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The Geography of Cameroon

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The Geography of Cameroon

Cameroon has also been called “Africa in miniature” since it is characterized by exceptional social and ethnic diversity. northern Cameroon is characterized by a dry plain with Sahara winds and hot temperatures, which are quite standard from October to May. This allows the temperatures to be favorable thus making me choose from among many The republic of Cameroon lies at an important geographic and demographic crossword. While it divides the Congo and Niger river basins. It shares the physical characteristics of both, With the cultures of both regions meeting and mingling freely in the countries in Africa.

However, evidence from studies linguistic patterns shows that human migrations began around the border between Cameroon and Chad and spread in various directions during the last several hundred years. It has more than 250 ethnic groups, one of them being the Baka people who inhabited the southeastern rain forests of Cameroon. They are sometimes called the subgroup of the Twa, but the two people are not closely related.

Baka people are semi-nomadic people just like other hunter-gatherers, formerly known as the Pygmies, located in the central African rain forests (Toda,2014). The Baka have successfully maintained their language, also called Baka. Unlike their neighbors’ languages (Koozime, Bakoum, and Bangandou) which have Bantu roots. Baka comes from a language family, Ubangian.

The Baka people hunt and gather their food. The men hunt and trap in the surrounding forest, using poisoned arrows and spears to great effect. The men also welcome the help of dogs when going on hunting excursions

Fishing is also very important in Baka culture as young boys are taught to use fishing rods at a young age while the men use chemicals obtained from crushed plant materials.

Beginning in 1884, all of present-day Cameroon and parts of several of its neighbors became the German colony of Kamerun, with a capital first at Buea and later at Yaounde. After World War I, this colony was partitioned between Britain and France under a June 28, 1919, League of Nations mandate.






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