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Impact of social media on consumer behavior

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Impact of social media on consumer behavior

The importance of social media in the world of consumer behavior cannot be over emphasized. Currently most of them industries are looking to promote their business through social media platforms like facebook or other applications. Through this they can easily get connected with the consumers as well as can also identify their behaviors towards products. This process has effectively generated discipline in the overall marketing areas and it also examines on how the overall attitudes and preferences can try to affect the consumer behavior roles.

The consumer behavior model is also evaluated through the post purchase decision making where there can be a high chance of exercising brand loyalty. The marketer can also look to express every messaging step based on this process. Thus through a relatively short period of time, a more focused retailed model can be exercised to identify the digital centric model of consumer behavior process (Fondevila-Gascón et al.  2020).

On the other hand the current buying behavior is known as online decision making which is generally characterized by all the aspects and decision making process. It is seen that currently all the modern customers collect many number of information and data about the product through internet every single day. Therefore the overall evaluation criteria based on consumer cycle can also try to cut multiple time which is very important for them marketers to know and understand. Hence in this way the overall communication strategy has been implied. However the traditional marketing strategy of consumer behavior does not work anymore.

However the modern decision making is more dynamic and effective. This process uses active information gathering and evaluation of alternatives. The technologies allow the companies to gather datasets on how their products have been marketed and how far this has been able to seek consumer attention via social media. For example in supermarkets have different sorts of branded shampoos. The consumers can also check about the product and through that they usually make their decisions. Hence in this way social media have helped to solidify the consumer behavior process (Chopra et al. 2020).

Positive impacts of social media in consumer behavior

The social media have played a significant role in the consumer behavior in different ways. However through the advent of social media people can be able to collect all the information prior tom making decisions since the product is visible on internet. However there are a lot of negative aspects as well. These are discussed as under-

Positive impacts

The positive impacts are as under-

Time and cost saving

Currently the customers can research about a product before buying it. Hence they have the access to all the information relating to that particular product which leads them to make up their minds. This process is also time and cost saving. Therefore social media has truly been a savior to the customers. Moreover the customers can also receive prior information relating to market changes. The retailers can also dump their old purchase models and install new ones through an interactive way

Data collection

Sometimes most of the FMCG and FMCD companies create questionnaires and conduct surveys to understand the ever changing tastes and preferences of the customer. Furthermore it can be said that the process can also try to establish core and valid data which makes the company easy to step forward (McClure and Seock 2020).

 Negative impacts

False and fake products

Sometimes fake products are also found in the internet which provides fake details. There are a lot of false websites found in the internet that generally duplicates people. Those websites can also cheat people through their products and thus people gets into trouble through those (Tseng and Wei 2020).


Chopra, A., Avhad, V. and Jaju, A.S., 2020. Influencer Marketing: An Exploratory Study to Identify Antecedents of Consumer Behavior of Millennial. Business Perspectives and Research, p.2278533720923486.
Tseng, C.H. and Wei, L.F., 2020. The efficiency of mobile media richness across different stages of online consumer behavior. International Journal of Information Management50, pp.353-364.

Fondevila-Gascón, J.F., Polo-López, M., Rom-Rodríguez, J. and Mir-Bernal, P., 2020. Social media influence on consumer behavior: The case of mobile telephony manufacturers. Sustainability12(4), p.1506.

McClure, C. and Seock, Y.K., 2020. The role of involvement: Investigating the effect of brand’s social media pages on consumer purchase intention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services53, p.101975.













Q2: Impact of COVID 19 on the hospitality sector

(Cavallo & Forman 2020) have stated that the COVID 19 pandemic have created profound impact on the hospitality sectors. Most importantly in the radiology practices across the country. There are different sorts of policy measures that can slow down the overall transformation of diseases through the emergence of COVID 19. It is seen that the hospital preparations are also trying to express their crisis capacity which is further diminishing the amount of proper medical imaging to perform safely. It is also seen that the overall radiology departments and groups who have never experienced such kind of issues are tend to resulting in decreasing the overall health care expenditures. On the other hand the overall radiology groups in hospital sectors have look to outpatient heavy practices based on the changes. All these factors can also anticipate a reduction of 50 to 70 decreases in imaging volumes for some months.

(Koushik, 2020) have argued that the impact of COVID 19 pandemic have been more than mental rather being less physical. The people are dealing with high amount of depression and struggling with significant amotivation, social isolation, lack of structure and routine as well as low levels of physical activities. Hence it makes sense that all these effective factors have created certain heightened factors which creates certain propensity towards the thoughts and social distancing aspects.






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