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Joi was a beautiful girl with a wild imagination; she always sits and wallows in her fantasies.  Despite her parent’s low level, she ever imagined being a princess that wore beautiful gowns made from silk, trimmed with jewels of varieties of colors.  The jewels sparkled so brightly; they would light up a room.  Joi would put on a dress from the closet in her bedroom, then dance and prance from there to her balcony, then to her backyard, as if she was at a royal ball or an opera dance competition.

The soft summer breeze played music in her ears, as the sun created the spotlight for her entrance.

“Ladies and gentlemen, presenting…….Princess Joi!”

She swindled in a circular motion as she danced onto the stage, filled with many bulbs of different colors. The lights illuminated on her beautiful silk gown and reflected on the walls of the stage. The arena filled with people of different races from all walks of life; all clapped while sitting as Princess Joi made her way through the backstage onto the stage.

She looked forward and saw her mother clapping and smiling, which made her initiate one of her best dance moves. At this point, her mother felt so proud of her.













One day while playing, Joi danced, pranced, and spun in circles until she made herself so dizzy, she fell under a lemon tree.  She was so giddy, she couldn’t get up.  Joi just rested on the fresh green grass, gazing up onto the lemon tree.  The sun was shining brightly, it illuminated the leaves, and the light bounced from lemon to lemon.  To her, the lemons looked like big yellow diamonds, and the leaves looked like the ruffles in a ball gown.

As she lay down, she was lost again in her world of imaginations that she didn’t notice her mother standing by the door, watching her. She almost fell asleep, but her mother echoed from the entrance to their backyard, which made her imaginations disrupted.

“Joi, come inside; it’s time for dinner,” said her mother.

Joi got up, ran into the house, washed her hands, and sat politely at the dinner table as her mother fixed her plate.

Joi, your birthday is coming soon.  Let’s go shopping for a party dress tomorrow, said her mother.

Okay, Mommy!  Yay, dresses! She beamed out a smile as she gets excited about the new party dress.

But before then, you must finish your food, her mother said.

Sure, Mommy! I will. Thank you.

She felt happy as her mum dished their food. They remained silent as her mom sat down to join them to eat. After the dinner, Joi packed the dishes, danced as she took them to the kitchen sink, and did her night dishwashing.

Her mom sat on the sofa, watching a parenting program, one of her favorite while waiting for Joi to finish her washing so that they could say their night prayers. Joi’s room has always been the usual venue for night prayers in Mrs. Salome’s house.

Inside Joi’s room is a small sofa where she sits to read books and stories of people she idolizes. Inside her bed stand are a soft mattress covered with a mattress pad, a bedsheet, and duvet. Her beautiful bedsheet had beautiful flowers drawn on it, which gave the room a pretty look. On her table stood the pictures of her and her little sister, Cleo; her dad and mum.

On the walls, hung the picture of a beautiful princess putting on a beautiful, silk gown with jewels of colors trimmed on it. It’s from these pictures that she draws her inspiration. The paintings on the wall gave the room a sparkling and beautiful look. Joi’s mum made sure that the shelf in her princess’s (as she fondly calls her) room never lacked good novellas, storybooks, and magazines suitable for Joi’s intellectual consumption.

As soon as they entered the room, they knelt beside the bed, and Mrs. Salome leads in the night prayers as they wrapped up their day.

After 15minutes, the prayers were over, and it was time for bedtime stories and lullabies. Joi sat on her bed, leaned onto the wall while covering her legs with her duvet. The plans for the next day’s shopping took the place of the bedtime stories and lullabies that night. Mrs. Salome told her daughter to come and meet her at her office by 11:30 AM the next morning to go for the shopping by noon, which is her lunch/break time.

Joi felt happy as she lay down while her mum kissed her goodnight and covered her well with her duvet and left for her room. As she entered her room, she said a silent prayer in her heart, asking God to help her find a suitable place to get a cheaper but good dress for her daughter, who already had high hopes on the birthday dress her mom will buy for her.











