Myths about Autism Spectrum Disorders
In this report, I will be studying the real causes of Autism. There have been many speculations on what are the aetiological agents of Autism. Some believe that Autism can be caused by injections, while others believe that it only affects children. All these speculations lack clear evidence or literature to support it. In this research, I will be using the literature: Maternal lifestyle and environmental risk factors for autism spectrum disorders to find out the facts on Autism (Lyall, Rebecca, and Irva, 443).
Environmental factors have a significant impact on Autism. For instance, maternal alcohol consumption can sometimes be teratogenic. These drugs may have a significant effect on neurodevelopment in human beings. In a study that was conducted on animals, it was clear that alcohol consumption during pregnancy can affect brain development. However, few studies have been conducted linking autism disorder with maternal alcohol use.
According to Lyall, Rebecca, and Irva (2014), fatty acids can also lead to ASD. Children from mothers who consume a high level of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) heard a low risk of ASD as compared to women who took a low level of PUFA. Omega-3 fatty acids are responsible for the development of the brain. So low intake can affect its development as expected. Lastly was air pollution; air pollution indeed has a direct impact on the bodies of humans. This is because humans inhale toxic chemicals that can affect the way the body develops. So when a maternal mother inhales such chemicals, it can affect the fetus. I was able to understand that Autism Spectrum Disorders cause needed scientific proofs.
Work Cited
Lyall, Kristen, Rebecca J. Schmidt, and Irva Hertz-Picciotto. “Maternal lifestyle and environmental risk factors for autism spectrum disorders.” International journal of epidemiology 43.2 (2014): 443-464.