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   Wedding planning business

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 Wedding planning business











Assessment Task 2: The Marketing& legal Plan



Student No.:

























My business idea is to work on a wedding planner business. The idea of a start-up business is to provide service to the people who need marriage arrangements in the form of food, decoration, couture, invites, transport services for the guests, etc. I would like to name my company as Wedding Squad which means that my team will engage together to accomplish the wedding planning opportunity with a creative process. The cost of a wedding in America is $29,000 while Indian wedding costs $65,000 as per the statistics. Wedding squad will make sure that weddings will be arranged as per the client’s budget and investment. This is an interesting and creative process to look forward to the best strategy and fascinate clients with different ideas and innovation to their big day. Thus, the idea of a wedding planner business will need investment but the profit realized are even huge.










Marketing Plan – Market Analysis


  1. Source of information


Information requiredSources of information

Primary source



Primary Sources


Family and friends

Experience of people

Secondary source Secondary Sources
Business magazinesArticlesNewspaper

Australian Bureau of statistics


2. Statement of research findings    

  1. Primary Research

From the primary research data, Wedding squad will be the most amazing idea as it will help to ensure that the wedding preparations are up to the date for clients.

  • Questionnaires were provided to respondents with random sampling method that included the importance of wedding planners.
  • Asking respondents about choosing wedding planners for the wedding
  • Having a conversation with friends and family to support the business idea
  • Talking to a friend about the experience of wedding planner business
  1. Secondary Research

Secondary research data includes external sources that are mentioned in detail

  • Newspaper articles were reviewed in which wedding planner business was on the top
  • From Australian Bureau statistics, the numbers reveal a positive business idea
  • Business magazines mention the wedding planning business to be accepted by a major individual as it helps to keep away stress of managing several activities at a time



  1. Conclusion

From the research analysis, the wedding planning business is the best idea that can be eventually planned with a success criterion. As per the market analysis, the wedding planner business will be profitable shortly with the brand image and profitability index ratio.

Marketing Plan – Market Details


Type of InformationSecondary Data usedInformation Found
Industry Current PerformanceEffective planning and procedureNewspaper articles
Industry Life Cycle


Development stageAustralian Bureau statistics

Industry Outlook


Urban marketsAustralian Bureau statistics

Barriers to Entry


High investmentAustralian Bureau statistics
Market Trends / Sales PredictionsNew ideas for event managementNewspaper articles
Key Success Factors


Wedding plan and servicesQuestionnaire










Marketing Plan – Marketing Environment

  1. External (macro) factors could impact the business


Economic Factors

Wedding squad may face serious problems in terms of the economic condition of the country. At the time of recession, issues in taxations, fulfilling customer’s need, etc. Increase in Australian dollar rate may negatively affect the business.


The socio-cultural factors such as trends in lifestyle, workforce trend, social media websites, brand, the reputation of company, consumer preferences, media representation, etc can impact the business.


Using advanced technology such as tools that work as a surrogate decision for consumer decision and communication issue is resolved effectively. Website information can be an added advantage for clients to directly contact the organization.


The rules and regulations that shall be adhered are based on wedding planning association of Australia 2008 and code of practices are mentioned for the business planners. The members should abide by the standards mentioned in WPPA, certified wedding planner certificate must be recognized by wedding planner in Australia, transparent and truthful business dealings should be taken place between client and organization, etc.


Wedding planning business is seasonal in nature such as in summer holidays, weddings are in the boom period.




Waste disposals, the arrangement of green environment and open wedding venues must be selected by wedding planners to protect the environment.


  1. Internal (Micro) factors could impact the business.  


Production facilities

Use of raw materials in event decorations, arranging lunch and dinner for the occasion, huge machines for organizing the event play an important role in the wedding planner business. Thus, it is necessary to ensure business success when the services and products of the business satisfy the client needs.

Financial resources

Huge investment is needed in the business which will assure business success. Client needs is fulfilled while managing financial resources. Profit is realized after the events and the next wedding planning is based on profit and savings. Cost is the major factor wherein flexibility is important while working on several areas of business.

Human resources

Human resources department is the main department that handles all the services to be provided to the clients. Work is carried on with team spirit and thereby employees in the organization need to work in harmony and trust each in this business. Arranging food services, event organizing, decoration, transportation, etc are the services that need to be handled by the HR department. Staff will be divided as per the services required.



Wedding squad will have its head office in Sydney, Australia. The location will be based primarily in Sydney but weddings can be organized in different places in Australia. This will be a benefit for the organization as there are immense numbers of client all over the country who may need the service. With the help of the internet, distant clients can be acquired and an increasing number of clients can work as a brand image for wedding squad. Website information will connect clients to gain information related to wedding planning and the services provided at different places in Australia.

