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Mating Analysis Report

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Mating Analysis Report


Numerous factors need to be considered to warrant the quality of broodmare horse. It is based on this fact that this mating analysis will look into the diverse factors that breeders should look out for when selecting barren broodmares. Factors to be considered will include the current health status of the broodmares and the stallions and their linage health history. The need to analyze these factors is based on the critical role it plays in guaranteeing that the barren broodmares do not have any health issues. Asserting health well-being is vital in determining if they will be viable for breeding, Broodmares and stallions with health issues are prone to issues in carrying foals to term or giving birth to foals that cannot be fully utilized. In addition to this, the mating report will look into how the £200,000 provided by the client will be utilized in diverse ways such as the acquisition of two barren broodmares, two stallions, a stallion nomination, and a strategy for the sale of the foals that will be given birth to. The ideal barren broodmares that will be considered during this purchase are Rose / Black Rose and Maxima broodmares.  Their color is bay with a height of 15.2 hands and will be thoroughbred mares. On the other hand, the stallions will be from the Andalusian breed with a chestnut color and a height of 16.2.

Section 1

There are a few significant components that anybody thinking about mating a broodmare ought to consider.  Some of the factors that will be considered in this mating plan include the following:

  • Whether the horse is ideal for breeding? Some of the Characteristics to be considered include adaptation and demeanor. The need to consider these aspects is influenced by the fact that they are profoundly heritable and ought to be considered while choosing a broodmare (Gonzalez‐Medina and Newton, 2015). Horses with genuine conformational issues or personality issues should not be considered as ideal (De Mestre et al., 2019). Mares considered reasonable would have to demonstrate a high caliber of execution and have a manageable and dependable personality.
  • Is the broodmare healthy? Body condition, inoculation, and worming status play a significant role in determining the animal’s health status (Bailey, 2014).
  • How old is the horse? Female horses ought to in a perfect position to reproduce before 12 years old. After this, fertility rates decrease substantially, and there might be more issues with your horse keeping up the pregnancy and foaling. However, in this instance will be looking for a broodmare that has an average of 5-7 years (Barros et al., 2019).
  • Has the broodmare reproduced previously? This aims at establishing she had a foal with any issues? These inquiries ought to be posed if purchasing a broodmare with the expectation of further breeding as it is in this case (Anderson et al., 2014). If the mare may have had a foal before, a veterinary certificate will be required (El-Maaty et al., 2017).
  • is the cost manageable? Barren broodmares are substantially expensive. In addition to the purchase cost, they are daily expenses such as practice and veterinary bills. So caution on the costs is required from the start (Randleff‐Rasmussen and Gray, 2018).

There is also a need to look into the superior qualities in their damline to ensure that the barren broodmare is ideal. An example of a superior damline quality is having some mares or stallions from the damline that proved to be racing champions (Hill et al., 2002).

The selection process will also consider the fact that it is not the stallion’s role to “fix” any issues that the broodmares selected may have. A huge number of qualities dictate most adaptation attributes which cannot be controlled effectively, (for example, the assumption that breeding a long-back barren broodmare to a short-back stallion will recover a medium foal is an inaccurate assumption that will not be considered in the mating plan) (Manzanares and Rodger, 2017).

In addition to the factors highlighted that will be utilized in the selection process, the mating process will consider a variety of qualities. However, it is also important to note that any adaptation issue the horses may have out of hereditary qualities, there is no assurance that they will repeat in their offspring (Dority et al., 2016). This is attributed to the fact that adaptation issues might be the consequence of a formative procedure and not legitimately an aftereffect of hereditary qualities. Despite the numerous factors that will be considered in the selection process, it is inevitable to note that it does not matter what the mare looks like. What matters is what she produces as a broodmare.

Section 2

While most people might assume that broodmares can get bred each year, this is not entirely true since numerous variables determine the success of breeding each mating season. While broodmare keepers in huge horse ranches can acknowledge this reality, ranchers with just a couple of mares can without much of a stretch end up with a zero percent achievement rate in a season (Weese, 2014). To warrant the success of the barren broodmares in breeding, numerous factors need to be considered to eliminate the possibility of failure in the breeding process (Barter and Barrelet, 2018).

Preparing broodmares for breeding is not an easy affair. The first step that will be undertaken is guaranteeing that breeding of the two broodmares is done at the beginning of the season and ensuring that the horse is in the best condition to get pregnant. The mares should be prepared by ensuring that they are in perfect health, weighing them to assess their weight, putting them under lights or utilizing an Equilume mask, and calling in a veterinary to assert breeding soundness when they start cycling. The initial step is to have a veterinarian analyze the broodmares for reproducing sufficiency. This ought to be done in time to treat issues such as being under or overweight or challenges in being on cycle.

As highlighted, assessing the mares’ reproducing history, if any, can be vital in eliminating the emergence of future issues. However, this should be done after analyzing them for adaptation deformities (Giupana et al., 2017). In addition to detecting issues that need to be rectified, utilizing a veterinarian may likewise result in the discovery of a condition that would make it pointless to attempt to breed the horses. Such revelations may spare the proprietor’s time and cost and permitting another female horse to be picked for rearing (Scare et al., 2018).