The morning of the next day came with mixed feelings for Mrs. Salome. She woke up as early as 06:00 AM, which has been her average time for waking up. She knelt beside her bed and said a short morning prayer, handing her activities for the day over to God. As the day brightened up, she set out to do the rest of her morning routine, which she already started with the prayers.

She entered the kitchen to make breakfast for herself and her daughters. She kept thinking of how to make sure her daughter, Joi, is satisfied with the shopping they will go for as she made the homemade pancakes. After serving the breakfast, she took water, added lemon to it, and drank, then set out to do her morning workout at the backyard.

At exactly 06:45 AM, she went inside, cleaned up, and got set for work. She entered Joi’s room and found her still sleeping; it’s the holidays. She woke her up, told her that breakfast is already served for her and her little sister, and she’s about to leave. Princess, who still craves to sleep more, greeted her mother with sleepy eyes and waved goodbye. She kissed her forehead and left for work.

Joi, whose sleep was disturbed, couldn’t sleep again. She knelt beside her bed and said her own short morning prayers.

“God, I thank you for letting us see the light of the day. I thank you for the good night’s rest you allowed us to have. I thank you for the shopping we’re about to go for today. Thank you for the gift of my parents. I thank you for the new age I’ll attain soon. Guide and lead us today, Amen!” She murmured.

She got up, but still tired, so she fell onto her bed and laid down again, thinking about the new day and the good things it will bring forth. She fell asleep again as she was lost in thoughts.

As the sun began to set, the rays shone through the glass of her room’s window. It penetrated and rested exactly on the position she was lying down, shining directly on her face. She woke up as the soft rays of that early morning sun touched her. She stretched herself and set out to do the rest of her morning rituals.

As it’s her normal routine, she danced to the kitchen, poured water into a cup, added lemon, and drank. She, her little sister and her mother do this daily as lemon added to warm water helps to cleanse the body system.

On getting to the backyard, she saw the blackbird, the robin, and the chaffinch all perched on different trees singing their early morning choruses. The rhythm from their songs aligned in tune and Joi, who dancing is one of her hobbies danced to the tune of the chorus. To Joi, dancing is an exercise.

After her workouts, she rushed inside to her bathroom, cleaned up, and ate her breakfast. At the table, she was imagining how the shopping with her mother will be, the excitement from checking out the dress in the garment’s shop. She rushed her breakfast and by then, it was already 9:15 AM.

She went to the bookshelf in her room, brought out a novella written by one of the best novelists she idolizes. As she sat down on the sitting room sofa flipping through the pages of the book, she heard the doorbell ring which was followed by a soft knock on the smoothly carved wooden door, which served as an entrance to their home. On reaching the door, she opened it and it was her friend, Kylie, from the neighborhood who was passing by and decided to stop by and say ‘hello’ to her.

“Hi, Joi. I was just coming from the nearby shop to get some groceries for my mom and I decided to come to check on you.” Kylie said.

“Oh! I’m very much okay, just relaxing while reading a novella from one of my best authors.” Joi replied.

“Please, come in.” She directed her friend to sit down on one of the sofas in their sitting room.

As her friend sat down, she didn’t waste time sharing the news about her birthday shopping with her friend. Kylie, who knew about the condition of things in her friend’s family wasn’t too excited, her face didn’t show enough smile as Joi expected and that affected her mood.

Kylie on realizing how her friend was feeling just grinned, got closer to her, held her, and told her to take things easy, one at a time. Joi who was not taking any of the advice stood up and walked towards the door, signaling her neighborhood friend to take her to leave. As soon as Kylie left Joi’s house, Joi rushed into her room, picked a handkerchief from her laundry basket, and wiped her eyes which were already filled with tears. As soon as she lay down, still thinking of what her friend told her, she dozed off.

The call from her mom’s office on the telephone in her room woke her up. She rushed into her bathroom, took her bath, prepared and ran off to go meet her mum in her office for her birthday shopping.
























Mrs. Salome’s office, located just two meters away from the entrance of the firm where she is working, was designed to suit the needs of an office clerk, which she is. Inside her office were shelves that contain the company’s records, letters, files etc. with everything neatly packed and arranged.

