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Rudin House by Herzog and De Meuron

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Rudin House by Herzog and De Meuron

Architects Herzog and de Meuron designed the Rudin house in Leymen France. The cite is on the base slope of a hill which is situated in Central –European Chalets “Rudin House – Data, Photos & Plans.” Arquitectura. Accessed January 30, 2019. https://en.arquitectura/building/rudin-house/.

. The concept of this house is based on the large chimney, slopped top roof, and single volume. Such features are associated with the elementary simplicity and cleanliness in its faces. The house seems different from far regarding volume about other neighborhood structures buts its reference is different. The architect views the structure as a form that people imagined a should look like during their childhoods. It has a gabled roof, visible and wide windows, doors and a long chimney. The two walls form a unique surface where the windows and doors are arranged systematically. The large windows open widely on the exterior side of the house, but the entrance is tiny and could be viewed as a secret entrance. Rafael Moneo, an architect, viewed the house as a reflection of modern structure characterized by heavy work due to the endless concrete walls “Rudin House – Data, Photos & Plans.” Arquitectura. Accessed January 30, 2019. https://en.arquitectura/building/rudin-house/.


. Some of the evolutions in architectural are due to this house. For example, there is the application of modern materials like the strong adobe stands out in the works of different architects. The constructions are made in a manner that water can slide down the wall without damaging or wearing out the materials used to build the house.


The Architects have applied the concepts to develop the skyscrapers. For example, the development of the skyscraper in New York which is unique and different from other rectangular towers “Rudin House – Data, Photos & Plans.” Arquitectura. Accessed January 30, 2019. https://en.arquitectura/building/rudin-house/.



Another evolution is viewed in the development of the world’s best pleasing car park which was constructed in 2010. The structure is in Miami and contains about 300 parking slots, shops and private rooms and a restaurant in the rooftop “Rudin House – Data, Photos & Plans.” Arquitectura. Accessed January 30, 2019. https://en.arquitectura/building/rudin-house/.







“Rudin House – Data, Photos & Plans.” Arquitectura. Accessed January 30, 2019. https://en.arquitectura/building/rudin-house/.








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