Business image

The business image will be the main factor that clients will be attracted for. Thereby I will work on the best ideas to ensure that the business image is created with transparency and trust for clients. Customer satisfaction rate ensures the business image thereby I will try to maximize the quality of the services and ensure that there are regular updates provided to the clients via social media websites which will bring a positive image.








Marketing Plan – SWOT Analysis

  1. Business SWOT Analysis – (S) Strengths (W) Weaknesses (O) Opportunities (T) Threats
SBusiness Strengths

1. Experienced professionals

2. Unique services

3. Transparency in the business

Recruiting the best of human resources to handle the business in several areas as an when required, working on unique ideas to impress the clients and ensuring that there is trust build up among the two parties.


WBusiness Weaknesses

1. Anxiety

2. Distrust

3. Nonexperience


The business should be confident enough even though there is no experience of the business, training should be provided to recruits so that anxiety may not be the reason for failure.



1. Advanced Technology

2. Newmarket

3. Working on Cultural beliefs


The business should have advanced technology systems, tools, and techniques to focus on the Australian market, working on cultural beliefs of people in the area and ensuring the best services.




1. Competition

2. Pricing structure

3. Economic condition

Due to the new business opportunity, the market is huge while the experience is low. There are several competitors in the market and it is important to understand their strategy and work on a strategy that best satisfies the business objectives.


Marketing Plan – Market Segmentation

6. Target markets

Target Market One



Youth age of 23-35
Attractive decorationsQuality serviceAustralia
Proper planningIncredible food
Social media influenceProper management







One-time investment




STEP 1. Checks social media website

STEP 2. Refers to website information

STEP 3. Call confirmation

STEP 4. Meeting

STEP 5. Confirmation

Satisfied consumers

Positive outcomes

Best event management


Australia location











Target Market Two



Rich business class people
Sophisticated servicesDelicious dishesAustralia
Rich class decorationsQuality and organized services
Expensive visiting cardsAmenities for guests
Sophisticated equips

Grand entry

World-class cuisines


STEP 1. Referrals

STEP 2. Agent information

STEP 3. Discussion with agents

STEP 4. Effective conversation with the organization

STEP 5. Buying process

Positive attributes towards world-class service

Marketing Plan – Competitor Analysis





















7. Major Competitors


Using the above graphic for reference identifies 3 major competitors to your business and provide a summary of their operations following the numbered steps below.



  1. Identify 3 Competitors
  2. Pink Caviar Events
  3. Love 2 Love Events
  4. Symphony Events Pty Ltd
  5. AnalysisProvide an overview of your competitor’s products or service streams they offer to their customers.

The competitors provide world-class service with personalized event and management services This includes food service, decorations, guest lists, transportation service, parking, etc.

  1. Type of Competitor (Direct, Indirect or Emerging)
    Pink Caviar Events: Direct
    b. Love2 Love: Direct
    c. Symphony: Indirect
  2. Unique value to customers
    Service quality
    b. World-class cuisines
    c. Stylish decorations
  3. Ranking of Competitors to your business
    Pink Caviar Events- 3
    b. Love 2 Love- 2
    c. Symphony Events- 1

8. Competitor SWOT Analysis

Collate an overview of all of your competitors’ major strengths and weaknesses in the table.

Competitor StrengthsStrategies devised to minimize the effects of competitor strengths on your business
1. Development stage

2. Huge market share

3. Brand image

4. World-class cuisines

Product and service differentiation


Competitor WeaknessesStrategies to be implemented to capitalize on your competitor’s weaknesses in your business
1. Less connection with customers

2. The online market is not much effective

3. Absence of Traditional market

4. Wedding coordination

Presence of an online market with social media strategy


9. Area of Differentiation/Market Niche

Based on your analysis of your market and competitors, describe your competitive advantage and/or your market niche. What is your area of differentiation?

Quality service, presence of traditional cultures and online market presence are of differentiation.








Marketing Plan – Marketing Mix


10. Marketing Mix

  • Price
  • Product
  • Place
  • Promotion
  • People
  • Process
  • Physical evidence


11. Product/Service Mix

Target MarketActual Product/ Service Features


Core/BenefitsValue Added
Target Market 1

Name: Youth





Event organization



Market presence

Customer attraction

Market share

Development stage

Target Market 2

Name: Rich business class people

Expensive decorations

World-class cuisine


Customer acquisition

Huge profit

Increased market presence


12. Pricing Strategy

Methods of Pricing

  1. Competition based: Competition based marketing method can be used to work on effective price strategy while viewing the competitors pricing strategy. This will help to cater to the market.