On her table stood a brand new desktop computer, keyboard, system unit, and other necessary computer appliances required for the smooth running of a clerk’s office. She was sitting down on her chair checking time when her daughter walked into her office and greeted her.

She answered and queried her over why she came few minutes after the time she told her to come. Joi, who has been making imaginations, told her that she dozed off immediately after Kylie who stopped by the house to greet her, left. Her mom gave her a stern look, picked up her keys and bag, and locked her office. On getting to the entrance, she told the security guard to ‘keep an eye’ on her office, so as to take note of the people who might look for her.

The clothing shops were not too far from the firm where she is working, so they trekked. Mrs. Salome held her daughter’s hand as they walked while she was busy looking into the stores through the windows, looking out for beautiful dresses arranged neatly in closets. They have not walked too far from her office when Joi stopped and signaled to her mother to look inside one of the stores and see a pink, beautiful dress neatly hung inside one of the closets in the store

Mrs. Salome who already knew that store as one who sells expensive things cringed, and begged her daughter to leave it. She told her of how one particular shop just down the street sells more beautiful ones, but she persisted and told her of how that particular dress has been what she wanted all these while, because it’s the same dress that the princess whose painting hung on the wall of her room, wore.

Her mother, who stood still, tired, knowing full well that she cannot afford the price of the dress agreed and walked into the shop, just to satisfy her daughter’s thirst. Joi, who was already seeing herself wearing the dress, standing in front of her friends to celebrate her birthday, danced into the shop in excitement.

The shop was filled to the brim with clothes of different types and styles for young girls. On one side were girl’s shoes, sandals and slippers of different types and sizes. On another side too were jewelries of different kinds and styles, which were made from gold, diamond, and silver.

They greeted the shopkeeper as they entered the shop. The shopkeeper whose job is to show customers around the shop opted to take them around, but Joi, who already saw the dress she wanted just pointed at it. The shopkeeper took them to the closet where the dress was displayed and showed them the price tag, 200cents. Mrs. Salome whose salary is not even up to that amount told her daughter that she cannot afford the dress at the moment; she gave her the option of going to another shop to check out other dresses too. She refused, saying that she wants that particular dress. She fell in love with it the moment she saw it through the shop’s transparent glass window.

Mrs. Salome was still discussing with the shopkeeper when her daughter left them to go and meet the shop’s cashier at her desk. She greeted her politely, and asked whether she can allow her to make use of her office telephone to call her dad. The cashier agreed.

Mr. Salome who is a newspaper vendor lives in the outskirts of the town. He owns a small kiosk where he sells newspapers. Inside his shop is a wooden chair and table where he sits to record his sales and also, wait for customers to come and patronize him. On the metal pan attached to the kiosk lies newspapers of different types, both old and new, neatly arranged. His kiosk has the smell of old books due to the old newspapers not bought by customers, which were neatly packed on the small shelf inside his kiosk.

He was relaxing on his seat, thinking about his family, life and business when his phone rang. He picked it up and it was his daughter, Joi.  She complained to him of how mom refused to buy her choice of dress for her in a clothing shop not too far from her office. Her dad, who already knew why his wife didn’t buy the dress tried to explain to his daughter why things turned out that way, but she was not yielding. She hung the phone out of disappointment.

Her mom who was now coming to the shopkeeper’s desk noticed that her daughter’s mood has changed, needed no soothsayer to tell her the outcome of the call she had with her dad. She rushed to Joi, held her hand and tried to convince her to check the shop down the street for a cheaper dress, but she wasn’t taking any of that. Joi left the shop in sadness which made her not to utter a word to her mom on their back to her office.

On reaching the office, she refused to give her mom a hug which has been the normal way of saying ‘goodbye’ to her. Mrs. Salome knew at this point that her daughter’s happiness has been jeopardized with. Joi only waved at her and left for home amidst the disappointment and sadness in her heart, which was visible on her face too.

Mrs. Salome in her office was left with the thoughts of how she couldn’t afford an ordinary dress for her daughter’s birthday. She thought of borrowing some money from her friend and colleague in the office to purchase the dress for her daughter, but the bills to be taken care of at home won’t let her as she will also have a debt to worry about, all sourced from her meager salary. Joi on her own part got home, refused to eat her lunch as she lost her appetite, entered her room and burst out in tears.

