Gender as an influence in students’ academic achievement
Gender is seen as one of the social factors that influence students’ academic achievement, namely the level of student acceptance and mastery of subjects based on gender, whether male or female teachers or students in the context of education. The Vietnamese government should plan several measures used in England and other countries that seek to challenge the way society is formed about gender roles. To achieve gender equality in education on par with other countries, Vietnam must implement changes in the attitudes of educators, students and society. Such educational actions need to be part of the impetus in the wider Vietnamese society to correct gender thinking that will allow women to start from their limited history so that they can have opportunities and fully contribute to the wider economy in this rapidly developing country. Vietnam must be committed and focused, as it is in Malaysia, to address this issue. Education policy in Vietnam must be modified to create elements of gender equality, and law enforcement must be as strict as practised in Malaysia. Malaysia is focused and committed to improving educational achievement and outcomes among students as a rapidly developing country (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2013). In this study, Vietnamese law is seen as too loose and not firm in addressing this issue.
In conclusion, we need to take the solution to gender problems in education seriously. Various steps need to be taken to overcome this problem. By involving male and female students, teachers need to diversify teaching strategies, methods and approaches that are more creative, innovative and adapted to learning styles. They need to develop appropriate teaching and learning methods, resources, and learning activities for students and remove barriers to learning. Besides, teacher education courses must focus on gender differences. It is also suggested that teacher education emphasizes an education curriculum that is more sensitive to the gender and diversity of students. Concerns about the variety of learning styles among boys and girls also enable parents to provide a more appropriate environment and provide adequate motivation and motivation to learn.
Gender-specific achievement gaps in Malaysia, however, focus on the impact of learning styles as well as learning skills and strategies for female students compared to male students (Zalizan, Saemah, Roselan & Jamil, 2005; Zalizan & Hazadiah, 2010). The Ministry of Education Malaysia controls all problems related to national education from preschool to higher education. The Ministry led by the Minister of Education aims to give all Malaysians equal access to quality education that forms Malaysians who are qualified, knowledgeable and united (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2013).