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Pros and Cons of Westlaw and Lexis Advance

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Pros and Cons of Westlaw and Lexis Advance


Both Westlaw and Lexis offer statutory and statute tools with significant force and annotations with vital legal impacts like amendments. Westlaw models the legal procedures enhancing the united states cases from the UK’s Westlaw platforms. At the site’s front page, there is a well-structured subject index, highlighted with broad headings and a natural language triggering further specific terms to a case. Lexis applies a similar feature or Search Advisor, and is related to America’s headnotes and indexing systems. By contrast, the Westlaw, via its Practice Area tabs provides standardized works.

Searching Features and Tutorials

The two systems provide a “Quick Search Tab” fortified with templates and other search forms form databases that are regularly used. Surprisingly, Lexis offers concrete Professional page and academic Quickfind search forms whereas Westlaw uses navigation bar link through their “Find by Citation” model. It provides a list of seven jurisdictions to choose, including the United States, United Kingdom and European Union (LibGuides: Bloomberg Law, Lexis and Westlaw Compared: Overview, 2020). Lexis offers interactive statutory research tutorials and other visitors links aimed at demonstrating the retrieval of federal or states statutes through citation. It also guides the users on the table of content usage and focusing the study on researchable fields whereas Westlaw incorporates Keycite and other search tips.

Mobile Apps

There are two options offered by Lexis on mobile devices. Users’ device with applications for iPhones, iPod, apple and iPad are offered with Lexis Advance for providing the required data. To users who cannot access the above-named devices, Lexis Advance dictates responsive website which adjusts the size of the device’s screen. Westlaw Android, iPad and iPhone mobile apps for various devices. similar to Lexis Advance, interested parties join Westlaw through mobile device web browsers.

















Reference 2020. Libguides: Bloomberg Law, Lexis And Westlaw Compared: Overview.


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