The thoughts of not celebrating her birthday due to the absence of a new dress made her cry more. While lost in thoughts, she remembered that her maternal grandmother will be coming to visit them in few days time and that gave her some hope and reassurance. She strongly believed that her grandmother will help her out and give some money to her mom to get the dress for her when she comes. Those positive thoughts made her wipe her teary eyes, sprang up from her bed in excitement, and danced to the kitchen to take her lunch which was already warmed by her little sister, when she ate her own lunch.

Mrs. Salome on getting home was greeted by her daughter warmly, it was surprising to her. Her daughter apologized for not giving her a warm hug in the afternoon after they left the clothing shop, which has been the normal routine for them. She told her mom of how she remembered her grandmother’s forthcoming visit and her belief that she will help her to complete the money so that she can buy the dress for her.

Her mom felt relieved, to an extent. At least, her daughter is happy and fine now. She went into her room, changed her clothes and entered the kitchen to prepare dinner for her family. Joi, on her part, sat on the sitting room sofa, reading the novel she couldn’t finish the previous day. Some minutes afterwards, dinner was ready and everybody came to the dinner table and ate. Joi did her night dishwashing and afterwards, they all said their night prayers and retired to bed for the night rest.



It was on a cloudy Friday evening, the sun was already going to bed to take its rest, as it just finished lightening people’s day and giving them the necessary brightness they need to do their daily activities. The weather on that evening was showing signs of rainfall, it was the rainy season. The cloud had already thickened, as if filled with sooth from smoke. The Salome’s house roof and ceiling was already cooling off the excess heat from the sun. Inside Joi’s room was a dimmed ray coming from the sun, penetrating through her window and resting on her bed and one of her bookshelf beside it.

She was just relaxing on her bed reading as she just finished doing her afternoon chores, when she heard the doorbell ring. She quickly dropped her book on her bed, rushed downstairs to the door and opened it. It was her grandmother, Mrs. Rowland. She greeted and hugged her out of excitement. She had long been waiting for her to arrive; of course, she needs to get something from her; to complete her parents’ money so that she can get that beautiful, pink dress. She carried her bag as she walked into the house.

Her grandmother is a slightly old woman who is in her late sixties. She’s a tall, fair woman, with a face like that of a mature, young lady; exactly where Mrs. Salome got her tall and elegant stature from. Her hair which was already turning grey were neatly packed and tied with ribbon at the back, then covered with women’s cap. She wore a black, long caftan, suitable for rainy seasons, and sandals.

Cleo, Joi’s little sister on hearing her grandmother’s voice rushed out from her room to greet her. They took her to the room already cleaned and arranged for her and then, came back, sat on the sitting room sofa and waited as their grandma cleaned up and changed her clothe which was soaked in heat from the sun.

Their grandma came out after some minutes to join them. She sent Cleo to get her bag from her room which she did. She bought gifts for her granddaughters; shoes. Joi jumped up in excitement when she saw her own shoes, and noticed that it was the same shoes that the beautiful princess drawn in the painting hanging in her room, wore. Superb! She was very happy. She has always wanted both outfits; the dress and the shoes, even the hairstyle too. They thanked their grandmother for the gifts and Cleo smiled to her room to check out her new shoes.

Joi, on her own side saw that moment as the best opportunity to tell her grandma about the birthday dress she has been craving for. She narrated what happened to her grandmother, and begged her to help and complete the money her mom kept for the dress, so that she can get it for her. They were still discussing when her mother came back from work. After they exchanged greetings and hugs, she went in to clean up and prepare dinner while Joi and her grandma continued their discussion.

Mrs. Rowland explained to her granddaughter how things hasn’t been smooth for her lately and was suggesting that she agrees and pick up the cheaper dress her mother wanted to buy for her then. That suggestion spoilt Joi’s happy mood, and got her angry. She stood up and left the sitting room in utter disappointment.

