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At the end of this topic, the learner should be able to;

  1. i) Distinguish between excretion and homeostasis
  2. ii) Explain various methods of excretion in plants

iii)Describe excretory products in plants and their uses.

  1. iv) Understand different excretory organs in mammals, and how they work, that is

The skin

The Kidney

The liver

The lungs

v)Describe mechanisms of homeostasis; negative and positive feedback.

v)Describe the skin, liver, and kidney roles in homeostasis

  1. vi) Describe disorders of various excretory organs.


Excretion and homeostasis are characteristics of living things as it was introduced early in form

one. Excretion is a very essential characteristic of living things because it helps organisms to get

rid of metabolic waste products. These two words are defined as follows;

Excretion-Is the process by which living organisms remove their metabolic waste products.

Homeostasis-Is the maintenance of the internal environment of the body of the organism at a

constant state for the normal functioning of the cell.


Plant do not have complex excretory organs because;

i)They can recycle their waste products, for example, oxygen which is a waste product during

photosynthesis is used for respiration.

ii)They deposit their waste products in their various parts like the leaves and fruits which drop off

or are utilized by man for food

iii)They do not move about hence have less toxic substances.

Method of Excretion in plants

  1. i) Recycling; plants re-use some of their waste products in other processes. For instance, oxygen

produced as a waste product is used for respiration during the day.

  1. ii) Exudation; some plants release fluids at the back of their stems, iii)Transpiration; plants remove excess salt and water through transpiration
  2. iv) Leaf fall, fruits fall, thereby releasing waste products deposited in them.

v)Diffusion of gases from the leaves to the atmosphere through the stomata.


a)Excretion in unicellular organisms

Unicellular organisms like amoeba use simple diffusion to remove their waste products because of

their small size.

b)Excretion in multicellular organisms

Multicellular organisms possess complex excretory organs due to increased complexity in these

organisms. We will describe the excretory organs in mammals like a man and their functions.

Excretory organ. Excretory product(s)

i)Skin Excess salt, excess.water


ii)Kidney. Excess water, excess salt


iii)Liver. Urea

iv)Lung. Carbon(iv) Oxide, water

In this topic, we will describe the skin, liver, and kidney structure and functions. The lung is

described under the gaseous exchange topic.



Kidney is an excretory organ that filters blood in the body. Man has two kidneys; left kidney and

the right kidney.

Expand your knowledge

“One can survive with one kidney.”

Anatomy of the Kidney

The kidney is bean-shaped.

It has three regions;



iii) Medulla

-The basic functional unit of the kidney is the Kidney nephron.

Structure of the kidney nephron

Kidney receives blood through the renal artery.

-Renal vein takes away the blood from the kidney.

How kidney nephron works

Kidney nephron receive blood from the afferent arteriole.

The blood entering the kidney is composed of molecules of both large and small molecular sizes.

Small molecular sized(liquid part) molecules of blood

-Dissolve mineral salts

-amino acids


-Ion like sodium, chlorine, potassium


Large molecular sized molecules in blood; -Blood plasma

-Blood proteins.

Why do we say kidney filters blood?

Where is the sieve, the residue and the filtrate?

As described above, the kidney separates the liquid and the large molecular sized molecules of


As the blood enters the kidney through the afferent, it is composed of both small and large

molecular sized molecules. Blood and its components are filtered at the glomerulus with network

capillaries. At this point, the liquid part of blood is forced out of the blood into the Bowman’s

capsule. This process is termed as ultrafiltration.

The fluid part of blood that is forced out into the Bowman’s capsule is called glomerulus filtrate.

The large molecular sized molecules remains in blood and goes back to circulation through the


The process of ultrafiltration is achieved due to the following factors

i)The entering efferent is wider than the leaving efferent which build up pressure within the

network of capillaries at the glomerulus

It is important to note that, the glomerulus filtrate is composed of both nutrients (amino acids,

mineral salts, ions, glucose, some amount of water) and waste products (excess salt, excess water,


The body is in need of these nutrient and the waste products need to be excreted. Therefore, at

various parts of the nephron, different nutrients are reabsorbed and the waste products left to flow

until the collecting tubule where they form urine.

N/B. What kidney does is reabsorption and NOT absorption. Remember the absorption took place

at the ileum before these nutrients reaches the kidney.

The summary of parts of nephron and what they reabsorb.

i)proximal convoluted tubule

reabsorbs,amino acids, glucose some amount of water and vitamins

  1. ii) Loop of Henle

Reabsorb ions mainly sodium ions by the help of aldosterone hormone secreted by the adrenal

glands of the kidney.

iii)Distal convoluted tubule

Reabsorb water back to the body

It is regulated by hormone called antiduratic hormone secreted by the pituitary glands.

After reabsorption of water at the distal convoluted tubule, the remaining waste products(excess

salt, excess water and urea) collects at the collecting tubule moves to the pelvis and then drained

into the urinary bladder through the ureter and later released outside the body through the urethra.

