Reading and mining information
There are four main techniques of reading and mining information used by learners. First is skimming or gist reading. Skimming is the process of going through the text fast aiming to gain a basic level of the text. For instance, a newspaper or magazine reader skim through the text to identify those articles they wish to read deeper. It is a reading technique that involves low comprehension of the text and takes less time. The second technique is text scanning, which is similar to when one visits a historic cite and goes through the guide book to identify the most interesting part to visit. In-text, scanning involves a quick eye scuttle where the reader gets a simple piece of information. It is a technique mostly used by a researcher looking for specific information from a wide range of resources. A good scanner pays attention to the introduction and conclusion of an information piece.
The third technique is intensive reading. Intensive reading takes more time as compared to skimming and scanning. A reader must have a clear purpose when conducting an intensive reading. This technique calls for a deeper understanding of the text and it is the best approach for language learners since they can understand a vocabulary through the passage context. Additionally, intensive reading is best for information retention and knowledge that last in the long term memory. The fourth technique is extensive reading. It is a form of reading for pleasure and it has a sense of enjoyment. Extensive reading is most applied for texts one enjoy reading, such as novels, or a subject one enjoys.
Skimming and scanning are similar in that the reader takes less time going through the entire text and only get bits of information from the text. On the other hand, intensive reading takes more time and involves a deeper understanding of the context. Intensive reading is the most productive technique and is the best for knowledge retention. It also takes more work, since the reader takes time to understand the entire text including new vocabulary. All the methods are productive in one way or another. I plan to use skimming and scanning when doing my assignment research and find the most relevant information. Intensive reading is best I will use for revision, to ensure the best knowledge retention. Additionally, I will use extensive reading for my novel and other interesting text I read.