She got to her room, trying to get herself together, picked up one of the magazine in her shelf and sat down to read. She couldn’t concentrate, her spirit has dampened, and she didn’t get what she has long hoped for. She looked beside her and saw the new shoes her grandma bought for her, then gazed onto the wall and saw the painting of the dancing princess, it was the same shoes; the same color. She couldn’t hold back the smile, her heart was gladdened again. She has gotten one of the things she needed, the shoes; it’s remaining the dress. Her mother can plait her hair to look exactly like that of the princess’s, so she wasn’t bothered about the hairstyle.

She took her new shoes and checked them out, it was exactly her size and that made her happier. She stood up and neatly kept it under her bed, waiting for the day it will be worn.

She sat down and was thinking of what to do to get money and buy the dress she wanted, but she couldn’t get any idea. She just said a silent prayer in her heart and asked God to help and send a helper to her, so that she can get money and complete her mother’s own and get what she want. She felt alive again after saying the short prayer and went down to the sitting room to join her grandma, who was surprised to see her smiling while coming to join her again.

“What happened, my daughter?” She queried, as Joi approached her.

She smiled at her and told her that God will take care of everything.

Mrs. Salome, who has been busy preparing dinner, called out from the kitchen and informed them that dinner is ready. They all went to the dinner table, sat and ate their dinner, after which Joi washed the dishes. They said their night prayers and retired to their various rooms.

Joi who was still thinking of how to raise money to buy what she need, found it hard sleeping earlier as usual, that night. She lay on her bed thinking of the best possible means to get the money she need for her birthday dress. She was deeply lost in thoughts when sleep, which was sailing in its big boat, came and carried her away that cozy night.

The following morning came with a mixed feeling for Joi. As the early morning sun had its way through her room’s window, it rested directly on her forehead, adjacent to her eyes. The sun rays that touched her skin made her to wake up. She stretched herself, yawned and reached for the small clock on the table, just close to her bed; it was already 08:30 AM in the morning. She knelt down beside her bed, said her normal short morning prayers and rushed downstairs to do her morning chores.

She got to the backyard and met her grandma, watering the flowers that surrounded their cottage. It has already been her normal task whenever she visited; to make sure that the flowers blossomed, to enable it beautify the surroundings, which is what it was meant for.

“Good morning, Mrs. Rowland.” She echoed from the door to the backyard. She normally calls her grandma by her name whenever she wants to tease or ask for something from her.

Her grandma, realizing that her granddaughter had come to tease and play with her on that beautiful sunny morning, replied; “Good morning, Ms. Salome.” They all burst out in laughter.

She begged her grandma to help her finish up her morning chores as she wants to go to her favorite place to play with her little sister. Mrs. Rowland who dislikes being idle obliged, and Joi left to the small field just in front of their cottage in excitement.






The cottage, a small house built by Mr. Salome in the prime of his youth, has a small open field in front of it. The field is filled with few lemon trees and small grasses which are neatly cut. It is always been fumigated at intervals so as to make sure that rodents and reptiles doesn’t come there to carve out a niche for themselves. On one side of the field is a strong wooden bench made from a dicotyledonous tree’s hardwood. That’s where Joi and her little sister, Cleo, always sit to relax whenever they get tired while playing. Mrs. Salome relaxes there too whenever she’s at home, likewise her mother; Mrs. Rowland, whenever she visited.

As Joi got to the field, she saw her sister already playing, running around in circles under one of the lemon trees, and she joined her to spin around. They spun around for few minutes, got tired and fell on the ground, slightly dizzy and tired. She was lying there with her sister, enjoying the cool breeze coming from the leaves of the trees when she heard a thud on the ground. She turned around and found a lemon. Out of this tree fell a lemon? She picked it up and kept looking at it for few seconds. Ideas started to rush into her young mind.


“I can actually make lemonade from these lemons, then sell them and get some money for my new dress.” She thought.

She got up, still holding the lemon, went inside the house and walked to her grandma to share her new ideas with her. Her grandma, who never expected such brilliant thoughts from a girl as young as she is, gave her more ideas on how she can run the business successfully.