Reabsorption at the proximal convoluted tubule is similar to absorption at the ileum. Therefore

proximal convoluted tubule and ileum have many common adaptations.

Adaptation of proximal convoluted tubule

i)Numerous villi and micro-villi to increase the surface area for reabsorption

ii)Numerous mitochondria to provide energy for active transport

iii)It is long to give more time for efficient reabsorption.

iv)It is highly coiled to reduce speed of flow of glomerulus filtrate for efficient reabsorption.


It is the largest organ in the body.

General functions of the skin

i)Synthesis of Vitamin D

ii)Prevent dehydration by preventing loss of water.

ii)thermoregulation through vasodilation, vasoconstriction, sweat which loses with latent heat of

vaporization and the hair on the skin

iii)Perceive changes in the environment through nerve endings

iv)Protect the inner delicate tissues and organs of the body from physical damage

v)Prevent of entry of disease causing organisms and ultra violet rays.

Skin Anatomy (Structure of the Skin)/ Adaptation of the skin to its functions.


Skin is made up of two major layers;

i)Epidermis layer-outer layer

ii)Dermis layer-inner layer.

N/B- below the dermis is a layer of fats called hypodermis. Its considered to be another layer of

thits not a

Expand your knowledge

Do you know what the meaning of the pre-fixes below is?

Epi-means above

Hypo-means below.

Therefore epidermis means above the dermis and hypodermis means below the dermis.

Epidermis layer

Is the outer most layer of the skin

It is made up of three sub-layers

i)Horny layer/Cornified layer

Is a layer of dead cells.

The cells of this layer are made up of keratin.

This layer protects the inner tissues of the skin.

ii)Granular layer.

This layer is made up of actively dividing cells that gives rise to new cornified layer.

iii)Malphighian layer

Contain pigment called melanin which;-prevents the entry of ultraviolet rays and gives the skin its


Dermis layer

Is composed of various components as described below;

i)Nerve endings which perceive changes within the environment

ii)sweat glands for thermoregulation; when it is hot, excess salt and excess water are accumulated

in these glands to form sweat. Sweat moves onto the skin surface through the sweat pore the sweat

then evaporates with the latent heat of vaporization as it absorbs the body temperature.

iii)Blood vessels which;

-supply nutrients to the tissues of the skin

-Remove wastes of metabolism from the skin

-Supply oxygen to the body tissues.

iv)Hair and erector pilli muscle; originates from the dermis and extends to the outer part of the

skin. Hair is used for thermoregulation; when it is cold, erector pilli muscles contract, making the

hair to stand straight/erect, the hair traps air which acts as an insulator hence, reduced heat loss.

When it is hot, erector pilli muscles relax, hair lies flat on the skin, less air is trapped, reducing

insulation effect hence reduced heat loss.

v)Sebaceous gland;secrets sebum which;

-Contain antiseptic substances which kills the disease causing microorganisms

-Soften the skin and makes it waterproof

  1. vi) Adipose tissue; is a layer of fats. Also called hypodermis; the layer of fats acts as an insulator

hence reduces hear loss when it is cold.



Liver is the second largest organ in the body. It is a very important organ that controls many body

metabolic activities.

Blood vessel that brings blood to the lover from the heart is hepatic artery

Blood vessel that takes blood away from the kidney is the hepatic vein

Blood vessel that brings blood and absorbed nutrients from the small intestines is the hepatic

portal vein.

Major functions of the liver.

i)Detoxification; the removal of toxic substances which may enter the body through drugs and

other chemically

ii)Deamination; the breakdown of amino acids which involves the removal of amine group from

amino acids, combine it with carbon (iv) Oxide to form urea.

NH3 + CO2 -> HCOH + H2O

This process helps the body to get rid of highly toxic ammonia by converting it into less toxic

form urea which is later excreted by the kidneys.

iii) Regulation of blood sugar level.

Liver controls blood sugar level through the effect of two hormones; insulin and glucagon.

When blood sugar level goes down, glucagon us secreted to the liver, and liver intern breaks down

glycogen to glucose hence increasing blood sugar level to normal.

When blood sugar level rises, insulin is secreted which makes liver to increase intake of glucose

from the blood and convert the excess glucose to glycogen hence reducing the level of glucose in

the body.

iv)Elimination of the old red blood cells; Liver breaks down haemoglobin pigment in old red

blood cells to heme and globin. Iron is recycled for the production if new red blood cells.

vi)thermoregulation; when it is cold, liver increases the rate of metabolic activities to generate

heat while when it is hot, liver reduces the rate of heat generating metabolic activities.

Other roles of the liver include

-Elimination of excess cholesterol in the body

-Production of red blood cells in foetus when the bone-marrow is not yet developed.

-Storage of vitamins like vitamin K.


Is the maintenance of the internal environment of the body at a constant state.

Excretion helps the body to achieve the homeostasis.

Organism is made up of cells which work at regulated conditions of their environment. However,

the cells can not control their external environment.

Internal environment of an organism is made up of factors like temperature, PH, water, dissolved

mineral salts and ions which need to be maintained a constant state.