  1. Using the strategies identified
Product/Service linePriceRelationship to pricing strategy
Foodservice$1000Effective pricing structure as per competitors’ price
World-class decoration$1000Competitor based pricing structure will help to maintain the presence of business
Transportation$200This will ensure transportation cost
Guest invitation$100Work towards competitor-based pricing method as it will help to control cost


14. Place/Location

  1. Describe the location selected for your business
    The business will be located in Sydney but the client service will be provided all over Australia.

b. Distribution/Sales

Direct distribution method and one level channel will be adopted

Type of ChannelLevel of Distribution/use of channels or middlemenList all the products/ services sold via this channelWhat % of overall sales do you expect to sell via these products/ service channel?What are the advantages of using this channel for the product/ service
OnlineOne levelFoodservice, transport, decoration 40%Fewer people and more profit

Face to face

Zero levelConsulting, decoration, food service60%Direct profit






c. Communication Channels

  • Social media websites
  • Company website
  • Direct contact via telephone and email.
  1. Branding


  • Quality service
  • Brand image
  • Logo of the company














  1. Methods of Promotion


What do you want to achieve with your promotions?What promotion are you going to do to achieve the strategy?


When are you going to do the promotion?


How much is the promotion going to cost you?


Work on advanced servicesSocial media website, Facebook, TwitterDaily post updates$500
Company informationWebsite informationDaily update$300








  1. Customer Service Areas and Provision 
Customer Service AreasPolicy
List 3 key areas of customer service for your businessDescribe how you will provide and maintain customer relations with your clients
1. Facebook commentRevert to the comment and ask for further service. The concern with the comment as the client will be happy to read the message if there is an initiative by the company
2. Telephone callsReceive a call or call back to customers regarding the query and ask for further assistance if they need.
3. EmailsRespond to emails quickly as the best communication method is email. It saves time and money. If the conversation is smooth in email, a phone call method can be applied while asking the client to ensure that the best services are provided by the organization and if they need any type of service it will be easily available


  1. Position Statement

Wedding squad is a wedding planning business located in Sydney, Australia. We provide the best service in terms of wedding planning services. The location of the business is easily identified and is as per the client need. We work for precious days and provide a full range of services including consulting, logistics, food catering, entertainment, and well-organized weddings.

  1. Branded publication

Rework this marketing plan from a workbook into an Enterprise branded publication. Make use of the infographic visual data you have and integrate your Position Statement. Think about the journey you are taking your audience through and what is important to them? Are they clients, investors, partners or other? Find images that make clear each element of your marketing plan and publish your marketing plan as a branded publication (not school assignment).

The wedding planning business will be a hit in the next 12 months as it needs more clients and resources to work on the activities mentioned. The audience will be satisfied with various activities.
















Legal Plan

Business Name and Structure

1. Choice of Business Name / Rationale

The name that I picked for my wedding planning business is Wedding Squad which is suitable for my company. Squad means the team and team performance is necessary for the wedding business. The business name is creative and will help people to find it easily on a social media website. It will help in fulfilling the dreams of couples when we provide the services to make their big day. The business is demanding, thereby it needs the best companies to deal in the Australian market.

2. Business Name Availability

It is very important to use the business name and check the availability of the business name. The business name that I have selected is Wedding squad that represents the wedding planning business. To check the availability of the business name, it is important to work on company naming guidelines which ensures identical or similar names, trademark, constitution, regulatory approval, and authorized capital. These are the steps that are used in assuring that the business name is in response to the regulatory approval.

3. Business Structure

For choosing the best business structure for wedding squad, I would choose the company business. There is a separate legal entity in setting up a company which seems to be an advisable measure taken for business. There are legal obligations that need to be taken care of. I must protect the personal assets and ensure legal actions when business turns sour or there are legal debts. Several factors need to be taken care of while selecting the company as a business structure.

4. The rationale for Business Structure   

  • Certain legal actions can be taken to protect the business and make sure that the business ensures profit, business name registration, business bank account, and ABN Australian Business number need to be organized.
  • The higher annual cost is a complex situation that needs to be managed.
  • As mentioned in the contract, the directors and senior-level executives are liable for the company as there is a larger number of shares that are invested by the director or a partner. Things will be already mentioned in the contract with legislation and rules.

Legal Plan – Licences, Regulations, and Compliance

5. Governmental Licences and Regulations

I would organize my business while fulfilling the governmental license and regulations

  • ABN Number- Indicates Australian business registration
  • Tax File Number TFN- for filing tax
  • Business bank account- for working in partnership with several agents
  • ASCI- Business name registered with ASIC
  • Register for GST- Partnership income to be estimated
  • Accountant- Accountancy help and reporting obligations

6. Australian Consumer Law (ACL)

The Australian consumer law indicates several key parts such as misleading conduct, misleading claims, unfair contract terms, consumer guarantees, and consumer agreements. The environmental merits need to be taken care of by the wedding business or else ACL will seek and review pricing claims.