She suggested that she asks her mom; to use some of the money she kept for her new dress to construct a small lemonade stand for her, just beside the lemon tree, and in front of their cottage. She also agreed to help her in making the lemonades as that will also keep her busy. Joi, who was now filled with happiness, hit one of her toenail on the staircase as she was rushing upstairs, though she did not sustain any injury.

She got to her room, knelt down and thanked God for bringing such nice ideas to her mind and asked Him to help and make her new business to turn out successful.

That evening, as soon as she heard the doorbell ring, she rushed to the door to welcome her mother who just returned from work. She couldn’t allow her mom to come inside the house when she broke the good news to her. Her mother was bewildered.

Her grandma who was watching and listening to them from the sitting room sofa told her daughter, Mrs. Salome  not to have a 2nd thought about her daughter’s ideas.

“I don’t think you were this intelligent when you were of Joi’s age.” Mrs. Rowland jested and they all laughed.

At night, Joi slept very early, so that she can wake up very early the next morning and start her new business. At exactly 06:30 AM, she woke up, said her morning prayers and rushed downstairs to meet her mom before she leaves for the office. Her mum who was surprised to see her awake by that time knew it was because of the new business.

She called the carpenter who lives opposite their house and paid her to construct a lemonade stand for her daughter. Joi and her little sister, Cleo plucked enough lemons that will be used to start the business.

Her grandmother helped her in making the lemonades while her little sister brings them to her at the stand, just in front of their cottage. The first day wasn’t as easy as she was just starting. She hung a signpost that tells people about the new business, beside the open field. She used the long bench as a seat where customers sat and wait to be attended to.

Most people and passersby who patronized her did so because of how innovative she was. They imagined how a young girl could come up with such idea of generating income from what they have. Some pay her and allow her to keep their balance, just to support her.

After the first week of resuming the business, on a Saturday evening, she sat down to calculate her money and she had little issues summing up the amount in the currencies, she was just a young, little girl. Her mom on seeing what was going on came to her and taught her how to calculate her income in the increments of 0.5, 0.10, 0.15 …0.25. After calculating, she gave all the money to her mom to keep for her pending when it will be enough to complete what’s remaining from her own, for them to buy her birthday dress.

It was on a Friday evening, after selling the lemonades made from lemons plucked from the lemon trees the previous day, her mom told her that the money for her dress is complete. Joi has never been happier all her life. It was as if her life depended on that dress. She waited eagerly for the following day when they will go back to the shop to pick up the dress. Then, something struck her mind.

“What if the dress has been sold off?” She asked herself. She quickly waved off the negative thoughts and told herself that the dress will still be there.

The next day, she was the first to wake up again.

It’s finally the day to get what she has yearned for, for a long while. She didn’t waste time in finishing her house chores and rushed to her mom’s office, with her face covered with smiles. Mrs. Salome was also happy; at least now, her daughter is back to who she really is.

As they were approaching the shop, she peeped through the window from where she saw the dress the last time and noticed that it was still in that closet. She jumped up in excitement. Her mum didn’t waste time in sharing the story of how they got the money for the dress to the shopkeeper, she was so proud of her daughter. They paid for the dress and left. On reaching the entrance to her mom’s office, Joi didn’t waste time in giving her mom a befitting and soothing hug, a way of thanking her for helping to make her dreams come through.

That evening, Mr. Salome who lives in the outskirts of the town came home, because the following day being Sunday is her first daughter’s birthday anniversary.

When Joi’s mom came back from work, she called her to come so that she can groom her hair in that style which she wanted to appear in, on her birthday. She came and sat down between her mother’s knees. Her mom told her of how supportive her father and grandma have been in buying the dress for her and Joi thanked them very much. She has been thinking it was only her mother who was trying to make her happy all the while.

As her mother groomed her hair, she told her about how proud she was of her, for deciding what she wanted and also, working hard to get it, even though it seemed so hard for her to do.

Joi who took the initiative, worked hard and helped out to get the dress for her birthday, also felt proud of herself too. Because she brought the whole idea from the onset, she started thinking of the possible things she will achieve if she took more initiatives and worked towards them.

Remembering that it all began with lying down under the lemon tree;

“It seems I’ll be going under the lemon tree daily to dream big dreams.” She thought to herself.

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