The horses selected for reproducing should be in superb physical well-being and ought to be on a normal course of foot care, vaccinations, parasite control, and dental care. This timetable of routine medicinal services should be set up in the months paving the way to the mating season. Some of the factors that will look into include whether or not they are underweight, recouping from a significant disease or injury (Gómez et al., 2020). The need to consider these factors will be influenced by the fact that such issues are likely to result in the broodmares being less inclined to get in foal and convey a solid foal eleven months after the fact. Forthcoming broodmares ought to likewise be sufficiently sound to convey the additional load of a foal without encountering critical distress (Popescu et al., 2017)

Nourishment of the imminent broodmare is significant for an effective rearing. Thus, the considerable investment will be put in ensuring that the selected broodmares are neither excessively thin nor too fat (Foote et al., 2012). The need to avoid this is because such factors might make it hard for them to get in foal and remain in great condition through the pregnancy. For ideal reproducing proficiency, the broodmares ought to have a body condition score of 4 to 5. As indicated by Henniker’s nine-point body condition scale in which 1 is gaunt and 9 is hefty, a 5 speaks to direct body condition. The back is level with no wrinkle or edge, ribs cannot be seen but can be felt, the tail head is encompassed by a layer of fat, wilts are balanced, and neck mixes easily into the shoulder (Cassill et al., 2017).

Research has demonstrated that infertile horses kept at a body condition score of 4-5 start ovulating sooner than female horses with body condition scores under 4. These horses likewise require fewer estrus cycles to accomplish pregnancy and, for the most part, have higher origination rates (Gu et al., 2019). Mares that enter the rearing season in dainty condition are less reproductively proficient than those in moderate body condition (Vogelsang, 2018). It is based on this reason that some broodmare directors like to keep their female horses somewhat over the average condition. In contrast, others want to have the female horses come into the reproducing season just underneath moderate condition (Dominguez et al., 2016).

Access to top-quality feeds will help flimsy horses put on weight. However, if the processed feeds do not give enough calories to weight increase, and all-around defined concentrate ought to be offered, adhering to the maker’s guidance imprinted on the feed pack or tag (Lesimple et al., 2016). The rancher in question being the first timer in this filed, a nutritionist input will be considered with regards to the best in general arrangement, particularly if the female horses have any specific condition that requires unique feed fixings or calendars (Lesimple et al., 2016).

Picking the stallion is a significant advance toward fertile breeding.  To warrant the success of the reproduction, the mating process will incorporate the use of a live spread. The use of a live spread is influenced by the fact that it ordinarily has a decent pace of settling female horses in foal, yet this choice may include the pressure of moving the horse for a long separation (Morley and Murray, 2017). If managed impregnation (AI) is by all accounts the best other option, there will be the need to obtain some information about the origin of the chilled or solidified/defrosted semen (Padalino et al., 2016). The need to know the history of the semen to be used is influenced by the fact that some stallions have undeniably more accomplishments than others. It is additionally essential to have the assistance of a veterinarian who is knowledgeable about AI systems (McCluskey et al., 2018).

Based on the analysis provided, it is evident that the success of the mating process will depend on the selection of the broodmares and the ability to detect any deformities. Having a sensible timetable is fundamental for every single planned broodmare. However, broodmares with a background marked by trouble in getting pregnant or supporting a pregnancy to term are eliminated from the mating process.

Cost Break Down

Cost of the two broodmares £45,000

(Each mare will cost an average of £22,500)

The total cost of the acquisition of the two stallions £10,000

(Each stallion is estimated to cost at least £3500)

Stallion Champion nomination cost £ 50,000

Veterinary cost up to the point of the sale of the foals £ 23,000

Feeds and other costs £72,000




Section 3

Based on the several technological changes that have redefined the business sector, the best place that the floats can be sold is online through the numerous sites that have been established for the sale of horses. The primary competitors will be established broodmares breeders that have developed a reputation for themselves on sites like As a capable merchant, you need your foals to go to a suitable home. The foals will be sold 6 months after birth; the foals will be sold off to dealers who will find them their ideal buyers. Ideal buyers are those that will get them to homes where they will be used for sports and recreational activities. The need to warrant that the horses go to a good home is because most horse lovers despise individuals sell their horses unconsciously to malicious horse dealers who may use the horses to make dog food. Here some of the strategies that the dealer should utilize to warrant that his foals go to the right home.

One of the strategies that will be utilized in selling the broodmares foals are well sold on the internet is by being sincere. The need to be truthful is influenced by the fact that most people that are looking for horses are keen on picking horses that match their personalities and needs (Dashper, 2017). For example, it would be malicious to state that your horses are safe to mount while in real sense, they are not. Such instances of deceit result in significant challenges for both the horse and its new owners. This is because the owner ends up deposing the horse (s) while the horses suffer from the distress associated with continually being shifted between different buyers and homes (Santschi et al., 2006).

To warrant the credibility of the potential buyers, there will be a request from all prospective buyers to provide a history of the health status of their horses, if any. The need to do this is to ensure that the new owners have a good track record in looking after their horses. While the sale of the horses will be made for profitability, it is essential to note that most horse owners are invested in the well-being of their horse. Doing this also plays a significant role in warranting that the sold foals remain in the care of their new owners since some buyers may result in returning horses once they figure out that not suited to be horse owners. In addition to these factors, the sale of the foals will be keen to warrant that they are sold within the market rate to eliminate the possibility of pushing away buyers due to unrealistic pricing.


Based on the mating analysis report provided, it is evident that numerous strategies need to be considered when selecting barren broodmares, selecting stallions, and the sale of the foals that are acquired after breeding. Through the report, it is clear that individuals looking to venture into the rearing and breeding of horses need to hire competent professionals in the field to warrant that their horses are at their best. Additionally, coming up with a detailed financial budget on how available funds will be utilized is also something that should be considered to warrant the sustainability of such a business venture.










Reference List

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Breed                       Gender               Color                Height (hh)         Age

Andalusian              Stallion                Chestnut                16.2                7 Years


Thoroughbred Mares

Color                  Gender                      Height            Breed                Age

Bay                       Mare                     15.2                 Thoroughbred         6 years




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