The three guarantees that ACCC provides to the consumer under the Australian consumer law are canceling services, repair, and compensation for damages. There are other services such as warranties, services bought, etc.

Consumer Guarantee
1.Repair, replace or refund
2.Compensation for damages
3.Canceling a service


7. Regulatory compliance procedures

The procedure you would implement to ensure your business can comply with a regulatory requirement identified in section 5 or 6 above
1.ASCI indicate the business name registration which is an important step to start with the business
2.ABN number needs to be registered for the business for the smooth functioning of the business
3.TFN will be the next step to ensure that the tax will be filed as per the annual returns of the company



8. Contracts

  1. Identify the type of contracts you would be entering into to conduct your business? List at least 3 different types of parties you will need to enter into contracts with and the purpose of the contract.


The Other Party (general description only)What the Contract is For / Its Purpose
1.ClientsTo provide quality services to clients in terms of negotiation with rate and cost analysis. A cost-benefit analysis will be conducted while contracting with the party. The contract is between clients and company to accept the agreement of the service that is provided by the company to the client in a descriptive manner.
2.EmployeesEmployees in an organization are liable to focus on the company-client relationship. The consent of the employees matters as they are directly responsible to fulfill the organizational objectives and work with confidentiality.
3.SuppliersSuppliers are the partners that are associated with the company and undergo several activities that provide efficient services. Suppliers provide raw materials and other services to manage the events.






  1. What would be the main rights and obligations under a contract you engage with a customer?


Your Rights
1.To be authentic with designs
2.Unique services
3.No piracy of designs


Your Obligations
1.Quality of service: this is an important matter that needs to be focused as the customer needs quality service and on-time service which the organization is bound to do for them.
2.Affordable pricing structure: as per the business structure, customer needs different pricing structure as per the need. The business organizes and manages events with customer investment. Thereby services can opt with the different pricing structure
3.Unique service: management of services should be in a way which satisfies the customers and ensures a good relationship with customers. Bonding with customers and working with customers in a friendly manner can create a good relationship.


  1. Advantages and disadvantages of having a contract in writing

Having a contract in writing may bound the contract and legal matters are applicable in terms of considering effective results. Neither party can break the contract as the written contracts are valid and are accepted by the law. The written contracts have disadvantages as it tends to ensure the bounding limits of exchange. The limitations are already mentioned in the contract while the advantages are critically analyzed.

  1. Practical steps can you take, in designing a contract with your customers, to mitigate the risk of non-payment by a customer?

In designing the contract with the customers, there must be a mutual agreement between the parties. First of all, there is a conversation about what the agreement will include in the contract, then the importance of pricing will be mentioned, thereafter the discussion of the contract will take place among the two parties. To mitigate the risk of non-payment, the contract must be in written format which will help to ensure that the customer would pay on the given date and time to the company as per the contract.

Negligence & Duty of Care

9. Negligence & Duty of Care

. Duty of care

Duty of care is about ensuring the safety of others in terms of contractual matters. To the best interest of individuals, a duty of care is mentioned in the contract.

  1. The business will Owe a duty of care.

The duty of care will be towards Employees first as they help to focus on organizational objectives. Several services are provided to employees in terms of medical checks, incentives, promotions, etc.

  1. Reasons

The business will owe the duty of care towards employees as the employees in the organization will work towards fulfilling the goals and objectives of the business. employees work as a team to consider a special event in the wedding planning business. Team performance is equally important thereby the business takes good care of its employees.

  1. 3 steps
Steps / Procedures your business will implement
1.Employee incentives
2.Team development programs
3.Fulfilling needs as per the interest of individuals



10. Insurances

  1. Types of insurance
Type / Name of PolicyType of Risks Covered
1.Business property insuranceTo protect files, smartphones, office equipment, etc. For this policy, limits are up to $1000
2.Commercial general liability insurance



To protect guests, delivery persons, and vendors who are victims of slips. $500 are ensured regardless of the policy limits
3.Professionally liability insurance



To protect clients when the services cause harm or failed to provide the service. The mistakes are covered in this type of insurance as mistakes happen unknowingly. $600 will be invested in this policy.


Intellectual Property

11. Intellectual Property (IP)

Trademark, copyrights, and patent are the intellectual property that needs to be protected in the wedding planning business. It is really important to make sure to protect the trademarks as this is automatic protection while registering with IP Australia.

The IP Australia registration is very important to protect the business in Australia. The date of protection will be mentioned in the IP registration.


ScenarioType of Intellectual Property Right that May Offer ProtectionDoes the IP right need to be Registered?
A mark that distinguishes one business from anotherTrademarkYes
How something works or functionsCopyrightsYes
A drawing of a prototype productLogoYes
The overall appearance of a product that will be mass-manufacturedPatentYes
Customer lists and supplier listsCopyrightYes














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