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Southern Survival Season 2

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Southern Survival Season 2, Netflix’s algorithm is smart but the people running Netflix are smarter. Because what better way there is to engage and captivate the audience than through an outdoor survival reality show when more than half the human population is under lockdown or has just emerged out of lockdown because of a pandemic.


Southern Survival aired for the first time on Netflix on 3 July 2020. Netflix generally renews shows based on viewership and it usually takes a few weeks to analyze the viewerships of the series so we would have to wait at least for a month or two to hear any official announcement. We can expect it to release around 2021, if all world’s conditions are favorable.


There are no trailer updates on season 2 so far. Stay tuned on moscoop for other latest information. Click on the link below to watch the trailer of season 1 to get a brief outlook on this series.


The show features the crew members of a survival and outdoor company Battlbox. The crew members Daniel, Brandon, Steve and Mikki face various challenges. It is likely that they will be a part of the second season too, if there is a second season.


There is a fire-themed episode featuring matches that can’t be extinguished and fireproof fabrics. In an episode titled ‘Escape’ the crew tries to get out of an underwater car. Each episode is more thrilling and exciting than the last. In addition to the various safety measures, the crew also takes precautions against natural calamities such as earthquakes, mudslides and hurricanes. The series is informative and there is a lot that the viewers can learn from the safety measures taken by the crew.

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