Therefore, we will discuss the following under homeostasis;

i)Thermoregulation- regulation of body temperature

ii)Osmoregulation-Salt and water balance

iii)Blood sugar balance. -regulation of blood glucose level

iv)Ionic balance-regulation of ions in the body like sodium.

Some excretory organs already discussed are also essential in hemeostasis, for example.

Organ. Homeostatic role

i)Skin. Thermoregulation

ii)Liver Blood sugar balance, thermoregulation

iii)Kidney. Osmoregulation and ionic balance.

Mechanism of Homeostasis

There are two mechanisms through which the body corrects elevated levels or lower levels of

internal body environment. These responses that correct the changes are called feedback

mechanisms. Feedback can be positive or negative.

In the first case,the body responds to the change in internal environment by reversing the change.

This is called negative feedback.However, in some rare cases the body responds to the change in

internal environment by elevating that change, that is, the change goes to the same direction in

which it was originally. This is called positive feedback.

Example of negative feedback.

i)Thermoregulation-When body temperature goes up, the body responds by reducing the increased

temperature back to normal. When temperature goes down, below the normal, the body responds

by increasing the body temperature.

ii)Blood sugar level;The body reducing the blood sugar level when it is high and increasing it

when it is low.

iii)Ion balance-the body increases the level of ions when its low in the body and reduces it when

it is in high levels

iii)Blood sugar level.

Example of positive feedback

i)Blood clotting process-more and more plateletes are secreted in a damaged blood vessel until

clotting is achieved.

  1. ii) Labour pain during birth due to increased secretion of oxytosin hormone which increases

contraction and relaxation of uterine walls (leading to more and more pain) untill the baby comes



Is the regulation of body temperature.

It is achieved through negative feedback.

Change in body temperature is detected by the thermoreceptors in the hypothalamus

After detecting the change, the hypothalamus sends the information to respective organs like the

skin and the liver and these organs respond to correct the change in body temperature.

Role of homeostatic organs

a)Roles of the skin in thermoregulation

i)sweat glands for thermoregulation; when it is hot, excess salt and excess water are accumulated

in these glands to form sweat. Sweat moves onto the skin surface through the sweat pore the sweat

then evaporates with the latent heat of vaporization as it absorbs the body temperature.

ii)Blood vessels which;

-supply nutrients to the tissues of the skin

-Remove wastes of metabolism from the skin

-Supply oxygen to the body tissues.

iii)Hair and erector pilli muscle; originates from the dermis and extends to the outer part of the

skin. Hair is used for thermoregulation; when it is cold, erector pilli muscles contract, making the

hair to stand straight/erect, the hair traps air which acts as an insulator hence, reduced heat loss.

When it is hot, erector pilli muscles relax, hair lies flat on the skin, less air is trapped, reducing

insulation effect hence reduced heat loss.

  1. iv) Adipose tissue; is a layer of fats. Also called hypodermis; the layer of fats acts as an insulator

hence reduces hear loss when it is cold.


b)Roles of the liver in thermorgulation

vi)thermoregulation; when it is cold, liver increases the rate of metabolic activities to generate

heat while when it is hot, liver reduces the rate of heat generating metabolic activities.


Is the salt and water balance.

Is achieved by the role of the kidney.

Hormone responsible is antidurati hormone (ADH).

How kidney controls salt and water balance in the body.

When the body has less amount of water, the osmotic pressure is increased. This is detected by the

hypothalamus which triggers secretion of antiduretic hormone. Antiduretic hormone is trnsported

to the kidney tubules (distal convoluted tubule). ADH increases the permeability of kidney tubules

thereby allowing more water to be reabsorbed into the blood stream thereby reducing the osmotic

pressure of the blood. This leads to excretion of less and more concentrated urine.

When the body has excess water, Osmotic pressure is low. In this condition,less ADH is secreted

thereby reducing the permeability of kidney tubules hence less water is reabsorbed. This leads to

excretion of more and less concentrated.

Ionic balance.

Done by the Loop of Henle of the kidney

When sodium ions level increase in the body, adrenal gland secrets less or no aldosterone hormone

and therefore, Loop of Henle reabsorbs less or no sodium ions.

When the level goes up, more aldostetone ion are secreted to increase reabsorption of the ions in

the loop of Henle.


Blood sugar regulation

Done by the liver

When blood glucose goes up, insulin hormone is secreted in blood and transported to the liver.

Insulin makes liver to reduce blood sugar level by

-Conversion of excess glucose to glycogen

-converting excess glucose to fats

-Reducing the rate of respiration.

When blood sugar is low, glucagon hormone is secreted and trnsported to the liver, liver responds

by ;

-Increasing the breakdown of glycogen to glucose

-Increasing conversion of fats to glucose

-Increasing the rate of respiration.


Animal whose body temperature remain constant despite the change in environmental temperature

are called homoiotherms. Example are birds and mammals

Animal whose body temperature fluctuate with that of external environment are called

poikilotherms. Example are fish, reptiles, amphibians etc.

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