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To encounter the Lord, you need to

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To encounter the Lord, you need to:

  1. Be faithful – be faithful in what the Lord has entrusted to your hands. The Lord did not despise the little that Moses was doing. He was faithful to take care of Laban’s sheep, not even his! If you are faithful, the Lord will locate you and give you an encounter. Stop serving God carelessly and be faithful in all that you do.
  2. Learn to quieten your spirit – Moses encountered the Lord while he was in the wilderness, away from noises and crowd(s). Separate yourself from the many voices surrounding you. This way, it becomes easy to speak to God and also allows you to be sensitive to hear the voice of God. Sometimes God will displace you to position you.
  3. Go to the place marked by God – Moses encountered the Lord at the “mountain of the Lord”. This refers to the right place that God has marked, ordained, and set apart to encounter you. Even the man in John received healing because he was in the right place.
  4. Embrace angelic ministry – angels are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation. Angelic ministry is key in encountering the Lord.
  5. Be curious – Moses became curious when he saw the bush burning without being consumed. This made him draw nearer; it was then when the Lord saw that Moses was curious enough that He called him by his name. Be curious in the things of God; in prayer, in intimating with God, and in studying the word of God. Curiosity moves God.

Kairos time refers to the appointed time in the purpose of God whereas Chronos time refers to the chronological or sequential time. Divine encounter is Kairos time; encounter occurs at an opportune time. Everything that happens under the sun is divinely timed. Things do not happen as accidents.


Even in the time of Moses, he had to encounter God at the Kairos time because the deliverance of the children of Israel was at hand. Kairos is God’s time. It is a time that is beyond the planning of a human being. It is the time when the heaven splits open to meet with the natural; the supernatural comes down to encounter the mortal. Other than Moses being faithful and curious, he needed a Kairos time to encounter the Lord.


Note that, in the time of Lazarus, there were many dead bodies, but Jesus Christ only encountered Lazarus. This is because it was Lazarus’ Kairos time. Divine encounters are NEVER about the Kronos but about Kairos. How will you know that it is your Kairos time? “Your inner man will witness and you will become restless. This is because you will be expecting your deliverance. Be sensitive not to miss your Kairos time!


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