers.

Brand Secondary Association

A brand can be made popular if it is associated with something positive, and thus secondary association is required. Consider an example; customers acknowledge a brand when they are aware of it through some association, including endorsers (Parkin, 2018). However, endorsements put an impression on customers and make them linked with brand acceptance.


Hugo Boss is a popular German Luxury fashion considered one of those brands which had implemented endorser as a secondary association for brand image. As per the 2018 statistical research, approximately 1,113 retail stores have been opened across worldwide with critical acclaim (Statista, 2019).


Source (Statista, 2019)

Additionally, to endorse clothing and accessories brand, Huge Boss has different representatives people, ambassadors, with, including dissections of ‘Formulae E, football, golf, and sports athletes.’


Source (, n.d.)


Source (, n.d.)

According to daily mail, Australian actor Chris Hemsworth was made the brand ambassador of Hugo Boss’s men wear in 2017 for tailored suits and an exclusive range of fragrance products (Pyne, 2019). Besides, British singer Liam Payne was also made a global brand ambassador in the year 2019 for new clothing of Hugo Bodywear (Johnson, 2019). Henceforth, the association of celebrities across the world is seen in the men’s wear of the brand.


Source (Google images)

Right Celebrity Endorser for Brand

It is very an essential concern for any organization to look after the right choice of celebrity endorser for the brand. The masses critically approve only those who are popular and wide-based audience network. However, Hugo Boss has selected both their endorsers with a global audience and reach. For instance, looking at the endorsement history of Chris Hemsworth, like American Express, Foxtel, Tourism Australia, and TAG Heuer, it can be concluded that people acknowledge his presence (PR Couture, 2017). Whereas, the actor also likes to wear tailored suits of Huge Boss at several red carpets of films (Pyne, 2019). Therefore, choosing the right person for representing a brand is an important aspect of brand association.

Advantages and disadvantages of Celebrity Endorsements

However, every celebrity endorsement for a product has several benefits as well as limitations. Huge Boss has also faced both aspects while they promote men’s clothing and accessories.


  • Brand equity is a process that makes the company’s product more valuable (FrogDog Marketing, 2013). Hence, initially, Huge Boss just offered range for clothing and materials since it’s opening. However, now they have introduced a range of other accessories like belts, fragrances, bodywear.


  • Celebrities indirectly overshadow the brand with an effective and strong presence (FrogDog Marketing, 2013). Similarly, Huge Boss could jeopardize their product by putting a popular Hollywood actor into the front.















Al-Towfiq Hasan, A. and Hasan, M. (2019). Secondary Brand Association Influences on Brand Preference and Purchase Intention. Global Media Journal, [online] 17(32), pp.1-6. Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2020].

FrogDog Marketing. (2013). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Celebrity Endorsements. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2020]. (n.d.). BOSS Athletes and Ambassadors. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2020].

Johnson, K. (2019). Chris Hemsworth films a commercial for Hugo Boss in New York. [online] Mail Online. Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2020].

Kladou, S., Kavaratzis, M., Rigopoulou, I., and Salonika, E. (2017). The role of brand elements in destination branding. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 6(4), pp.426-435.

Parkin, G. (2018). What is Leveraging Secondary Brand Association to Build Brand Equity?. [online] GoPromotional Marketing Blog. Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2020].

PR Couture | Hub for Fashion & Lifestyle PR Professionals. (2017). Welcome to our Celebrity Endorsement Series. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2020].

Pyne, I. (2019). Liam Payne named global brand ambassador for Hugo Boss. [online] South China Morning Post. Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2020].

Statista. (2019). A number of Hugo Boss stores worldwide 2009-2018 | Statista. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2020].


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